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Wednesday, November 7, 201 2



FG loses N58.7bn through waivers ·· N By 5TPIE AGBOTA

hove Io.t

:t:~.7 bi~"",

during the yeor thrc:x'9h gronti05! 04

worven and concesSI(HU. SenaIOf lsah Galaudu. from Kc:bhl Nonh Constituency. dlscl~ IhlS on Monday In Abu,lI :lIthe Smale hc:anng lie JIIK! thc: Senate: 1~ worned ahout duty WIl\lm because the country want!> to collect B$ ITIUI:h revenue as p""-~ibk and lllo1o.mls to nuke: sure Ih..u go\~1 capn.res It and collect II "nns year alone the country 10111 abutn NS8 .7 bllhon

011 accounT of waivers and conCC$510n. In a 511uauon .... hae evny naJr;J. counts. 10 finllnce our dC'\elopmcnt oper.1IIIOIlS- I thmk we have 10 f':ttnnk on how \\'llIVCB ~ to be given.. 1bcrc is II lot of conccm ilial lhese ""'a l VCB arc bemg abused." he SImi. CoordinatIng MintstCf fOf I~ Economy lind the M,"I~ICf of Finance, Dr Ngo71 OkonJO Iwea la 00.... ~"CI' hlamc:d Custom.~

the: country the counll)' cnml(l1 take no TIle mInister said "In our notIce of ccrtllIn ml('fl\(l(looa] VIC"". prohihmoo, tmpona· rules as Will\'m arc repeIItednon lind cxponllllon of Iy granted to Non-

goods, duty e..CTI1jlllOl\.!i lind wal\-er5 are po'I'1:B too mll-

caito ecooonuc I1YMgemcnt 10 be left 10 Ihc Customs Service. which IS to feml

Ministry of Finance Secretariat Complex Port Harcourt Road Owerri

Govmlmental OrpmsatKmS (NGOs) .nd flm.gn

""""'," She lidded. "We all


on one thIng WI lbuse of WlIlver for whnlC'o'ef purpose: ",'" " I'KM something good for tbe She expllllOcd SectIOn country At the: SlIme tnnc:, 7(3) o(the hili f'IlMdes that there liTe certam calegones Ihe Mmt~cr shall appomt Ihc thai are tntemauollililly J'!CfMX1S rcfcncd 10 in su~· respe<:led IIle the 'A1U\'C:1'S for lton ZG. after «'05U itahom dIplomatic rommumlteS !JIld wllh tradlOg orgamsatlons NGO< and m:cndy W,lIveB mvolved and othet- mcmben Aa\'e refonned and If they of lhe: govermng body. ....'etC 10 be @:1M/OIl II should She. oo'.'cver. noled that be on Industry ha..~IS ~

tc:nnS an agent 001 the pnnci-


Rice millers advises FG against import liberalilation

Ihc loss on Ihc

and ExCl5C Management Act (CEMA). CAP 4S 2004. (Amendment) Bill 2012 presently undergoing public hearing III the National Assembly and OIlIed f(lf ammdment of Ihc




5th November, 20 12 MF/ S.034{T/ 138

PUBLIC NOTICE PRE" QUAUFICATION OF CONTRACTORS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED ACCOUNTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE IMO S/,TE. 1. Contractors interested in bidding for th e construction of proposed Accountant General Office, Imo State are hereby invited to express interest for assessment 2. Interested contractors are required to submit one bound copy of company profile containing the following documents: (i) Certificate on incorpora tion by Corporate Affairs Commission.

She f/lulled Scc1Klf1 14~ of the hili. ~aymg the Comptroller General of Customs (COO cannot take over the PrC:S ldc:nt's nnd Mim~ICT'5


(ii) Detailed of verifiable office address, profile of technical/ professional staff, equipment at lhe company's disposal, etc. (iii) Evidence of Registration as Contractor with the state ministry of Works, Housing &. Transport of Federal Ministry of Works (iv) Current tax Clearance Certificate (v) Evidence of similar past job done (Vi) Letter of reference from a Commercial bank indicating funding support for preliminary project activities.


Impt'ft and expo" prohiblhon She argued thllt the amcndmcnI was not skC'A'M to the o\"Cl'all development o(

Navy urged 10 disengage Irom commellial shipping allivilies 8y TOKlN80 OLOKI




As~~ ol'~

lie equally taIled go\"CI'llment 10 pre;.-atl on !he State Security SeMee (5SS) to come up With a dcdated

IIJSAH has wIed : ' . : manumc de:5t 10 g:ttner m(areM- m.1tlOn on iI1cpI K!IVTtlCS an N Igcnan wal CJ$ and thelT t::""",,~!'!:i':l:. N<wy ",.,...,... Federal GoYemment 10

JolltpaITlO urged governactivities in Nigeria. 'PP'"9 ThccaU ...-asmadcby ISAN ment 10 adopt a roI laborntive IIpJlfOIICh Iil:e what obt.,ntS In Chief lsue ChaIrman. Jollp.1mo. II a the Gul( of Aden and Nigcna· Untted States 8 ,- Indonc:sian "''aten. when: NatlOO,,1 CommtWon JCCOt'd1ll8 to hun. sinp ownm Working GrollI' on !he Niger ~ placed 31 !he ttnt~ of proffering lasting soiutMlnS. Dcl~ m a remark litled The ISAN OOsssald' ''There 'Tackling Oil Bllnkt'llng and have allOo'lly3 been intense Piracy'. held," Port-I-Iaroourt. roolillcal prcw.l~ from curRi~Statc.. ~ and potenltal beneflC..Jolapamo rec:ommr:nded JISI·specul:UOOi ofthcse 11 ~1 dJllt Ihc Fftteral Govem mr:nl IICtS thus putlmg the cn!dibihshould cqwp Ihe Navy ...'fIb Iy o( govcmment implemenplalforms and sun~illancc tatIOn elT0rt5 at stake cqu1rmcnt 10 effccth'ely per"From past expmences or fomt I~ consIrtullOOOl role o r policmg !he nahon's Wllt:n;

about (our-


d«adcs. t must will

"", 1 these acilVltic:s

and "dl5CngllgC: t~ Navy mcrease With thl': comi ng genfrom C(lmmen:11I1 shlppmg eral election around Ihc cornc:r K:ll vtllcs, accpl maml.:ll.n md v,-e \1'III$t noc fail this time ~ M: aude ad btdan. IIJtJUnd to m:mage our tomorrow challcnga 1oday. The ISAN boss also ach~ 'Ihese I.e vioes ",,-e have a tcd that the Nigerian cmttcd and whICh ~ be M3flllII1C Admuustr:tllon and tlCkJcd. ro:. only fOr ec0noms.rr:1y Agent)' (NIMASA) be IC mJ.'iOJl'I but lOr the lIakc of strengthened to deliver on Its ""tjona! intcgnty and in\-estar oonfidenl:e," he added

--" "'M""'-


Submission of the above documents should be made to: "The Han. Commissioner,

Ministry of Finance Block 4, State Secretariat Complex, New Owerri Imo State In an envelop marked at the top left corner "Expression of interest, construction of proposed Accountant General's Office, Imo State", to reach him not later than 21th of November, 2012. 4.

Note that Government will not enter into any discussion or correspondence with any contractor for non-qualification as only those pre-qualified will be officially communicated to submit quotation /tender for the execution of the projects.

Rev. Udeh R.O For: Han. Commissioner

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