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DAILY SUN Thuf>tlay, November 1, 2012 --c:-,------

Enlreprene' ...::....

EstablSshment of instant noodles producing plant r-------------~

........... FOf pactma.

Ode' neuk poly-«lklrflanc J. 190 n-m). canon boxc:s ( ..he may contam I!bout ]0 J"'CCCS1 and r-dtn~ tape. Onr C. .tee thai Ylt1Ullly III he raw maIenIh needed c.n be oo.amed locally The

(JOO mm

'We'll build N40bn storage faciity'

remamm@ will be tmpOftCd r..quif!mn:!

""*'-I "'"' page 4J the ~ Afian co.t. The pmt«t .... ~II ~ !!tgn N.:fi Anon and It compn'iCS • 400.000 metnt: lome Iri: fam " the !lI:lfqe ('f p:tmIewn pm&.cts on the shin hi •• conned· cd 10 ~.I'otnl Mocnna f~rM) hi iCon'm.ona! Buoy MIlIIlnTC (rn~o pa.nt It abo IDebb an II lilomctcr 9.IMca...t omhore ptpeIme DCfWOtk ",,-.th ~ 10 . . . . up"" 80 ptt au of the: IoIaI nD'JnaI mined retro"

The n.::hmcry I!1d cqtJlpmmt needed 1ft' NoodIe5 m.lun, mac:hme. ~ I!1d cut tll1& cqu!pl11Cnl. fryer and ooohna cqttlpmml Other ~ Include JkMl boIler. cdl Nco and heavy od t1InIcs, knc8dcr bMc., IIId cbllTll'lq and fumatt rnatcnak The fillt row Ilans Will be ImJIOrIcd and come In one block. Utlhues hke Clcctnclty

i am,


(1~k .... h). heavy od (OIIIlXlIteam (l00k&) are DtCded. A uandby ~ ofappwpn. lie atf*\ty is I muse 10 enan Jl'O'WCf surrlY rmdudion prKCSS NIne dtStmCI ~ .e Involved In the rrocJucuon of noodles and tbcsc are bncOy lbmbcd below Wheal potnfa and addtU\'CS IR' dlS-'oh-ut m aJbonlC qJt ~ton fex about 10 10 I ~ rrunutes maluna '"~ that the quantity o( W1Iler IUld sail II such thaI the mttllred VfSC05. Ity IS mIm&Itncd • Uus " mnumc:cd by


h will help dll1lln.1k: ..y neal (or hghtenn, or (MOO IIllM-m1rmmt opcnoom _hdt .. the norm nPJ! mow And " ""D alm ~ 1m' need

b' II1vcstmc:n1l11 the IX'In5lI'uCbOn of. ftn ,Idly. JU!!t _ It .... ,11 CNIb&e petroh:I.m ~ ~ ~ ofYMOtIi alJ*:rtICS 10 ..:hor .w:t dacharF PRJ(b:ts ..'lth nuruma.I vcs"Id c::on,csuon as ~ 10 the ClnUII . . . . IJOfI 00 the ApIpa-'K1mI axIS It ....'111 Iaha make !he Lekk.I rrec Zme the huh rr. ~ pmduru dmnbwnn m !he ("llIlf oI(iulnaI "The r.ahty ..,11 tlflCI'I' n.:w ,-.. oppommllCS 10 the OO-l'Sram 011 ...t P Industry as wt.Uasllltl1E'l fiwIhc:r III~ 111 the Industry It will ISUTUIIrt~ r~ ~ Iradm • Ismufanl !o-u COlI allcmltJve 10 IhC.r runm 11M' of I'bllfll *"gd lind 1fl1J"1J''C their c:ompdnM.'OCSS 0 Ihnt pOOuct olJenna." III the Wesr Afncan 1'l'MdS, bit ad. Won: had .tvJncrd...nd III mmc C&!Ia~­ led 'In ~ ~ n"mII)I mct11~1 unpacl ~ .nd idu1runK~ ~ rm the


I ..-

The 1I1&.lructtft 110,11 .:c:dcnle 1oaI' capICJty knkh"l ... uldu.tlm and abo\ c .11 create CfTlJ'lloymml

Edwin AgbaUce

. by 0emnh::I" 20 I) \ .hx ,Jf'opMidon 10 pdmieu",

'"~ 08098525122. 08021381900

i cd ,,"'C lave dIIcd 10 rome (If! wcam



The rkllrty wookltuyc 1fIterIWlm-, II IrIdcn • IIPfic:antJy "-""'U COlt abc:mabw 10 h:ar CUl'CIIII \Be of f'IoM. .. SIonIF- lad IfllJIfUYC !be comp:CtIiYeneu 01 th:v pocb;ts otrc:nrJ8 an the WcsI Atiicm I1'IIftct. Tank ram opcnIOB m the _ 115 .-ell as otheJ pdrOkum products imponen ..,0 be tIbIc to pm IIBNfi. cmt crrJelmCICS and COlIt sawws due i to the hch kvd (J( drlCKft:y the fed· tty pnMde. Thl$ IO'IeSImc:nt "'111 rmher mb:e dem.Im£e bllII for trio r.m fl'II'lII:n In the kkb Ift:e ndIC zone lIS weD. cch:r prm* ~ al:iIt~ It ",n cpen I new ,,_ (J( cppor. twuty to the dov.nstrcwn oil mel PI I ndLamy • I ,,'bolt and Ibm anrxc I fwthcr ~ a1lO the I:Idt.ISIr)' The (JffiIhon: product handItn, tnfrMlNCt\lrC WIll accderue local aIflKtty butk!in& and UtIIIll1bon tn the



SII'Ilk most ~ C!COI'01\It" ICCIO' of the COINy.


~ ,m J*b ro( nnodIo. The car10nJ are taped md the ITWWtI noodJec ~ rt:ady b market Ifter thry hlY(' br:m ~ a\ (orm, qualIty, colour and wetghl ubour

n.. ....., ,,='"<t of ,....~ """"" ~

one dllft of rroctuc.hon '" III .nd Inc wodm o( '-an0u5 \kills IkinS 1 rood CCSlml btrI;lncM the ~ ~Id propr::r h .me and Ie rcaullmmt .... tnlntnl 'the lme ",rr rrnjm~t


Tbc. IC1UaI colt ....'11 ~ ~Iothed III J"I'OCCS" o( ronducUng ClIfTenI feulhthty ~ - . .... hJCh will put man) fJlC'trn min CCln'lNin ItlOft$ We will Mndk thlll 1()'('U conuct 11$ Implftnmtation l~f,emmI;lIlJ thIS prl'7«1 "IU takt- the "'" kw.,rtg 5Ief" conYlll~a the rn::J*lIl of I ~lVe (ea..lhthty ~, arqus.cl hon Ind devclopnent of lhe fI'O,teCt ~lte..eRC IIorI ofthc- (actO')' and bulldm~!i(>llJ'trnJ fi funds.. rurchaung profCd yduel". reautt mem and muftlna the rele\-ant Wirr Purmtlt.. and mstlllltn! lhe machmet"y eqlllpmnU and ~ ""Ihlte'.. 1"1 runrun and a:'WtlmI'NOntng (lr!he- racto!" (or Ctontrnef clal Cfoe,..ltM Food J'lUCCIItnl: IS the ~lro (t( tho:' t", Plfhcularly '" I C(!UrIIry .... bert tho:' ft'lrvan tndmtnal rIW malenal. lire ai1undan1 nit. rro:I«t IS IlIghly rttommended to ..ctlfll mdus~. " ",lIllltrace finanel"l r" the JJJduw1II dcYe~ t-nk.. for It_ Il\htnent hecau.w: of rrofttabtl!t't. tl"e~. .... Ioe added adunta~. (1I1u ~. and avernll ctrecu m the W'C mml of tllt ccmomv douhc Ihat the ~ "'TIle ur but ~tK Thnt(I'ft..,.,. ~ "00 "'aI'IlS furthet mfonnallOl'l or I tCCImo-«MOI'TlIC yt.ahlhry rqww11't ..t.. ~ contact the ...."T11a'



Palm kernel oil and cake processing

oworturu'lel ror NlgenanL It IS' ~



The noodles ~ now cut and the ....'Cl&hl calculated beannS m mtnd \be dough tluck fIC:.'l'I" .....elght and the oondmom linda ",hJCh the dough ... made. Tbe cuc·lTll:&'Qlrulooodies arc now ~ Durtna thIS process. the protem tn tbc dou&h cbanacs 10 IIpha-protan ~ of heat. ThUi mates the dough <1nJ'" lItlCklCf and smoochcr In JUSt one mmute and under the Slcam pmlUJe of I S-Bkgicml 0.. JdUnI out o( the ~ cut machine the noodIcs cwl and are now rut In caMS 1ft arder 10 ~ dr:(0I'TlWlK)n dwtng f'ryrn, Thc cased noodles IIC fncd. ThIS prtJCeM ellmlnalC:S m&lstun:, !ICCUf'CS I pcnnanml form (Of the noodles and rromotcs the pruccs!I


o( llrJw1lQhOll Thl! ul~ I 10 I ~ mlnot~ ,1t. • temp:f31Urt' rof 1400( ·1~1nC 1 The fned noodles ~ CfW'led b\ III tn ""ter! In ~IKilfy !he-Ianllml) 1J'Otni., trvma.... t... ~ ha<i..,. fiU'd rtn !he- oufllCo:' rof Iht ~Inr n0odles Aftu thIS they Ire ~ tn rw>ly cd k-phane hap mea."lInn~ 300cm "( 1~ toefC'K he"'R r-;lted to t'W1rIr\ h(llle\ CMllln-!



for pt'lICU.'I!"8 1·100 or even fTI(Ift' per day It 1$ mxornrncnkd that the lnVe!ltor oon,ldcr hl~ capItal OI.IIIIY, ~ o( raw rNICflals, productton oosI and extent (I( the narka hden chot¥;;mg 1 rbnI of any aIJ*Ity In ttw; prt'If«t • m:ldcl plant o( 10 n.etnc ~ pcr day t!I Ihc focU"! The tMChmC'J are III locally (abna!lcd Two IlumatJ\'e but mutually exclusne methods o( rnnss~ the raw matmaIJ arc the mechanICal apdla- and the soh'mt ab"llCtJon S)'$I:cm. The fOlTTlCf IS better and there(ore chosen (or th" project Dm!nJcated and cleaned ~ are fed mto the expcl1er press ...."hcre they are grounded. aushed and prt"JKd lbc product! are pilbn kernel and palm kanel cake These IIIC 1*11, agrd and ready (or Sale ThIS projeCt should be Sited In the run.! IImI, or better $lIll In I palm tree pIantabon. tn any pwt of the Southern lick of NIJPlI wrth abundant raw matcnals. An opened roo( suuc:ture for the plant and cqutpmenl, fenced round WIU be tdraI for • SW1. A small teak: proJCd wttb capacIty for 1 <l.lly output of 10 mctt1C toni of prucc:s:Kd PKO and Cake "'111 cost ~ttn N470,OOO and N I ..s Itllihon. This amount CIIf1 be sake! down Of lI1CI'CI5Cd depmdmg on the fmancw Ihtltty of the promota mctnc Ions

Taqm m:ar~e1\ arc :nmcd II dlQflhul<lr &ntI "hf,Ic:Q}c ckalm In PKO tn d,tracnt pal1s o(the rotlfllr)· they ~11d he cnnt1C1· cd. Dtlttt 0;3~ could abo he Il101de 1'1 "mill· natION! ~ ltke ll\Cf Ilrndllet\, Pl_ John 1I ..1t. etc., ocupmniUkrt, dqlllttmenul ~kJmi and the llpm mat'kct reed miller would II~ he contacled f(ll" the Itcmci cake In ackhtl("lfllo the abo\ e (It.CkI,,, arnrt 1'f1IOI". tunlues an al!IO be OI.rk>ltcd A<Itnu of esubllshcd c.'JIOfI marl..ru ffw !he poduct Wlthm the Afucan conlment aOO Europe can be obtuned ron request If prop:r ~lIcd and eM to source o( ray, matc:nals. no mailer the fW1Xb1Kln outpC. the market II guanmtttd.. and Ilx: profCd IS highly pmfitablr T1us pmjCd stands • good chance (If allnct1ll& fmanc:e fium the t.nks. whnT m••h· VKIuaIs or corpontc bodJet ~ I5SISlCd ",th funds rmprtI from N~.OOO to wdl 0I0'n NID mllhon A ....-e:II·pKitaged feasihtlrty rqIOf1l'11 prcrequUl11e 10 secunng finance for

"" """'"

For details on how 10 ~11h" prot. ect ex any othtT. pIeaK c:ont.kt ...... W(" lit: wlIIlIl8 10 M5tSI poemllal UlY$ron (WI .rIy ~ of the proj«t. Pmspcct"'e m\'C!II'on may Id



k"ouch WIth uslilhe ~ s&att"d

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