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BUSINESSDAY wwwb usme ssdayonlme (o m ·
Wednesday 25 April 2012
Lawyer turns sales of raw fruit juices to viable business
Edo to generate 1m jobs from agriculture by 2015 IORII UMAR MllMOH
n line with III • d min It I r I t lon ' , commitment and dele-rmln_llon to nlbl
poYefty. UMm~l. the
Edo Sllte lovemmenl laid It had mapped out llratelY
10 lener.le I million lobi throulh Inyeltmenl 10 "r!culture tnnsrormadon. ThIJ Clme prior 10 the Edo Alrlbu.lneu Inyellmenl Summit hekl on Mooo.y. In Benin the _e capital Abdul Oroh. the IIlle mmmialoner for tlpiculture and nuural fe.Duree • • wbo dl.cloud ,hi, 10 BuslnessOay, Mid the Jobs would be lenC!'Rted In the productkln of CHAW and oil
pIIlm. "800,000 and 200,000
,Iobt would be anted In the CUMva and 011 palm value chain. ~,. be MkI. uytnllhe .ute ranks 16th Lar&eM produc:a of c:auaq In the fedeation and hichest In thtSouth-South ~ whIJe second lalletl producer of palm "'lin the counCJy
Q -,".Ch"., ''fIfln'CUd".''''
.'1£' of frell. frw.U J.uc. .uJt ,.nll
riabW,. htl
" ,. 11/£",,.,..11',,, ..... ,,,., "'.".1 . 0.111
T-' s.-J.
• ""1£', ",., "u" ,. ..,. 1I.".'op • molld fI,.t f.
",.b. It poul.'. to bep ,II,," people (" pemu",,r,,, /£", ,,10.1"'1£'" .,,11 e",p'0.1 .elltFWl olll#n/ro'" II ... 10 It.M_ w."..r'lllrfINuU.SIw ~ 11_10 OwnNICA
.tLAMOD£. I ..arled 'ialure', 8ell luka this Before then. I wa maldDllbe juicn IIIIII)'
Whee frieSd ¥t.lt. I would tenelhem h It and when I risiI..xne ds I would take OorllIO~ em.Aurnull, • 101 of friend. kept uklna me I. mab Ibr them, wbkh I did fredy. But the demand beocaJne ao mGc:h !hall coukt no Iorqptt 1M II free. AlIa, people I dkI DOt ewn know, aftft bema MnWI by the rdendli bad ~ woukt come on Ibllr own 10 uk me to make ror them One of my puton served I man and he: ClIme 10 h)ok lor m. Ilftl"rWltds. I tt.ve a friend In 0I0tb0 who buys !Of" heRlf Ind lhe Goftmmenl lloule thm:. After taUll it. aomeone conlKted me (rom Otosbo
to make ordell. Thl. wide accepllnce and demand lnsplred me 10 launcb it .. I
comume. 1M1 b the raIOfI T am produdnB frnh fruit jukes for people who IIR coJlldous
of their bealth. and thereby whal they.,. Winlln.
In Dace:mber ".1 year.. I built I production room In my compound. I JWted with one employee. By Januarythil yeal; the btui_ bqan fuU npefllt50nL To p~ we put in botdetand freeze h rock hard. To cab It OUI 01 town, the bottlet are put In I cooIn and II will no!. Indt romptetdy. At
'ooc" tc "~ted. it can
lullof three -u. bw_tmals We buy fruits; In bulk from wboaesUe fruh market II Kma. To lood qUlllty, I hl"e dlKovered II I. beller 110 ,.Iher !han ~ them tuppIy I have taken two of the people worklnl with me there Ind Ilu,ht them how 10 .decl quality fruJlI on their own.
There are already 100 many drinks In the market with Iddltlftl, sweet~e .... pI"eurlte" and .0 on We call ourselve. Naeure'. Bat beaute we do not IIdd anythina 10 It. we }usl frea.e eo praervoe. 1hlI .. Imponanl becauH people .re lenlnl very health con.eiou. and promotina JOOd health II the _Ichwonl of bustneta. Healthy Wesryle Invohu cuttlna olf supr Ind aU the addJtlvu (111m the food we
I ' - ' mMlemqub1et fnIm
theNldonaI ~for Food. Orua. Admlnltu-Idon and
Control (NAFDAC), Since I inlend 10 adI II freth. I do not have 10 undergo the ume real.trallon proce .. Ind obtain a NAFOAC number 1Ile
othn companies pac:bpnl lulce Nature'. Besl tells dlrKdy to the: consumen or
endllle:tl.nwdt .. ~ and .. faR I t poujble after production II I. nOI really produclnl Ihe lime kind of frull drink I t these other
The commi8I6oneJ pointed OUt thl' to IUlin the ".IU, of the hllh"1 producer of ca'UVI Ind pllm 011 by 2015 Ind 2016; lbout 10,000 to 40,000 new heclare, of lind would be cultlVlled
-- -fruit lulce mlnuf.clurln,
We se.-.e frub I' eftnts like temlna,., cockulls, tunchtonI or bit: putiellil:e WflIdlnp. funenb, etc.. We mtOUnIp: people 10 promote
.......,. """'" by """'" 100 percenl nanuaJ fruit drinb II IUCb oc:cuIonL We can _
RO'!! In
~pn:wlded by
the orpnltoerl. Some peoJHe m.y w.nl u. 10 .erve the tuke In c:onwnm they have bfIInded. We t-1tfWd &eIb juIcn .. a bInhcby party usq take-.....y tuntlIinm: br.nded with the MIne 01 the ceJebranI on her JeqtJell. We can do thlt for ~ c:oupb Itt wdl. We 10 with our fruit mt"KIon 10 e9ftlu" we tab 00", our ddIIen and ~ Ind UJe whaleYft rontainer1 the orpnlHn desire. It can be cups. boltles. deCllnte .... br.nded or no!. branded and a. modest Of R.amboytill u they We produce on
1hou&h I haw: (K;tored In the COlI 01 pvwa IUppty Into Ihe bu.lne.. plan, burtnl dieIet hat Incre:ned the COlI oIprodualon.
....... __ _The For
we chelF per
lIue. A IIlre CIIn RrVe three
ConbnuM on pege 25
- A, I Ilbour Inlen.lve
crop, oil palm I•• m.'or empower of labour and the uptntlon of Edo S&ate .. by lOIS, ewe' 40.000 hec:wa of new flrmland Ind over 200,000 jobl would have been created from 011 pllm Ind related Icd"\des. It I. al.o ezpetled that 011 palm 'IIlIue chaln emlte opportunity for indumt.1 puwth In the .we. ~Iven Ihe wide Imy of benefils and u.e. caSlava offers. I I feed, bated raw material. for phannaceutic:al. confectlonary. plywood , slue and elhanollndl.lMea. Ihc lOll of Ihe lIate Is 10 .llnlncand, Increl.e Ihe heCI.,I.e under casuVi culdvatlon II I. antldpated that 10,000 new hectlre. would be cultivated Innually 1111 2016, and over 100,000 employmenl will be ,enerlted In Ihe value chain.'" he ..Id. lie added lballo be Ihe hl,hell malor producer or casu\'ll In the countt)', the lovemmenl would provide micro-credit to powers and proceltonthrough NIIlSAL. establishment of vtllace-level nuru,let for multlplytnl dhe .. e - free phnltnl mllerll" of Improved \'IIrlell .., pro"lde ,upport and Incentlvn to Indl.lllrial prOCell In, - ethlno!. hllh fruc10se casuva IJfUP Ind ~rd Inlesratlon..
IITA gets $7m approval for commercial products
HI Internatlonll IMlhute of Tropia! """"'"'" (OITA) .... recdvoed approval of about S7 mIIIon &om the BID " Mdinda (;Met foundation for Ihe Implementation of the second phue of the Commercial Producu (OOMPftO.II) project. Thb wa. made known by Nlerlnye Slnlln,I, the IITA dlrector - Ieneret , f1!Certtly , The protect .. !aged 'wl:hutionalllMion 01 quality anurance mechanJ.m and dllRmlnation of lOp quality commercial productl 10 Increa •• crop yield. Ind
holder farmen In sub-Saharm
AIria. The COMPRO- IJ project aimt to InItitudonaibe quality a .. urance mechanllm • and faclllllie the rapid dluemlnal10n of top quality commerclll p,oducu to Increue "eldJ and Improve thefood searrityoltmamdder
famMon In the r~on. "The plln II to ralte IWlrene .. amonl over 2 mUHon amaII-lK*ia- farme.n: on effective and profitable commercii I producu by 2016. thl'OUlf! pubtic-prMte partnmhlp,- SMfPnp SlIted.. Of theR houMbokk,. 420,000 will have lested at least one efJectIve oomme.R:iII prodlld Ind al leall 50 percent of thete will have adopted the tKhnoIosY and achieve I 15JO pe-cenI yIeMt incrNJe with tuMtandaJ Impactt on food -=:un')' and Income. -The key ezpecled OUlcome of Ihe project II Ihe Inllilulloniliution of .creenlnl and approval of commerclll producl,," uld Prem Warrior, .enlor prosrarnmeolfk:e-with the BiI " Melinda Gates Foundation. IntheMdeadc.~
Afrbhaswm-deconomlc ,rowlh amid popUlation ........ ond ...... d<mand . . food.