Businessweek NOVEMBER 12, 2012
Flood: Farmers call for early fertilizer supply
.............."11 ..... tIM MutIata)
Akmwunnu Adesma. tha! flood would noc c:au5C food shortage. Quef Ugwu sOO the IS5lJraOOe IOIght noc be: rdlllble, pvm the in Enugu , Chairman, An Fonnen Nigman f.aor.
l.'OiEhNA. Nwkka
,. ,. ,. . . """'" AE ~""d.:t~ond~"':.i and
l~w~~~~,.. tllel'Mdb7"'U'."""Ia. III
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"We ha~ had such as5IJf1IJ1CC5
the pas!:
on OCher ~ and at the end, the masses ben the bnJnt. Food IS not like dectnClty. the _ _ ""the 2df3'fonning_, peopk can go WIthout dednoty but (:Crt3;mQuef Up" 5aJd early IUpply .00 thstn- Iy not WIthout food". dud Up'U ob:5c:r'v.:cl He caUed for the applicatIOn of OCher butlOO of fa1llw:r would make up for food kl5sa Ihrough prodIgnas harvtsu. wtuch Jnea9.nS mcludmg early fcrtdlZCf suppiy c:vty appIla(lOfl of fcrtJlu:er Vt'OOkt provide. and dlstribuuon 10 &rmcrs as I J'fllKU~ llIc chairman Aid ale .pphcauon of fa-- measure 10 prevent food shortage and POSSIhlucr 10 crop5 has I"CfMmed the b.w: of ble famtne folloWing the loss of large Nlgawl FIIfmCf$ and called for ImmccbalC hcdaru of (arm land 10 dcsrrucuve floods
R:YCf5ai of the ~ whICh he blamed on burcaucnhc bottle-nec:k. "Early dlSlnbuhon and supply of fcrtdlZCf 10 6Jnnm ....·oldd promote food pn:x1IaJOfl and tnaCI.~ YICkk. "Up" W'eS5ed. lie aid I'QW that the ~ tIM broken the: JUllI. Ih:al had been rc5pOIlSIblc for late pracruabOrl of aprropnauon btll5, fenlhm suprly lad dlstnbuuon should follow the same: traJd lie pl1l1scd presMknI Jonathan (Of
the IMOValKJl'l
On the ~
pYal NlgmartS by Mr and MII115tI:r for AgnculnR. Dr IISSUr.IlU
!hal: 5WCpC .:rou the nallOO m:cnlly. The: chaaman stressed thai the suprly of ferul17.E:r.1one ....-as noc an lS5lX but malIng II ,vaJbbk 10 bonafide fanners regn:uu\g !hat In thI: past, the comrnllfllty had been htJ3Ckcd by rn!ddkmcn who ~ mamly
Organised by
Poultry Association of Nigeria (5. W)
Dale: 1IJesday 13t11 a. Wednesday l~tI1 November, 2012
lie condamed the IJend by ....-hlCh fcrtLlu:a- 5tIJlPIy and dlstnbutlOll 1$ polltlClZCd *'tbn& Ihat until fc:rtllacr and other f.-m mpuC ~ 5UJlPbed 10 bonfJde farmcn duectIy. the lUtton'S qo.JC'5l for SU(fIC)QJa food would mnam, mngc.
.HYifRIISaBJlON' 1IINDA1 ......, .
f'I«) AbIoIa ~, ~
()g.rI SlaIf. NIgeria,
• Exhibition of Poultry and Uvestock breeding and Husbandry Equipment and technology by both local and International manufacturers and dealers • Sponsored Serrinars and products Presentations And many more educative side attractio!1s
We IlIo bmte,.u to the Public J I -.....
Animal Care presents OREGO-STIM at poultry show • "."'Y or adding \-.JUC' 10 Ih'ftlock businHS In 'i~ Anim.t C'lT kes Konsult ,,'m present. nC'" prodllCl., OREGo-sn~'- ,t the "'i"iftri. Poult ry .show lomor1"OW in AbflJkut..
Aa:onhnR to Of Tundr 1fenGtk. Bustncss IMInga-. licalth and 8101CCU1l1)' producIsor1he company. the: IY"" pnxIuct. , phy1Oblotx:s wnh 100 pet crnt adlbtr.-e fbY'OW, enhances anunal health 1ft! helps h\UlClCk (umen 10 Increase thctr pro(~dopmenl
lie said. "OREGO-STlM has heat ~ccstfully m.vkctcd MId.MMd globally (or over
20 yean 1ft! IS now ,\;ubb!e m NIsen-.IvYmgjllSl been .!IUCCCMfuJly rqJSIered by NAfDAC_ for m.v\:.ellng by ANIMAL CARE
SERVICES KONSULTM lie C'lI:plained thai the: procb:t Ii proWood U$lng the btest btotedvdo&Y lhal ensures performanoes. safety, traceability, In-oproYe+ mart 1ft! fTIIImtenantt of .umal health 10 acturvc cx:mpkte CI.ISIomef Absf:JCbOn, ''OREC.o-stlM promoIC5 grov.1h.xt bet· lei" feed ulllv.atJon raultmg III enhanced egg producuon. In layen and breedcTs. fas&cr ....-elght Rain 10 harvest In brmlen and Increased IUUbcr of plgku per lOW, mb;:ed dlMThca and rliSt . . 'elght gam In ppM, he