I'AILY SUN Monday, June 4, 2012 _
W'1Ih IMiOlA
~;:~~~~!~~n~~~l°o green for us to be ~~~,~
~Igm'm 10 cmbnce IgritutUln, 1d!t1ring lhmI
of fOppot1
frvm lite- ll11te.. Spenkm,ltthccommissiorungof agncullUfl l prop.;1li in Tkomdu 10 boost fOOl' ploduction in the Slate., he said the FedcBl Govanment had a«mined effom 10 revamp lbc: II:C-
",ltd! a:JUId make th( MtJOll ~ til ~ chaIlcnp He calkd on ~ yowbs nl !he!;tai( 10 bike -.fvllnmge orlbe apportllfut CII provided by the goYerntneIlllO betterthc!r lot. '"The time 15 0'\ICf fOl'" wealth without wOOl. We will give >,\1U fiumbni and !R.IppOIt. 0.. laud " too green for- us 10 be lulgryOlrvouthsm.JSlbermylo lOr,
,.,"OfII en u.e '(OIZTDIIhai W~ M: err:a1Wl8." he A d The gol'mJOr commissiootd •
bel he added thiIl Idvtne
nty nsk
~thcr ~mons 11'1 Clq)Ortlng
cd by !he Task Team Ieada- of CADP. Dr Luc:as Akapa. SlI(! the
toes should ~I dctcmunc!he pncc
supporthasstartcdlOmall1r~mlhc fonn orl.udabIc pmp:ts such as the
of nee m Ibc c:oun-
comml5Stoned roed n:habihtauon PR!fCClS and energy lnterYenuons ID -wort~8teclJoo1ogy· She a55UI"CId!he stale govamnaJl thai the Wcrid Bank WIll conuruc 10 pnlI:f with it on PfO.1C'd I1T1pkmmtimon III !he SI3~
try. For these ~sons. ~ ,.,"iit! the fact !hat the wOOle . of South Wc:sI NI~ bas no functlOnaI nee file· 1Of)'. the cOrtnnlJ.. SKIneJ saxt the saatc dectded 10 Itt the pace Vt,th In IJlIe~ or
The Country DuecIor cxpWncd thai TUf31 tnfuutructure IJI one of!he major c:ompooenls of lhe Commerc:I.II AgnculfW'e Deveiopmcnl Prn,ecc WIth !he J.IfI1 of cbmg the 1Z1~ ~ 10 enhance agnwltunl oommcmahswan through IbI: provlSlOn orf;um ICCCS3 roads and runt! magy. '"The rdlabihtlllJOO or t11i5 n.t has ~ Ir.IYd cost, ume and unproved the productJVlty or the fish &rm esta1e. Patronage has been
nee proct~1l'I8 fldOl'y
pouJIly e II'Ilc Comm~ tI
II ImoD. Erikorndo and
DevdtlpfT1eflt ProJCCl'S (CADP) .. 6S-kllorrdre netWCd; fum ICXltSI mid II Il; InXkI FISh Farm Eaace.. fiUldcd b} Wurid Bank and the I..agoI Stat~ CloYenmcnt. He ,;ud Ihe projects would nul only allYl: the nurritJonal problems orlaguslO 15 but will ataIe ernplo)'n101l lIU01 gtl IlliIlkamg and IJml5.
paddy tysaornge "We have oompIeIa;llbe 1CSl-rLll of the f8dOly and f t pleased 10 JepOf1 thai the main product (",,'ell polW1ed rite) oorJ1lW'CI fa1lOllnibly with the best quality nee &om any
portafJflfL The fI, Ir:l$ler
paI1ofthev.uid."heWd. uwal sud if opemted optunaHy.
of Slate rOf A~hw .:. Alhajl Bubr Ttjaru,
sUd the wiled
5.', 18J1CUI!w'a.I pobr;:y With
GoVCl11ftl( nt's Agnculwral Transfl1m1 l00n Agenda. He We Q!;cd that Nigeria'S need for nee \\ould reach five rrnlbon nJeUlC: IOn: by lOIS, noung that Ute F " ,I Or vt:mment"1 oollaborabon wllb Lasu l State I!I purposefitl fer
mbonI!llk ~ klpmmt. He C:OOllltendcd the state for 'Z the cause 10 5IOp rice 1qIOftailOllindpledgcd the suppon of tI1C' F.:dmd GOvcmment 10 dwnplOfll
lfl1JIU\'e CI mmm:::ia1 agr'ic:ullure-
.. ~ \VIII do more ID Lagos when It CQfnl:5 . ' CClITWI:I'CW actlvrty 10 mal% ,bot l utrJOent and ~
our II£OC'l,nnl value: cham. the
mDlI!ib sa d
He ~ bo _ ~ the St:Ue
menl lor t:.S mve:sunent IJl proJCCf m~~ntlO ' l.1 wfnc:h he de!c:ribed as ib retp'lIlk iD the people', aspIr.ttJons.
Earlto", tI e
Agnc:ldtul! Ind Cooperative&. Prince Gbo WJIII LaWlll satd wrbe sOOnmmlJ P of our agm:ulnnl
the faalit)' can produce: ~ 3S0.(XX) and 400,000 t.p of ria: per~, aBtmg thai the Iarl!ClIS 10 maease local no: producbon 10 ~ food security. The OOftllllIMCIOller said lhe Erikorudo PouIuy Esulle IS one of the rarm estates Iocalcd to dilfemll JXIlts of the swc 10 bong ~ selfsuIflClCDC)' m c:hd::en proWc:ttcn. '"The poubfy eItIle IS expected 10 pmduc:c about I m1thon cas and 600,000 life hmk !IIll1ually and has been t1kx:ated 10 1]7 pouIuy farmCB,.Hhesaid. S~king on Commerc:lal Agrirull1Jn:! lJrevdopmcol PmJc'cts {CAOP}. La~ SIMi the Slate's coJ-
De:vdopmtnl Prop:t
(CADP) in lbc: swe. Ms. FrancotS ",iIo was~-
1utbeno IbandCDed thor farms M\'C moved bBdt 10 the estate 10 COfn. mence production as I R:5lI.it or Uf'IJJI'OVl:d road nelWOfic.. Ihe mad IOlaveflbon IS oomple:mcntmg Investment In tochnoIogy alrcMty made by Ihe JlI'01CCI where fish farmeB in the CSlate have hem 5U(lpOrlC:d In the arm! of ~ ftSh aced. Iblmg fOO feed, lugh producing t.t.d snxk and fish feed producmg technology Dc:sxb., the fimnc:rs have benefited from ear-:gnunme ~ have 5UlCCCSSfully R:M- IIy building. The cumulative effect blhlllied 22.5km of rum! lIC:C:ess of the mlcrvcnbom have marufClllCd n-.is spread over 10 convnunHJCS III m IllCfeUC III pnxb:uon. volume of the Slate. We have abo compIded saIcs and cnhancaj producbvtty," the UISlallauon of tnwt.fOl'TllC:B Ul 10 she lidded. addttxJnal c:ornmWUIICS 10 underThe cswe also housc:s poultty .!ICIIR our 1oL"lI commltmenl 10 the flll'lT1lCn and I !mgt: fUTlbcr or ~ promotlOl1 of Igro mdustnaI devd- etable farmen. To boost the opmemtnthestlltr.Hhc:SIIKl lI1COf11eIofthe farrnr:Q, Dtllh' Swr In bCf ~arks, the Counuy galhera:l tlml the u p CADP tS Dtrmor, Work! Bank, Ms. FI'lIJ"IOIXS expionng WllYS of c:hanndhng the Mane., c:omlnendod the efforts of the rulfOtFl nc:h ~1I5lC ....lller from the fl5b farms 10 ISSISI the ~ fannen; M 1 rorm of hqUld fertn-. Ac:cordtn8 to Or Akapa. 1 similar effort IS on In R:Spect ofpouluy wasu:.. M(R!JO, II! pan of M
labonuion with the Fe<kfal GoYCltlltlCl1l and the World Bank has t"Or1I.Iooed on 1 fiUllfui path by ttl1J'IO'IIl18huslnC:5SCI'1V!J1lQftlImtfor
'"Since the UICq)tIon of CADP, the mirmtfy has made sigruftalfll IUVI:5Iment! In rood an! IBlC'ID.lcd Iml5pOnIllon IoglslIcs 10 mabie fan1lCf1 get thelrJ7flJduc:e 10 the mNkd n~ efJ"Jcic:nlly. lam delighted 10 tnform you thai through dus pro-
eapactty buikbng
interverJtJOll.. JOme o f
the fish farmers
ret In enS! nllg that lagosil1l5 have IDllnndeml nc::c:c:u to affordable. qllal~ foo d and lIgric:ultur.d proWee. Aotonli 11 10 hun. the slate pnor_
III the a1so benefited from 1 recent one wedr: study lOW 10 Sanghal Centre In Benm Repubhc: .....-txn the zero W1IoSIe ledmology 15 pIX-
IIu::ed net prodoctlOO gIVen the
fundNmc:nt II disIoI1Jons W1Ihm the nee value t bwa He c.,p{:!mc:d that Lagos produces JUSl500totlloutoflbe600,OOOmetric tons (l(l1N.lll1Cd oonua.lly in Ibe 5l* 1Iohidl means that the COLIltty dc;Imds IMI;cIy on Thailand and Pabslao lill" rice. While: that 11115
Before the Ulter· vaJlXJn, the eswc: had I depll.lf1lble earth road thai Impeded easy movement of farm lnput5 and prtJdUCI within the estate. In fltt, 50mC of the fish farms were compIcIdy ll1ICOCS$I"bIe
.,odl documented and tha
~I ~ fully c:ommit-
e.u-.vv.for: supply gap and other