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NAfDA( begins lTD of baker over obstrvdion of officids

YEs-{) axlets not negleded


auto aash, loses 2 cides

tE Oyo Stale Government ha dcrucd ~ !he CIdcu of the Yeah ~ Scbeme (YES-O). u y109 that aJllhc 20,000 youths sclcclcd for the ~ ","OUId be xa:wnrnodakxI. Some of the YES.() adreu h;.d on T\Je5day prolC5Icd From GBENGA ADESUYl. apHIII tIr aIqcd ~ Md non-paymc:ot o(thcu lbodon ~ by the state ~ SInCe the ~ of the «:bun'! on December 1. 2011 The lJreJUy Onr:f of Staff .00 C~ of the JCbcme. Mr Abunhoa Adebnrnbt. 1ft • llt!ltanmt ISSUed through the SpeNt Adv1!cr 10 the ~TIOf on Media, Dr Festus Admrvo ~tTUay In Il»dan SlId 1 ,000 eM of the cadets h;ad uodcfJont ty,~\t..edt tnluunl at the NYSC Onc:nta1lOn Camp m ...,..,. He sud out of the 20.000. 2.000 bad been dq>Iuyed In ~ IIld Tnmport axI EnI<IfOmJM. MIdm, lhIt the rc:rrwruna S,{xx) wbo be lUI hid aho beat fully klncd._'OUkI be ~ befon: !he end of M.m On the non..,-ymml oflhe CIKktJ' a1IooA"'1IntU. Adr::It:a.m. wd pI}l'I'aIl of a11011o...:a would be baed on ~ stmsml tI1It dIOSe ",-ho ",-m: ttglSImd on February 27 ...-auld


...At inleruive oore unit cJ UCH

begtn 10 R:CaVC thetr ~..nces. The deputy dud of saafT npra.scd sovcrnmcnf. comnul· 10 die II~ of the JCbeme and UIIIlIIl as • vduc:1e of mpgmg the )Wlhs .00 Iappq dar JK*:nbI.Is lOr the bmdit of Ibt stille. "'The cadets JboWd alJow us 10 do our 'Am 15 metJCUIous. Iy as v.~ had _wtlCd ao lbcy shouJd not stampede: \II mIO tak1n8 nih -.:tJOIW thaa will make IlOnICnII: of the ~ at the end oflhe dly." Adckanrnbt Slid.


",Me: rduang 10 commmt 00 !he: made:nL. The: l/CH's nwJagCn1e:nl declme:d c:onvnc:nl. . y. tnI Its pallCntll bad • nght to the:u pn\o1lCy Love: of Cbnsl Global


""'-,.pen 1OdIy. corrmm 001 rncnixn 0( Ibc: /It.C.N

tnIde: by (iI;n~ lbuf "So. I:!e::m Arqbcsak hm. - . - of ""'" ....... ~f em be Dmned Il11O !he: comrty of ~ III 'lII)UE"'bo _001 IIIIhc:ACN Yorubabnd, he: nUIt tdl the IS ' " AIftUlwnaJa, noI lin JlCq)Ie ...t. he: hal b!he: o..o/uuh ' ' -Ie IhruId IdI Ihc: public Yc:.rut. natJOII an !be pMt ...ilat quaWics Ium and hi! bc:cauK you ..: ,... ., ACN mcniJcn • ~ 0Pn0laabI mcmy bccIu!Ic: )U.I !hit docs noI qualify GIber 1ft: • mmt.cr c( • po6DaI. DOIIIbk: YOI'\ft people: .... 1ft: "..,,-



41 people nissilg illogos iI 2IIDIIhs

Food ~ AlJB.oya mobises 20,000 furlles



Ic.tin& r..mm JI'OUJI. ~ Fannm Awoalbon (APA), yaterday, P\'C bomt to Presd:nt GoodIuclr: Jonalhan', Ag:nc-Tl1IO!fonnauon Aacnda whal II lOOk Its agenda for food JeNlI)' 10 the Soulb-tooth ~'lIcaI zone 0Jnng the ~ of AFA Slate exec· utJ\'CS In Deltllnd Edo PICI. The 5I1IupnlKln. _Uc:b "'.. pcr10mxd by the PraJdcnIGenmJ. Outf Karnorudc:co OtiLoll abo saw the chxnboa oftht IWOJIaE IO\UlIOB_ life hlronI orlhe~ The NabonaJ PtblJcIty ScaNry of the ISSOCUIbOD., CNcf Otart.tJI Ilinudde. In I R'kMe mIde avatlatNe 10 Dady SwI swed tIIIl !he ~~I ddcklsed thai AgbckO)1l 15 the "\vIa:ofdw: VOICdes5 farmcn had embarked on moblhI8lIOn 1M Ir'UWlI of f.-men .auu Ibe QDUflIr)' ror IC:f1OUS ~ vmb.Rs IocalJy and tnIO'nIIlIOnAlly The mellle: quoted 0kW0la as SI)'1III1bIt 1OYo-wds dus end. ~ hal rer;astcmt Ibout 25,000 memba's ., Southnrtb I0Il SouIb-cag md ~ 20.000 r.mm III dE norttt. em sutes of !be COUDIr)' lIe: sUi. ......'C bavc started c:1c:anna Ibout 100,000 hcd.res of land IIaOIS the: IOUlbcm states JlftPInIOr)' to the com~ ofthc 2012 plantlll&lC:UJn. '100 is ",'by "''C are callsng on the fcdmll aDd SliIIle JOVCmmeru ., expedite -=bon on the.. piamcd finanaaI ~ ., f.anncn and make n ..... -.,nc:uItI.nI ~ md IIIpUl tlftc1Iy ., them" 0IaL.JdI noIcd thai. tfNIJCf18 0lUIl eod food ~ !be fllmCfS nust be camcd .Iong. Mc:anwtuk,1hc InaIJIlIIWIJOIIlaw Mn.. EUllIce N",lJOb md Pdor Abd as Delta Md Edo stales coordlNlllOB rapoctlvcl)


Efforts made 10 ~ With 0Iwt:h mc:mbc:n to I'VC I\r. Ibet' dc:taib 00 the fatal 1CCt. cIc:nt proved IIbortIvc as they .11 wore lOffO""ful kKll,




ADEBAYO, AbooI.uta


OIwt:h of ~-

"'" "'" of IIlWanI)' III Nip1&. callm&

on !be: fcdcnl Ciovcrmnc:nl lo lid fasl and SlOp whal II dc:scribod u ugly ude: In !be:


In • comrnuruquc IJlIUCd aflc:r mil ye.... ·s Synod In

<>t=. Cbun::b

Ogun . "" lamenled tbIIl the:

I t * of ImCCUnf)' III !he: coun-Ir)' bad deprived the ()()Idty

of her futw"e: adm . as IZlIXlCCflI Niacnans,


cmc:rJCOCC as the: new 1OYCf. nor of the state:. w-ge:d hun 10 pnMde: • t.9mg tohltJon 10 the: JpllIe: of..-nxd robbery III


The: Synod Ipp'C'CJIIlCd !be

~I::'" of the: Fe:dcnI

III the: ranD\--.I of od .subsidy buI wamc:d of

the conse:qumc:e:s of loul remo....1 "'itboU! e:qtllvalc:nl

of good palhabvc me:aua, The moe:ttng _ .bo IIJ"P'«-I.ltve of the: steps takm 10 far by the: Ogun SCatc: ~ m!be: IfCII of e:ducaIJOIL p..-ucuWly III the dlstribubOn of free: ICCI beds

and thc: uruflCd e:xBnunahons,


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