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Wednesday 28 March 2012
BUSINESSDAY: wwwbus,nessdayonlinecom
SAT-2,SATX to boost agric production
Accountant reCDunts gains in rice farming business O'uyin~a AI.wOOe
... Emerges best rice farmer in Lagos amid challenges
en Allbl OJo l owo Abdulshanln. an Iccountanl turned rarmer, decided 10 embark on flee hrmlnaln 2002., many thtJUt,h1 he wq on • ,.....1llk:IdaI mbaIon. ~ out 01 tbt c::urpome wodd 1080 InIor..rnqkmJlI
-...".....would n!lldily make, bUl for
~lIwas IbeptJlllUl of • pasdoo and lib WfTmt
lUCCeM Is pan ruUudon of If wlnnlns Ihl! malden edItIonofGcMmrJt .,.t.nmde mhol.', IIWWd of Best RIa: Farmer In
Is apected to be: the blUest beneficiary cl the IItdUle ImIJft from the NllerlaSII. 2 and NIp!riaSII.X: Seldu Mohammed, dlrector'leneral, Nadonal Space Relearch and Development Alenc1 (NAS.RDA).swed this kli\buIII. whilesfvlr1l;the 'In-orf* testq rqJOI'1 uptWes on NIp!rIaSIIt.2 and NfFriaSaI.x: ne said the ima&es from these SlleWles \ will belp in delenninln& the IOU tenure, crop sultabWty, b'rlpdonaI acdvItIeI and ocher such enterprises that rdate 10 commercW aJriculnue and
cxiIabcndon ¥rith the of "Irlculture and other concened minIstries, 10 as to ensure thaI the IIIficuInnl $«lot tapl from the benefits
"anythq 110 F bv, Ibm mil rice r.m.,. c::.n be 'esMdeci .. .~
Curre-nlly. bls farmln, busfneA ~ undrr the noune ~ Foods Uml.t«I, and located In Ito 11111, near
althet!nn', n.pup product -
"""'' ' ' ' .....
.....eII prooHI!Ied Ohda rice,
standards, is naw •
epedaIIymIDDI~e:tilswho l'IIIuelr.~all~~
high nutridonal OIntmt and supeiof to me ImPOI'1M rice from AaLa. N • !"HUll. 0fIIda rice commandJ: I p~um price In the marbL There II alto allfOWlnl dmMind lor " In Europe -.d AmItrin. _ !he
numbeT of N1gerl~nJ In the IXaspon who nhIe k if risIn& AccoTdlol 10 Illdwtry WIIlchl!n. thb 1n1 e m_donaJ demand for Nllerifl" local rice (ofMIa) hat fYlt 'M been adequately tap p e,1. Wltb tbe Ablnn Gro wth add Opportunity ACIIAGOA) of the t..mitI!d Staet,,~ for Ifls,ance, certain hemt Iba' lndude food produced ar.t J*:bpd In.Africa can be exponedduryfmell') !hellS. 8uI: NtprlIInsareJ't'IO"yeq:be
~, ~o"aIIo
-""-""" (CAllA), rqxeenting 1he rice ..-aloe t:ba1n. "'Y" b:1 future pWilncbklpM pnduabI
oth« t.nnen.1!'ICpbinJns, ~ producdon expanslot'l ",iU be:
HeP'edledloW'lJdtlnc:tc""""""'" MInistry
J..aFs St.-l ie In 2010
lkorodu In lap h .. row penNnmt ttaf( and II least 12 temporary "Iff that are empla,.ed to woo [Of about MMn manlhIln. )'MI:. ~
TI """"""" ""'"
-_ _
.upponed with some OU I · growlnllchemes, product dlveulncatlons retull from
...... .......,."'........... """"""
dOudon capable cl &fvInI the endry both the ftnandal and nw1ltlftial ttrerIJIb 10 CIlIlihoe Itt J)«IQlOCa{.) and uwnen,." On marke!.lnJ. be lilies, -CUrrent mar:bt penellIIlion has been du:ouIh a chain of dlsttlbuton anddirect aJPplIN 10 lOme chain IlDre$. J~ pIanI are ~ to cpD. dlrecc mark.etlnl .. soon IS ~ """"""-10 huddIos
~ -The NlletlaSIt -2 commlsslonlnl f1arled In Abu;' in coU.boration with GuIkIfotd and the c:alItn&n and lelllnJacdvtties Mve bem completed. Just I I the MbIkIn CCIotroIQftreil~ for ope.ratlon; Mohammed .lIled, .. he donated 17 low·cost telescopes called Gallleoicopel to enhaflu the .~ce science &Iud,. In ~1Cboob. ntoNlr;ail W1lvenJdet., and wW Jlft 10 10 the best Idence .chook In NlI"m Ilnd five 10 the best in Abu;" based on lbe Wesc A!ric:an Euminadon CouodI (WAEC) results. He IIld about 150 Im. .es Wfle scheduled and downloaded from the IwO earth observ.tlon M'eUites II the Abuja around Ita!ion and -all ima8lnI! modes ll'!Sted
are croaed.. The lear 01 aome relUlliory ""ncla, I. now becomlnl the beglnnlnl of
wisdom. especially for those operat4ta within the LaIOJ buIInnI environment· He explalnl some of Ihe
""""-""'''''_ end, Ihe problem has been !hat clpoor IIIod ~
whkh ts DmltIn& production 10 the rainy 8IIQon only. lack oC cmnblned ~ with Improved cap.dty as well I I poor credit line enended to the leCtOr by banb. ActIvIties ofbUds on the crop. the rnDky
,I'ce are abo nea-dve and detauctfve. H - . we are ",,-'
EJ:plal nlnl lOme of the lovunmenl Interventions, he..,.. ~ MI.'II a combW.ed ~et wbkh hi a product 01 a partnerShip betwem the RIDen Job Propwnme and the
Profect '-"""""""''''"'''''''''' ~enl
(CADP) In our farm fttIle III he IIdn. Bu: ow IeYeI 01 production has
II aJr!'ftldy abowe the deIfsned OnthelMJeollnkhe~
the ft'IUmI d produaIon OlIn mlrtelinl activities, .... hlch an p loushed back loto lbe buslnea. Even our personal
...vinp are used to finance ow ~Iy actfvlties .. moat of the Itrin&Ient ooodltkwu or ~banb_neItber
apicuIturalty supponh'll nor &imd!y. We are aIIo tryInI to find out neww.ys to cope wtth the bird problema order than payln& people 10 acare them
-..,.In ......· _
thal, -we ~ r;one 10 the om . . . cltesdnJthe~1des of NlferiaSat.2 In the va of "iosaictbal captures. number
oClmaps In .1ingIe ..... lOcrn by 1I0kln radius ... We bave abo ,uted .ucces.srully the Itrfppinc and 5t~~" Wblle "'llnS thll Ihe lmllel acquired cln be uaed In the control of environmenlll , secullty and commercial activities, Mohammed empha:sbed that the agricultural sector will be the blgest bendk:Lary of the IIteWte lmaJUo. hlnnni thai the IfFDCY wUI . , work ~wllbMrbnClll.8ltl'b
tbat I f " wllllni to b"n"fit &om !he InYeslmrnI done by
The ftrst farmer was lhe first man, and all hisloric nobility rests on possession and use of land -Ralph Waldo Emenon
Lagos adopts new technology to transform poultry waste to wealth
NBCC, Indonesia , Taiwan, Korea, others endorse Agrikexpo
... Sensitises potential farmers at Erikorodo Poultry Estate
he Nigerl.n · Brltllh Ch.mben of Commerce Ind other st.keholders In the Induruy are lJiannl.nJ .n evenl with the theme, ·2012 AgrlkeJ:po/PoodbeJ:t exhlbidom." Accordln! 10 the DrJIniHn, this It In Iincl WIth the egend. of the current .dmlnlSUlllon to mile .!rlcultur.1 de~- elopmenl .nd food ,urrtdency tool, for nellonal transformation .nd economic growth They midI" Ih ... mown al I preu conrerence eh.ira! by
Une wflb the .. IIIC',
c::onunllmefU of nunIn& Wille 10 'Wealth, the
L..arcot Slate aowrnmeu
as inuoduc:ed • new
leChook:IcY lhaI: will IJ1In5bm waste &urn pouIuy fIIrms InIo very nch mlnurt for crop
The method, aa:ordln& 10 Sa!>. Gbolahan Adebm1e. I poultry fadlllllOr hom Ihe "lie nuninry of agricullure and cooperalives. will not MIy curb the ~ hlurds associated wllh the audo= method of pouIuy walle dlspnMi. but .ao yidd huge InCOme lor !he fannen. Adekunle ,poke In Lap Il!II:efIdy dunn&. wuh the h aIIoctecsdlheSlale ',8(1 Heclatft Poultry ICm E:Pu:, Enkorodo, In ILorodu North Local CouncU I>eYl!Jopmem Area. Ife d/5dOHd thai 1,000 birds produce gooq oC WUle e¥tfy week. lind palmed OUI lhe IW'ed few farmers to know ~ed
in dICit puultries 10 be able 10 ~ IIw: value.
lie nOled Ihlt many pOlllny firms have been forced
dose down due 10
potlI"erMroomenllllllUDdank. whereas !hey have been IoIIna hUle income due 10 poor mlUlI.emem of the Wille ~ In their farmL 'WIIle from pouluy II .uppou:d 10 be mlnlscd property. What they do ilia pther the waite and tee. Ibem
Nlgerlan. Brlmh Ownber of Couunerce (NOCC) in 1~ I1!Cftltly. Aa:ording 10 Awagu. the event will be Ikpnlsed by 151 Producu Urruted" NHCC andAiQCaptalM~1
on firewhcn theyue drywhich Is IIlX heakhy enough. We ~ going to help !hem manage II propmyw\th I newtechnoAog thIl wiDenabII:!hem b"INIorm the Wtile imo manuu, .,.. it and seD to crop flUllleD.. 1be m.nure produced U: even richer and beaerdlll1lert11a.e(" Ada:unie . - t . &tiler, COOllh.n Llwal, the fllle commiuloner for IlI"lcuhufe, nOted lb.1 the farm eIlIle _ estabIiIIhed to ~mepoulllyproducdon ~lnIheSUle,~
$leidy sources of Inlm.1 protein 10 l~ns. pnJVide employment to the tleeminl popul.tlon of youth, and IIso ~ I Ybble ~
for inve.lOTS. 1.Iwa.1 assured th.t government will pn:Mde necessary inb-uUUcwe and utllidet for the bnntn In dM! tate.1heIeindude · ll0.ooobird cap.clty mech.nlied broiler house, feed mill wtth CIfIKUY 10 produce 12·100 cI feed mill pel' day and I pouIuy
exprehed Ipprecl.tion to guvemment for e.1CJDUlWIinI ~ 01 apiculture In the 1'1.11" throu&h dl!! pouIlf)' farm IChcme 15 well. OIbct flrmlns ,cherne •. Other agricultunJ pro}ects auried
10 proceIIl,.OOO bUds daily
conlullClkln wfth the prime leCtor mclude. 20,000 tons .nnuli capadty rice mill In Imota. 1,000 ..mual capacity t::aS5aVI Row faaory al lmou ,.,..aWed put .. lmoll abiQ, PI breedinB oenue .. the P+J &we In Gbetqpe, Rsh fWm £Male In Ketu Ereyun. Epe and die Vep!UIbIe &tile IlIya.AIIn,
0lun,etan Olulbenla, 1eCreW)', Pooluy AssociItioo
of Nileria, Lalo. br.nch, commended the pwenuneru for the Initiative., IKKinC thaI the new technololY would be environment friendly and IlJ.o Improve farmers' producUv([y, wtille servin! u I modd In the counuy
Adl"kunll" O.hukoyl, • relirre and one cllhe aIIocea,
Cassava processors berate banks over high rate of interest
.. C
lORIS UMAR MOMOH IV. Proceuor Association of Nigeria (CPAN) has decried the high rail" of Inlerett ch.rted by commerci.1 banlu In Ibe cowury.Robndf.hiciamuaoe., nadon.1 pre,ldenl of the auod.tloq, who the obIeJqdoo. I' the bupection lour 01 e ....v. proceuor pbnu In Benin Ocy r«ently, however, urged the Centnl B.nk of Nigeria (CBN) to prevail 00. commercial banb tn implement ,Inlle dllit lnttrftl me.
EhlpmUlOe, who lauded the FedenJ Cow::mmeru lor takln« the luue or USAva lnWadve serious I I rq.nb the dhectlve that Rout mills U5e up 10 40 percenl for production, however atmbuted the fallure of Ihe reform durlnl Ob .. lnJo lellme 10 covernmen,'.
lhomp600 AWApI. president,
the volume: of Wille belna
Zebulon Agomuo
"Por my pllnt' 10 Illfl produC1loo meanlOllully I need belween N70 - N75 miWon.l have invested more than NIOO million on the proJect during: the Obuanjo
AfrIcan exh1b1lk1n specifically
dedlcaled 10 the Ifpicultural and food beverage Industry lhe lmminent threat of foqd Inlecurlty In IUh,Slh.nn Afrle. h .. presented I eh.l1enle to lovernmenll IcrOIl the .ellon end III well melnln! Individuals, indudlnl corpOllte org.nlution.. and we mUll .11 Iherefore rise up to the occ:askIn; he Aid. lit! added, -A!rlkexpo/ Foodbe:a. Is mmirIJ III thisvay .usplcious Ilme. A Kenarlo where 0Y'ef $2 bUUon 11 spenl Innually on food Imporu is clearly unacceptable.. Every .upport mUll be liven 10
aUevialioll, tqIOn eandngl, overdepeoof nce 00. oil. rural urbui ch ft, mdusmal.lwion. .nd tl.e ovt'fllI economic health 01 tbe nauon,- he IIld. 'tlkpr.-lUIlYesoffureign lIln l'Ilgena wtll< were atdM! brio lingmllJhl5bed the need I )J" .. 'hth of emphasiS from 011 10 .Sllculture Dnwtuc llUIlI)CH &om theu home( OUnn 'b !.outhAfria. KorfIB.lnJontiia,iIIldT!liw;u1" the UJ "Iri,n", agnc wu uuIy Iheway lorw.ud ifN..,na mUit ach~ food IeCUrily In linewith iheadrrunlitrKionoi ~GoodItdJonalhan.
In llil vote 01 thank... UJO NwabtJ5 m.maawadireaor, 151 Pnoducu Unuted, aid the Afrtle::P!I, sl.led fot Augusl 27·29, 2()12, ","OWd opt:n the
cI upponunlneto for the COlUllry. 01) n I.lle. prelent It the e\elllll1c1ude Nlcholu Colemln Economic Cll)Wl5..Io.:. 5auh African II1Ch Commi£, 100; Uzo NwlInkwo, MOJ( :EO, AIQ C.plill MowMplItnl LId; Mud;i futuI. director, LaKOI Ownber or Cocrurerce; Arief flariyanlo, depull di rector. Indo~i.n Promollon Centre,
Bohyun,.,..,. ....... -
iCDrean Trade Comml"lon; and Chenl Y. Fu, direclor, 1Wwen Trade Commi8IIon
Accountant recounts gains of rice ...
Ineon,llIe nl pollc, . ·Commerdal banD in tbe couolfJ .re only InlUtSled In mlrtelln!, lI.dln! bu,lneuel which they .-dity IPW! loans but lor an, devdopmental they .re nOI Inleruled. BUI the people 10 hoJd on 10 are the CBN, because they haW! nDC been able 10 reduce lnlere5t Rle to sJ.ncI.e dl&iL lhere It no commercial bank In the counh}' thlt offered ,In,le dlPL ·P.rmell would be encouraJed 10 rarm II they hive .CCUI to credll but II nOI the productiOn would be low The majw" cbaiJenp revolYes round the CBN and the commerdal b.nkl: he
Awagu Aid the AgrileIpo would rocul on lIIJflcullure while FoodbeJn ","ouki dwell on finished roods/bev~rage prodUCU/ RlVlCH. • indeed, the exhibition, II> hoped 10 be the biggeR and fit51 West
local protloction vta ,undry ectivsti. or g,wernmenl and pnvate ICOO': He .bo JI.ted Ih.t Ihe AcrU,eJpo would brin! 10Iell!e( the bell In the indUSh y to I common vtnue where Ilakehoider, would &uer.arnrtheultimatelmpl :I on stlnd.rd•• nd qu.lh of lpicultural productivity and food supply. -No douhc, .n Improved a"lcultur.1 producllvity will Impici
Abo ezplaininc IIlD'II! 01 the challenges with proceulng.
IdminlRradoo. .nd with thll I would be able to reactivate the macblnes and other £iiIdlIdel; be mlCd. On hl.- pan. the nltionaJ secretary or the lSIOd.tiol\, Donatw Imq,hodot; Aid the
purpou or lourinl the planu with the manqement .wi of Plrll Bank was for the ba.nk 10 the U,t or proceuon IS wen IS 10 know the numbers of proceuon the bank was funding.
he A)'I the JWObImt includes J.::Ir: 01 an e6er::uic mary dr:yn thai then resu!u In complete reU.nce on ,unlllht for dryUlj patboUed paddy rice. Thl' however brlnl' other challelliles lib: the ellllallCe of other Impurilies luch I I IlOneI, teaws. .-and and 10 on. Emrance or theM: ImpurIdes &hen brtnp the need 10 dean and de the rice before and after rnLIlmc (removal cI haub rn.n a-ddY rice). lhlIlntrodUClel can aJIUi th.1 would nOt been necessary If an eIearic rexif}' dryer I, evailable 10 dry the rice. b1Aeadcl~in the open air 10 1Wl-dry.11owever, we Ittunpy beUew that this
cbaiknBt' wouIdmon bealhinC 01 the paR "..1tb the tIIptCled ~cltbelApCAOP
The 'CCOnd problem we 10 proceuJ.D& " nonavailability of. hip cr.pitClty mUUnlllnacblne 10 mill the rice beklg pt"OIkad by II the COIUIF P""OCUllin& oenuea. On thai. _ ere aBo hopdut $II it ~.toOO be hIRory because the amflU adrniniintion In .... h.. bem'4lft)'respoIIIfve In that I t a to fannen In the
We h.1Yt! been havinl the problern of lCandardl.satlon in the ar!l 01 ~ but that I, aiM) brinl addreued by the selle CADP provkUnc llippOf1i on bdliwion. I am a.r,oced cha _ wo.&I 0f;M: only rnab ~ rnad.:el lmpreMioo but _ IhaII aDo IDler
me inwmmanaI market
., DO dlsunI: dme.