DAILY SUN Tuesday, May 1, 201 2 --~-----------------------------------
CBN re{ommends continllng education on risk mgt ByOW>. TllUSNWOKOJ
CommJltee on Apw::u/ture IhaI. VlSIIc:d the bank', COfJJCIn'tc:
hcadquanen ID K.tuna. lIS J*t of !heir ovcmghl func路 bOn5. !hal lnIdcquale (uoom3
Nigma ~ be the Iugbest producer and processor of Cassava In tbr. nc:an:st fiIllIR!; stft:SSIng that p'Um'lCJ1l \\"as enpgmg 11 IJBIoSr\IC distribulIOn of the best s:pec1CS of Cocoa mlp!i ac:mss all the
I, Dr. Akinwunmi ina, has tlIId grmty Iurxbtd lIS efforts .,;",d ' - <I ~-.ds prowIins agncuItuml his recent rweIation lOOt emIIl and 1oan:s 10 IiIrtnm some intemotionol donor KJO!IS the COUllb)'. 1 1~"eVeI", Santur.W noccd thai the bank was already tv.. a.dit uOOm:apllalu:al. by IIbout N20 bilhoo as only N30 btlboo out ~ ~ 10 hun: ''ChnI of It5 atJlhonzai shft capttaJ ~ talk IS cmstdermg S 1.2 of NSO bllhoo bad 30 far been billIOn emUl facility for paid up. stn:!.'!;1ng that the Situ路 N'1gmL Intc::malJonaI FlDi for abon bad IT1Ide d IlIlpDI'i5IbIe AgnculttnI Development for II 10 meet !be pnmary (lFAD) IIpP"OVI:d $SO million. responsibLhty of advancmg WOOd Bank abo, ~ kw.s 10 farmers in the oountry. $900 nullioo to be ~ bero\.un MinlStly of "'Mer IC:r5 of \\'a&er ~ Mrs.. Resoun:cs, S400 million; hi Sarah Ochekpe. and S500 millim for the Mausti)' EnvlI'ooment. MIS. Iladiza OrA~~ MRilafiya. Adcsma AMI the l1tis c:ornes II a tune the muusuy has i!Ut'USSfully con. Managma OtreclClJlOuef eluded II NI~ busmcss ExeaI:rve 0fIiccr of the B;ri fonun In United States of of Agncuh~ Dr. AmaM:a, ",hlCh alll'K&O:i the Mohammed SanrurnIo. recau- World Bank 10 make the offer Iy stIICd IbM iK:k of fundq, ""''''''''~ WlI5 hIndenng cffecllYe dJs.. l ie gave the numsl?," dwge of lIS SlDtuIory funcbon. dcvdopmcnt ~ nouns Ihat "We ~ e5UIbli:.<Jung RWas he tunIEd the bank wooId need to ~ 10 tbc IUIe kCtlllg corpoBtJOrui to reo ofNIOObillion. Invml nwldmg bocIrti \I.e lie lOki members of the IlI1: e;tnblrshmg staple crop I tOUSle of ReprescnllltJws proccssmg ZDDC5 In all geopo-
Iocirmes ""
Matict1 opmtton: sud !he local NmlC}' ~ 10 NIS7. ~1O Ihe:dQIIa, 0.25 per om! 511UlF than the N 157.80
10 the klUar III Fnday's clo8e. The mn IUlIC: 10 15720 10 the oollar last ~ on !he bd; 01- ~ 00[1ar now, lium oil camp uues and orrshore 11~ buymg local dcbc,1U lata: VI the week eacd on the bade of strong eoJpOnIte d!::m&1d fO" the '-d~_ '1lonand for !be: doll.- '010'3.'1
\Oo'llS ~I1USbC
geung 9 millIOn metric ImS of palm otI In 2015 "I know tt.a tb::tt are IhnIe \\'Odctng aromd ~ 10 know Ihm !hi:: 35 p:r COIl tanff we p.l on Palm Oil IS mb::ed 10 5 p:r call bec:atse lhey wan! 10 bnng In aude Palm Oil fiom Malaysia.