DAILY SUN, 03, MAY, 2012

Page 1


WIg 11'1 \buja. MiIustIcr of In[orrn;JbOO I..:II:aaIl ~ ~


TI105plt1 ~ ScoeD: Idns ~ ~the {IOjcasm lOr ~ ~Htru:llOrl Ii, dil inM:t River Port .. JamaIa, ~ b" ~ II": bilhon. The oomact wbith "''as 1I\\-artbl.1O MCSSIS 1nIcrBIu (XIImrUWDn l.Jd, bas IIXXl1lIetJoo pcriodal57 wo:Ics. He s-ii the ~ of !he chamd aJong Orashi RNa- lion ()gI...u Lake m Imo Stale 10 DegJ::ma. RM:n StIle would CCI5l N2.028 billion wtdl. cm1plr:lim period cill umIhs. 1k annet ~:15 II'NlIfdod to Mcsn Smdia S. at L I.nIcrnalimaI COII~'1)'


Aha .,.,..'aIdod. "".Ihe 0Xlhd for the sIxR proII:aIOn'cftdgms redan bOIl v.ub .. A::Ia:J maIw ani Patn. Ddta SWc; KddJc an:! ar. n Kosi sta;.m IUtv., Edo SUIC: 1ft !he sum ofN2.l28 bdbon. TI1C connct _ ..".-artIcd 13 Mems E"IlfllI:I; GIcb.I ScnUJ l.andcd Ind 'M:IUId be ~ ID agblllJ(lNbs. Malal s:lId !Ix ~ ma.rm by Prt:saciEn GoodIud JonadJm. IjJTlCd hit tm ~!he prqccts MJUId ~ ~ the: Iunk:f..m 10 rbe CoasW pM!I.md. m<E the rroc:cz ofevacmtion ofago-

........................ _"""'_""""'<ionb.Ibon.-'( C&gedlIII '"1JOf\'.

He.,..-d lhallbc prtIJC!CS \WUkt also ~ ~.." 1ft1lIO'\'! ~ dcveIcpmcnlofdJcan':M. On doe ~ pqcct. he sax! ",b::n~ 11 ",ill Jft'YCIlIb OlICUOUICI'QSIIOrI ofCDlDUJIl)' IIDds and dcsuucnon of pt1pCJ1 cs: cnve Ibt RSIOOWOU met ~ of depdr:d _ .dcormuutymai:m..

Ail Force plane aashes in Koduna

san bcdter: Court hms down

...As ex-<1Jiel" Ai Skif, r~ cIes

phot"9' .'15 as exlibit

From UBONG UKPONG, inronnatlOl"l (OOPRl). AJr Canmolbe 'I\alf Ana! m Ahuja made: 1J\-aibbIe 10 Dnily Stm. ~lhaonly Ihcpdot ..... 00 board the uaaft and he



tnal ova- !be muider of. banker, TitiJayo Arov.'OIo, aJlegodly killed by ncr husband. suffcml. • sesback yeslCfdllY. a!I the aut ~fimcd to adnut pOOwgraphs taken at the IOC:Ile llfthc U1Cadent as exhibilS. Akcladc AJtJwOO. of. PmI:costa1 duch. \Io1lSdngcd 10 aut lOr ~ tus "'lfe Iotk:alh m 24 Jwc 21111." thor I'CSIdmoe 8. Aklndcmdc Sn:ct. Isokl, Lagr::&. AI. the rcsmcd tx:.uw or Ihe Cl'Je hem Ju5boc: I..a::ICb ObuIu of I l..agoI> l¥ Uut. 5ItbD@ ." Ikqa. the pro!ICCWDn ..... lOkUIer aneofd1C ~ Iab:n .. the sa::neoffle 1:11-



Lcd by the: Dftdor ol Pubbt: I'IosIxUJon (Df'P). Mn. 0IabI5I (lpnabc:s:m. Ibe pIQiICCUIDl tncd In Jft!iM. die ~


day thecko:all:d bad ,""Clad the death 00 ~1ard\ 2. 2010 bald, where she plied her II"lKk: c:ornmocial JiICl wmkcr. MCI5lIIUMIa BaJog\n bad IfU.ftI 12nulkDgI:w 10 sec Ius llope 0Icaf0r. ~ alleged thIII; the defmdanl IOId theuy oounlhal: IIy she killed a brothel .stlbbcd. the ~ v.1th I - Obfox '"""" claa. S;wnud 5anmI QlI, of bottle on hIS 5houIdcr. ~ the ..... 00I ....1IIun!he hoed and In Idf-ddi:nle. Irtt1"'- ....iud! n:sWtcxI In tIM; !he process of ...."3IlII1g SarumI It1Ide advanoc5lO her.. 0Iaab. 26, IS SIIIJdq tnaI dcalh.. "He ~fuolcd k) Iea\ll: and befiR .Justice I....aM:rcful <:lkwnJ led III defence by her cumof a lagos High Ccut.1kqa fa" sel Mn.. Onabolu, the sex w.aDrt:d 10 force me omo havtng JiICl wJth hun. but I &s;1ined. He a11epi1y Slabbing Sarmu ID wodt£r said that on the faleful held mc by the neck and ahno5t

Aktbdc's auIICl, Mr.. Obmwilju A}anaIm. ~ oqca. cd CIllhe pat IiIiIIIb: ~ failed 10 )lI'tWoc Iht: neptJvcs., !he ~ which wa~ Iaken "''lIh analogue C3mCI1I. AJ-w.."U argIJOd a.r aoce thr: phoIogr.lphs ~ tnkcn wtth In mUot!.Je c:amcr.a by !he ~ !he ~ oust- k) hIY£ been ~ "'"lIh Ibe negatMS before they could br .oIUw:d as c:x!OOiIs. ~• .Jusboe 0Iwmu rqcacd the ~ lUI asbd lbe ~ 10 produce the tqIIIMs as requesaed by Ihe



EldICl" allhe healng.!he ~ W1t:l11:SS, 0nycdU, ~.IP)'~or!he!lCelleof1be KDdcnbef(R!he1XlUft. ActordiIl8 k) him. ....bollbe pobce ICDn 1IIftYI:Id.!he resiI:bItt

NSOOm suit: Com to hem- contempt against Bankole's father, coy, others







or Ihe .\roWob, !hey m:s. the door damagt:d. ... be lOOk sb:JIs of


teSidcn\ GoodIuct. Jonathan would lOdayanc:od ebe. alB l....duwysunmut orebe. Heads ofSwe and ~ cor EconomiC Community of West Arrican States (ECOWAS) UI Dakar. Sc:Degal TIlt c:oe-day unnit ....ill di!rus5 Ibe potibt:a.I dI:o.dqmcrt ID Ibe JapCClM: ECOWAS 5IIKS ofOun:a BissaI md Mall. E.apnd .. !be ~ ..-.: all !be Heads or StIlI: .00 ~ orlbe 15 ro:nb:r n.tior&. In Ihe siddn: orlbc IUlIUlII.. ~ Jonatb:JrI will hold I beIatml calk wttb dlenew!y deded ~ orSencpl., Mr. MUy SoIL

hod."""" "'""""'"" """"" """""" ~

I'O)WAS Mab IIld GuInea Bis!aI. I3ken dIrisiw: stqlS

allladu ..... ' of domcnbc rule in boIh <XUlIIics.



Lagos nigh Coon 511m Igbosere yesIerd:!y granted an appljQlJoO to bear • tontmJpt applicatJon In a NSOO mllhon Slut filed by lhe Nigeriin TelecommunaltOnS Pic




'" """" -".-



Afuan AIununom Produ<u PIc and its dRcton. on JW1C 4,20 12. Oneoflhc~·ldfto.

lOB .. the Ut lldCR .hatice NicoJ..CbIy is Cbid" BanImk. the fidhcr of the ~ pa Sp:aIccr of the FcdmlI liouse of ~IYCS, Otmeji



ruJc:d tIw the


had aJiUCd (Il ...."hcdJcI- the IXIm should proceed with d>.5t!IlIIaI tnaI orthe I!>."SU!: oft:UIlIYlIIlaIbe taI= fir.;a.. "\IJben the mucor~ IlIaISaI. , !indd be bc.d firs!; beift, the aJUf1 ccuId ~ [t IS also ttl1JOrtIIIIlO hew fitm the ancrmorm!hl: E§5I.Je.ib ~ it was nollzsled lOCby, Ibt: COU1. ....ill glYe I dIE b" the ~ _lobe bcard... the





Justx::e 0Iani tbcrm/Ia" 8dj(uncd Ibe ca!Ie k) June 6. lOr fur·

KOWAS exfru onInary swwnit: Jonathm leaves far Ddtar


I kJed clem out of seIf-defenc:e, sex worker tels cam

wms. lnspa:ior Glft ~ woo • Ibo I

fh*Jt •.,A.... !be ~ PI"*4\I.,...... Sedion aflbc N'qp-. PoIEc. SlaIeCmWIIIllMSJPlOO DqatnaI. (SCID). Vat..


ray IiIwstlgatDllnlO!he aa.o;h had been mknd by the Ouef of Au SJaff, AJr Marshal

Mohammal Diko Umar. to AIDS saIli. IlmtIdiaIdy dJe ISOO"tHn tIx: cause: of me IICCIIlIIt:rIft amhcd. "II seardt and I"CICUC team fitJm Ibe N"1gCOIII In aI.lClChr:r devdopmcD. the Aaf(K:C 301 Ayq; Traq School. K.U1I IIl1If1C'diao/y N"qpun AIrba: ~ tNllIS bmcra.forAs Scaff mJCUCd the pikIl .....ho II .. a SIBbIe cmdmon. IS CUI1C1lIy Iiun 1975 k) 19S0. Nl \Ijce recclVmg treatment II the MJr.;haJ ..tom YI5I-Ocko,. died Nigenan AJrf(K:C N:ro yegerday IIfler IIn:fiIkas.

3(}.J= .....


M«bcall-lospdal, Kaduna. " He Wclol!iled IiI1h:r Ihal 110 fatallly on !he ground was rqo1Cd.lIddirJa !hat a pclim...

NITEL had fiIcd I WIll or surmJOnS dIIed Marth 4, 2011 ag;:unst Ih: dr::fadwts. JOYm& Ibe COU1. 10 ~ Ihal No. 15 M>nno Up. (NECOM Hos:).1S IIS~· 'Y lUi IbIt It 1m no!: been acid IO~ "Tlz0lJll1Pllr!Y IS abo Rmg Itt a papdlI3I. II1jtRlIDI..-Ihc dcfmdn. In lIS 5QIUIlCDI of dcfi:nc:e. the de.kndant swed !hal. II. the booghIlhc~ 6umatt.d

Ikm the deosion. c8ana1I. ~ iIs icad aJ.Dotd. Marrmat o.m., (SAN) had arxued Ihiit Iri;.I on !be maucr could DOl pro::ccd




In his




The aut had tllCIdi:Ire: on April II . 201I1t1Ide., 0I"lb c..



~!he defcnd.ns lion furthIr~ IlQ tt.: prop-

aty. ~ the dett:lTlIi.lon ofthe~.suiI.


''\Vbcn I .....as . . 10 escape ba gnp. I ran Ida my rocm, ....~ I saw I brClk th3t I had 10 tin:*. 10 lCIft.lum 1IWiIY, Il'i Iw:: had ~ RlCnomy room. .,-te ~ k) leave and I ...."a'i fun::ed 10 stJb bm. r.:.ang tum 10 lUI QlI, ImDOdiat:Iy He Mer brooghI: .. xme hoodh.ms no the room.. 11>"" bel. me~. ., bad AWDDen moub IIIld qtn:s or! my t-:k and face. I ddi't know !hal: SInad died lfatday lftillhe ~ dIr. ",t.::n potice: told me he had died.CbIOr dt the aut. She cb:ribod Saturn 15 • JOYI3I and jp1U1AII nD1. .....ho UIiIed 10 trail her v.dI Eytirne he came 10 IlOl: his girlfriend at


The j\dge adp...m fi..t1I:f the maDa" till JU[J:



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