The first farmer was the first man, and all historic nobility rests on possession and use of land. -Rolph Waldo ~
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BUSINESSDAY wwwbuslnE"ssdayonlmecom
Wednesda y 29 February 2012
lilA offers steps to ta(kle food
insecurity, unemployment
PP,n s research outpull hom
Eklll SClle, Sanlin,. '1Id, ·We hive the cethnologles
IlJId mov,iedge 10 help lxKw agricu1rwe and ~ are reedy 10 Ihare lhese with~· The IITA director general Aid invatmenlJ In reKan:h and devdopmenllMcbd wilh the ~poIidcaIlUppon aM.dd aDeriale the liruadon of high food Impon bwdt'n and improYe agriculrwe, ~ IOIlrpUP~1O farmen In £kill SUte. and called ror ~ p)Qpel1lUon belWH1'l
~ cenna could help
naIionaIandlWepanmmu; t.cIde me rwIll problems 01 food inJecurity and the rill", wave of unemployment 141)"1 Nlel1lnr- Sangl"... director 10
grnera1. Incmwionallmnrule ofTropical Apia.WUR: (lJTA). Faced wid! rhc chaIIensr 01 iood drficit. moil pocmrncnu in deve~plRJ countries and eipKWty Afna rety on food impons 10 nwt local dtmandL Ado. the mina POIMliluon In the region poses rwo Imponant ct.lllenlei more moUiru 10 iced and unempIoytnftlL
Durlnl' recent vlsil 10 Kayode Flyeml. governor,
(ITA and thestaae~ Endowed with fnourab~
-sro-ecoJop:al znnn. Ekid Hi
amonc!he IWes thai haow: OYer !he yeaB benefi~ from UTA'. inlerw!nlions In research and d~opmem work In cocoa. Ylm, CUilVI, Ind blnlnl
a fa rmer, says microbiologist lovemmettL To mlt11lle thue challenle.. J ha"e lolned I cooperative Ind I attend semlnus and worbhopi oflaniled by the loyunmenl. So far, Ihe buslne" hu been ""· funded Hapl 10f ( _ loaM II exorbItanllnlertil rates. We opeC( the state loY't'rnmeru 10 make ,ood Itt promise on rei urn of commodity board, thll slve InputJ 10 farmers, buy off meirproduce athlJ"Y'elt and deduct the COlt oflnputs. J allo pla n to lOin the Com me rcia l AlrlcullUre Development Association (CADA) with Ihe hope of lellins luppon from gavemmenL Pulu", prospeci Fe:mworth Farm II ready 10 stock 50,000 to 100,000 btrds with adequate lundin, bUI al minimal Interest rale. CurrentJy, J have three people as .WI' 001 I would readily employ mnre. Advice F.lfmlnlli a demandlne business; II require. a 101 of hard work an(l perleveranct':. BUI I have no regrets; In faet. I am 10 fulfilled to ~ a farmer, who II .elf-employed and a n employer of labour. Also. food IJi geninllO expensive that mlny famille. can barely arford Rood food o n Telula, basis. but the farmer has the advlnla,e of plovidinl lome lood food for we family al Yery 'OW~
Ind pllnlaln. FOI Inltance, Wmen In mat "ale received impruYedassaw runinp &om lhe InJlilUit', whl~ Ihe dean seed yam technology II ~ua1Jy oIferlng fatmrn 'teeds olhope: Acco rding 10 Sanginga, pannenhlplslmponanl lIthe p i ol redocinlIDe number ol poclf peopk and suam11ecinl food 5t'CUrhyb: 10 be~ While urlinllhe lovernor 10 lap Inlo Ihe anilible Improved pllm.lnl ffi, al the InJlilult' 10 mulmlst' yield on farmers' fields, he Aid mal Ihe yellow C115UYa varieties seandy dt':¥eloped by Ihe Innilule Ind nalwRli pannen could ht:ip me "lie In improvinllhe nUlrillon of people lufferlnl from vilamln
Februar 17 - 23 2012
I am fulfilled as
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N, eroa Commod,t Index