DAILY SUN, 03 MAY, 2012

Page 1

~;:':peace: or

my cbnciI,

acnistitrtor tels FIMriIierdsmen

· l--l:; 80uchi


Commtuioner for Rural

From ABDllJAHI SHA.lBJ, L:ft:J


Alho, .

ubati Mohammed, hU; Special Duties counter-

port, Alhoj; &oppoh

Amra and GoVernor ba



The admin!Slrltor Ihcrtfore called on the yooths 10 a1 ...;BYS utIlISe Ihar 5IJength on busmcss ventures that would cam them • hvUll I1I&be- than creatuIi confusion aDd CICIa- .as capabk of destro)q tbetr hva sudllS drua; addicuon. smokmg of

""'" """'" ..,.,.

.". Also 1pC3k~g, the. ,HQrrIo of Nunku. A1hajl Barb Dabtn..

who spoke 01 beh:llf of the hc:rdsmr:n nppeaJed 10 farmtf1 in the area nat 10 mlrudc into pazmg lands or bloc:t Iktnking pondI and Sb':ams for Ihea attics and pronuscd tbeu resolve BOlIO engage in confbcl UI !be area.

NydtO lauds S'South,. S'West eaJllomic: sIIImWts


IC panel !l!1 up 10 mrJeW the KI"" I es " the bbased Bmgham

Unl\'erSrty Teadnng IIOSPltal

(BhlfIHl of tiM: Evangthc:al Chun::h of WirlMr!' All

(ECWA) has subnutted Its repon ","ilh f call on IfIr

Church 10 kIok for ways of fmancmg the Iltsutulton 10 ~c i1 • uJllqllc ClInsul1ll _~I

Chauman 01 the panel Dr. Pluhp llvnan. .axt wlule submlllln! the report lhal Bhunt must act and fuor:1100 ~ th~ OJOvenuonal leaclung hospilal. saYing the panel bcllC'V'Cd Ihat by 1IU1UC: of Its an~'.1 ofprovtdmg medal 5erVlt'n from the dily of SlM 10 dab:. it musI fmd ways 10 m:drc IIIlpIICI nght to

. ,.....,.,...

He SiIIid the panel was not




during official

vUlI to tfM new Muilinu

buriolground on ~ Rood in Bouchi yo>lOnIoy.

K""oro Yorsil"y shUt"

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