"AgriasltlJre is our wisest pursuit. because it wiR in the end conUibtrts most to real wealth. good morals, and haPPIness.• len8/" from Thomas JeHerson to Geotge washIngton (17871
E-mail: ag@businessdayonllne.CDm Tel.: 0803 7240471
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Cassava has potentials to boost Nigeria's economy - CAPAN president GODFREY OFURUM, Aba auava proceuors, on the aegil of CaSln'., Processors Alloclatlon of Nigeria (CAVAN) has advised the Pederal GOVernment to lusuln the new cusaYa initiative, sayfng that cassava and iu derivatiVes have the potenlial to booS! the country's economy. They also urged the Federal GOVemment to ensure that flour mtllers comply with the directive of Incorporating <40 percent cassava Hour In !heir producu III welJ as plug all other holel that led to the suspension of the fiul initiative. Cassava gained national prominence In Nigeria following !he pronouncement 011 Presidential tnillatlve by Olusegun Obulnlo In 2002.. However, !hat iniliative was shon-Uved fonawing !he
to comply with the initiative, ., situation Rolud Ehlglamusoe, president, CAPAN, describes usaootuge. According to him, It Is done In other counuies, bUI I don ' , know why Nigerians are resining IL Some say !he flour milen make mo~ profit by Impomng wheat Dow- and mal wu why they refused 10 comply wi th !he directive.. He affirmed thai rew nourmilil agreed to use
canava nour, while many refused, noting that Government did nOI tlke IctiOn. ,\Ie hope, this time, they woukll1Ol.a1lowsudJ actions. tf tlleYdoandonenounnWfinds out that another ts making more profit, becau.e they are disobeying Govemment policy, they would prefer to disobeyEhIglBDlusoe also urged Government to encourage (annen, stressing !hat there i. no developed country when! agricultUre has succeeded In a big way, without being lubsidized by GovernmenL "You know farmen au not
never IUpponed agrioJ.hure.. So. this lime around, the banking seclor and other linandalinstitutions must be forced to support agriculture.. "hlsnollnewthing..1hey do it elsewhere. Nigerian government did It berore, but Ihe banD dllobeyed. becaUle they preferred to pay
Wednesday 25 April 2012
Agric tourism: business trip spiced with leisure
uw:il;lmolwaillill2015wben aoot~r one wID hold can also bavelDi1()(edlounalarrytime.. Forthfl.all(ne(houf5,we~ areKS l uch III shes 10 field aops. CilnuoUcd agriculture, liYelt DC", orchards Ind ptanlloon), llQSofb\ological pesI!IC'W1UOI.phyuHanitation. automllilation In agricu11UJe, precis ion .griculture, crop prole ·tlon, greenhouses, Inig_ li on and Irrlgallon contm ling. fenili?Jng.elc*IN .. can ocpnlse visiu to farml, elperimenl stations,
luael is known for acclaimed experlise In COlt ffectiveagricUlruraJ production, tailored lOWS for professionlll In IgriCUltural bll5inesses In! now availIIbIe. Olufunke Talwo, chief e:ecu.tive. Iladur Travels and Tours, said Ihls even III the firm Ilralegitally arranges I group tour to IIrael to Iltend Agritcch 2012. saying ·professlonall In need of
businessmen, employt:e$ of government. agric minisoies agenctesand50on. Eachtour is planned according to the
She uplalned thai ber finn, which bas been packaging 10Uri for about five yem wlsrael for pllgnmage purposes, bad discovered
that In addition to spiritual purposes, many people also dlC5iretovilitlsraei to find OUI howtbeycanlnvestprofilably In agriculture.. She said, "DnAgritecb2012 holdinglnMay,wehavebeeri gettinl numerous calls from people who couid nOI meel up with the. vtsa intervi__ held Apnl12 al AIaasa, Ikeja.
We have thfiefore decided to make available five "01$ on nrst· come· firsl· serve basis forthosewhowanIIO&lIend... Agrilech Is an Intenllllional agricuhufIl esblbltlon with symposluml , leminars, b u si n ell s · I o · bus i D eu nelWOtting and so on.. She explained funher that .. thosewbomiuAgrilech2:012
~ :r!:u;;:;~r:::!
ofagrn ullIIllllequlpmeulS. We caJlalnarrangeforourdienlS to hiM pmfesslonaisemlllllf"S and" urhhops Ihal cove r all till: above mentioned and more.Unceweknowthee:raa inten::s ofthevisitCK. and thetr agricu.turaI background. we can an-mge the lOW 10 IDICC'I their sl-ecifk oeedL-
~~and!heGo¥enunenl ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::================cc------------------~-------------
did nOI do anything and thai Is sabotage. Why should the Federal Government allow ruc:h I thing 10 happen? "'e Ire hoping mat the new ayste.m would nOI give room for that, If they live room for that and have sacred COWl among the blnklng InstilutioD, then It It going to be another sad ~1I0ry," he
April 13 - 19 2012
Nigeria Commod ity Index :
lawyer turns sales of raw fruit juices... Continued on page 25
how many iilrlC5. We do not miJ: me Juice with wale[. The numoo of IICfVICfS we take wlU depend on how Wge the party Is. I h.,ve three permanent starr and we lake III many temporary stall as we would need. Fresh fruit juices are no doubt more expensive Ihan sugared drinks. BUI when people conlider how much they spend to mlintain good health or obtain good health after an Illness. then aking beal!hyfresh fruit dnnbb nOI as expensive In compartson. We try to cboo5e !he bes1 frulu. bUI one cannot always predict if!he liuits will be juicy enough and IDaI means more fruits . 01ln&e5, pineapples. waler melon. and canoll, to F a Uue.. II may be because theliuilbnotirueuon.Oneof ow cbalIengeIls being able 10 ClI$lUeI balanced priceeYen If the liuit Is not in season.. SUI'ptiu I supply lome churches e¥ef)'Sunday."lheyservt! theIT mlniiten fresh fruil juices. Some people order penonaUy fill" their own consumption on I regular basiLlftheCUSlOmer
has health condltJons, we CIIn recommend drinks. For someone who Is diabetic for lnsllnce, we ~mmend one third canoB and then tt1ery andcucumbeB.
....... K~ffi
1 read law I own I law ftnn atlltejL I golinlo fruh fruit production beclule I wal always having pllns In my back and knees. A neighbour who ls a ~rend and Iiso heallh mlniller, Tooy A1dnyemi moved In 10 my neighbourhood. He Introduced me to raw fruiu and juices when I told him about my health condidonl. He encouraged me to buy a ,ulcer which I did; and he gave me lOme boob to read. I discovered Ihal when one takes all these nlltural juices one fecit benet.. Gradually, myh~ and chiklfmalso Imbibed iL I also went onllne and did research. I wanl Ihe b llslnell to .urvive beyond me, 10 I am worldng on the structure.. My employees can nowdo II even without me. Lut month, I was out of the country and they made profit even In my
s xm::e
Esoko Nigeria