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36 DniLY SUN

......" April 2, 2012



P.....r tr,orts Ie boest food rochactJo. ill the try. eton 0wmkaI htdu5 triu f.n-uted, Iw 11I1ndumI UrHlt:",.ercruu. rtrtJI.. Wr .... lite nmilltl. According 10 the manalm. Otrector of th Company. Mr ()koI.Jt.l, !be new proWc:t _ N P:K. b1.~liD& will expedne powIh .Id , iv~ thr: firmer atxu 10 ptt call1llcr:ase ID ytdds. He QIl&w ed _ wilt! the new pm!.s whlc:b t . already tIbr! 011' •• piiOlpaject. Nttroacn is rdeMtd i c !he Jf'OUIXI on I . . .·u J*'!. lc:adinJ 10 more ~ in )'td-k with the farmer

A:}. ar...1le

Notore boosts yields with new fertilizer, seeds of fimuJII _ I busmcsI. • The compMy .,.ilkh is the IIrJes:I prnduecr of ratilizlcr in Ihe CCUJtty abo Iclls In 5 and 10 K&




usmg _



Okok*o mamtamcd !hel the only W1I)' 10 F' rmrxlc yieIdI is

'10_ of fcrtilaa on


BeIMKIcd ht~onthc:

new (eft.lim pJhcy noma that in the J*l fatl i17 ~ ~ JOI 10 the ral farmc:n. B:foR: now, "a)' rew 'Mum M f t I' tbn& i::rti112Ef5, but

now W't are Y.JI nc dJftdJy 10 Ihcm. The famt, we hippy dw govenment has III hdrawtl &un fC'ftll1m'" dBmbu1·OI IIId tbe proWc1 is


to Ihi In," he sawl He ~ ttul Ius CODJ*JY .... estabIisbrxI: dtstibuban cbameb: ., ace ICniItzcr Ie IOSI 10 cbt farmos ..~ItItYI~


lie ~ II mcoorIii JUUfII 10 embrace (.-mIll! by p ICb&mI in IlTIaII quanhbes It III mon: paop'e c-n .lfon!. OkokJko ...... 1; ''Beron: _--e came II1lO the- IMl1 et nobody IOId feni).. IZCI' inl U~~ Mg It enaJlnges ryc')' buy TIlls D Ol e aline wtJatlws to


encourage "'01" who 1M)' DOl t.ve

'Cons.umption of pro-vitamin A cassava varieties could help save $1.5bn losses in GOP' COftSmtI)dorl O(~1ta1llhl A CIIID-


!prill reduce «OMmk

~ in er- ~ I'tvdIId

acInI.mt ......... SI.5bfMon, 1M Oindor General 0( (lie lattrudoul laafhde of TropkIII cric::alnrre. Dr. NI~a)'ll s.app b:ul.kl. Spc:IUIa 111 !he public prcsc:ntIlion of ibr net\' pro-VIla. 1m A ClllUV'I vanetJeI m l.1mudIh. At. SUIle ru:aJIIy. ~ ad """But nne II .. ~ SDVJr¥l, it wiD .... ~ the '11ribon of wamaI c:hikRn wbo ~ !be 111(. \'UJnenbk ShIn&IP .iIo "'.. rqwe:smted by Iht ~ Cll_."~ Dc:vdopncn. Projc:d. [IT'.. Dr_ a-y T......h; comInI:IUd he KOJernmallIi:Jr tIIlma!he lead 11'1 biofornfic.,un with the re'- of the CBW\III VInd:Jts ID fUT 101 He CImYti1e JjomI: d'fms &urn ~...t the pm_ *-?l1I' 10 tnMft tt.t the pIO-VJIamIn A· nd! ...,·tiu FlO Iht ....~ of~


..... ....,.

1"c<hy ,'Ie t.ve VlndIeS J\lI hive txt.a oukl help tKkJe V1t1m1r1 A dr.6amc:y Wha' is needed nov. IS 10 F theIe 'WI-dIeS 10 lim Cf ; ",,-.m !be ~ of aD JUh.. Iddcn."he • d. ElaeI\her. 0 Ihe devdopq oomInt&, VJta. nun A ddic =t' cy mtWIII • IMJOI' bottlmrdt 10 ~nlWfl nutntJon ",itt IPPI'QXJI'I'II. an:JICIJ!: lhIi

250.000 10 51(1.000 rnatnot.JSlied d1t1drel\ Flrl ... :net ::.:b year. and half of ~'horn die IIi1t111!11 yet

cfbcc:t>mma blp' I

"' .....

That .. no! allihe company abo works with r-m InStItUtes and Slakeholden 10 prtMde DSSISlInCe 10 &nncn Ind 10 I:f'ICOW1IIt yoortI peopk 10 embno: agncukln .the fas&esa -r 10 aatm, wealth. ~ COfTlI*I)' which deIcribet itself as the champion of the Afucan Gmn RevoIuhon II c0nvinced IhIt Its hybnd teed Ind fa-. riliz:er,.,,;n help boost food production in !he c::ountry


VII coHl"~


",,''''. Th< ''''''''' ... ....", because they have seen bener rcsuhs .fter llmII our ferrilizcn IIId

iIpIl nut;


In 20 12, f t in&c:nd to push Cd 1,000 me1nc loruI of Improvoed .teeds into !he n.rket. The IOtaI amount of .teeds being UKd IS 5.000 nft1C kJns.. We ~ worbng .,tI1 COMUbnts 10 ret hish hybrid JeCds into the mftet... he added. He said the ~y .. kK:k starting with hybrid nee and mau:e teeds. Okoloko who desc:ribed Dplcul1ure .. !he key 10 1VO"1h In the c:ounCJy SIJd consaou5 efforts must be made 10 booIl food prockoon. "'Popularion is ~I Ind fOod productjon c.nJt c::nch ~ WIth populaboft. We nua do IJOI'Btdunc now," he added. AJ pan of its oontribubon 10 the growth of the JeCIOt, he sud his company d pnmding exk:nPon Ia'Vica 10 tnmmg dtem duecdyon best pracbCeS. on how 10 apply fertihm- " In 2011. we ~ 2.50 ramen. They we Jet. bnl the Icnowkdge !hey need on how 10 awfy femhz:er, we educate them on the need 10 use tn1fl'O'"ed JeCds We cs&IIbtishcd dCJnonstn.. bon farms for them 10 CIOn'IJ*e ytdds lind 10 lee Ihat they get II"IOfe

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