Monday, March 12, 2012
BUSINESS NEWS IC' Alii All OI""\~l~J!.'llI. '1.lO, ::: IO.... US . .rrv __ _
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PRIMARY MARKn AUCTION (PMA) FG may ban mini buses for long cislance travels nNOI
91 Day
182 Day 50.000.00
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CUs&oms Sc:rvM:e (NCS),IO cmtR the 1IDpOI'laban or vdlldes IMt are certified safe. Ik abo rro-~ II the pOOcy of govan-
.. .. . men!. second bmd vdUdc:s usa! , .h .. for ISwhK:h yean aIkJws In 0Ihtt countries 10 be unponcd ..,. ..... the . . . . . into Nigc:na. nocmg that datusstons had also
• _
begun with
10 reYleW
pol"". The eoq. MInhai abo Idvocatcd • u:ul The plaruled ban may come into fon:e irlhc govanmmt adopts. ~uon by the ban on !he use or mini buses to convey passengers on Iooa distance JOUfTJe)'S. lidding that Corp P>1arsbal .00 Chief Exccuti\IC of the !-' cderaI Road Safety Conllnission (FRSC). between 2007 10 2010. mint buses caused 30 Ostll ctudoka. that the mass transit buses be percent of the lOW road tlafflC cnshes and 4{l put elf !he road due 10 the high rate of acci- per cent twl death.'! nalronwide. lie exJR55Cd the Irrevocab~ COOUllJlmQtI dents attributable 10 them. The Corps Marshal, who decned the or the FRSC In meeung the Ac:en Declarnuon or reducmg n»d traffIC aash ~wbcksofnc: atJ.itude of in1pOfUbOn ef "erucles ID&O Nlgena.. .....-bich lack !he nuOlmum fatalitteS by so per cent In the )'ClI' WIS. as safety standards. Aid the tmpk:menutuon or well IS moetuIg the: Geneva and VICODII the pOOcy wouid I':SIOre sarnty 10 Nigeriarl Con\lentKlfl standard'! on road Signs and marionp assented \0 In December 2010. In his IIddress, the MUU5ICr or Jnf(ll't1\;l(JOll, Otidob. ~Iho di!idosai llu5 on T'bI.ndiiy in l.abRBn Maku, oommended the efforts of the AbuJa dunng the fRSC's Pubbc l...cctln. Aid that bis agency t.s begun .-nncrin8 With FRSC In reducmg the number of crubes 011 WJIOITIObik ~ and !be Nigenart
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CIN guarantees N1Obn to 56,000 farmers
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('River, NGOs patlnet to achieve MDGs by 2015 From.l..lJEl{ OKORO, CoIabc:w
_1.111_ 11.31 ""'"
capital and patd-up capital ..-en N I00 million rcs:pectt\ICly. The btlnk apialIlI:d that the IOIaI am .m NSl.6 rtlilhon. respccuvdy, The Federal rqJIld dunng the reYleW penod is N7.I86 bil- Government holds 60 per oenI, while CBN ,VWetI !Jm, whik I furtbcr repaymc:ol analysts 00 bolds 40 per c:eoI or lIS sban:s. The capital base or the Scheme- wa3 quanerly basis SbOVi'Cd that QJ 2011 ru-orded tughest ra&e ofrqaymenl orN2..SJI bil- mcreased to N3 bdbon m Man:ft 2001 The I.... 56,328 .. _ .... lion. md Q2 -=counlcd ror N 1.876 bt.Iboo OUI Fund guanrtICa credit faabtics extended 10 ~CG~ Gu_usl •• of the repUd am. In the 4th Quaner. I IOl&I fannen by banks up 10 7S per cent of the IImOmI ofN I.B1S billion WM ~ c0m- amount in dc:fautt net of aoy ICtU'lty ~ The pwpoIt or the ACGSF is 10 provide The gu;nnlee .....as made lwilabk 10 the pared with !he N992...S81 milhon of the IS' panantee In mspect of bel*s' loans to facmer3 appIDnts in all staleS, tIId the Federal Aa:ofdioa to the apeX bank's rqJOr1 dooe ror .~tural purposc:5 WIth the jJI'1fMry TmilOry. The apex bank. abo guaranleed I lOII.I or on the ~u of purpose and IIfT1OlO disburxd. objccti\IC or tnereaSins the level ofbank cmJN969.404 million in QI 0(2011. c:ompIII'Cd to rood aopI ~ the Iargt$ amount or it 10 the !«lOr. The \oon ~.tvanca. the Nun billion in Q2. and N3.sS3 billion or N6.S17 billion out or the entiR: N I 0.190 bil- OY'CIdrafls.oo any 0Ihtt credit facility. CON Governor. Mall:un Sanusi Lamido the third quaner. In !he three-monlh period lion and was rol~-ed by li\lCSlOCk: which ended Dcamber 2011 , ' IOU! orN4.44) billion 8CCOWltod for aboul NI.87S biUIOO of the Sanusi. in I reccnI SlItemOlt ~ said IMI !he progranU1tC would build the cap;lCity of finan JUInOleed loans. Cash crop fannc:nl was disbuned to unde.-thc 1ICheme. On rnonth-by-month basis. ho.....C\IU. October NI09.029 million ~ with other appli- cial institutions. incenllvi7.e and rate depost ICCOtIIlkd for !he largest amount guaranl«d c:aou' tolDl disblnc:mcm, includinS c0opera- money and nUc:rofmana: bInb on agrieultw. aI fuwx:ing as well as alIXJUf1Ige banks \( totalling Nl.sn billion, Ind was rollo.....ed by tive lOCicties, ofN44164S milOOo, Meanwhile. the ACGSF. which ....'as estab- lend dtrectly from theu- bUana: sheets k November with NUO I billion. July had N 13n billion guanmlced rOl" rannas. while June and lished by Decree No. 20 of 19n. .m star10d small·holder farmers. Igro-pr0cc:s50f5... July ru:orded N1223 billion.oo N I billion. oper1IlJOIlS in Apnl 1978. ....·bi~ original ~ lanbuslJlC:55C:S Cld mput supplic:n.
c.-..I . . . of ICBM, _ ..... It _ HtI_
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........., g ...... ,..,,."'.... _II R_· Gov.",_o..tIII O!'B•• l..tI... (NGOs, In .............., ••••• Of .....v .... profoCh .. co.aawnltios. •
Goals lOr SUIte. iocIl ,govanmmt aw:I NGOs hdd II the I')nmid Hotel, eaw-. said the wubhop "'.. pan or the $IJatqjes 10 fast· tradr: the acluevemerus or the MOGs in!he SlMe through eoIlabontion ollJl incervcnin& agencies and dooor partners. Mt. Ndoma·EgbL said goo.~ wants 10 I.I:!Je the wubbop as I platform 10 \a!..n;h the MOGs in the state: and adYise impIement108l@C1X: tesofMDGs prognmmeslncluding If1lUIl5 pre:!ICfIt include RUWATSSA, RAM,P. FAOMiA III. lFAD. Concern Uruvenal. Commuruty Social Development prognmune.
Accordina 10 him. this -..'OUkI belp the swe ~ 10 II\IC funds ",1lidt could be drpIoycd lOr any Olhtt pro:ted for the people. DOtina!hlt all prop:ts UDdcnaken by ~y ~ l!MI be In ICCOfdance with the CI'OI5S
River standard.
In I praemation on the TWill-Trxk project in Odupbni Loc:aJ Gcwemmcnt Ala.. the CGS TedtnicaI ~ for ~paru. Mr. Bauey Eehema, SIMI the conditional grana JC:bcme wu designed 10 (X?vO:. window of opponuruty lIwuah which swes and Ioc:aI goyemmenlS eouJd aca:ss funds IflIlUOIlly MPPOtu:idTu~Cbar.uFoundaliontollw:ays rrorn tbe fedcnl goverunent's debt re6ef
The: Specllt Advuer. Department or assISt on when they diseo\ICT the ClUstence or lIuemationaJ Donor Support (0lDS) in Cnm my pro!"L 11m. he xpI.a'ned.. would go I long way In Ri ver State. Mr. Roy Ndoma-ESba. who lS, C I . drooped the hint at I one <by stakeholden KnSI- ~"' that ~ are not duphcated In I uzauon ..'Orksbop on Milietullum Devdopmem Single c:ornmwuty.
ga~. Echemt.. who idenllfted the ,.
"'" m
need for the assessmenl orlhe people. slrc:s:sed that somethll18 wgent needed 10 be done 10 ~.school cwolmc:nt In pnllllUy and]Ullior secondary schools in the area.