DAILY SUN Thursday, November 15, 201 2
FG gels N2 18bn revenue in Oel lhm: "'. no 1LIjJllC:DiII1I0Il ~ the l'C'\auc Q.I,:ccdcd 1.1.. . ~ kK !he
...au t!&sInbukd "';Q """"" tv
monthlnIbJer of N1 hi "I blUIIlI1 rei n.b by the "'; ,:-,;:--,.. "'.til !1.11 Pdn.kwn C.rpnIIOIl I1'o"'PO InLi Ihc: am 01' N3S549 btlhm nom Ibr SVR!::-I' ptotpn.,~ .00 ~.1..'J biUIOlt fiuu \'.due .\JJr,j Tax (VAn
The n:n:aK III thI: I'eCI:lf'lb INIJ die rcdmJllOO ............ 'AU:; IftnIlIJICd '1ugber culh"1101'11i 00 Pdru&ctm Pmflll T.i.,\ (PPT)
-.1 COOlpmlCS ID."OIllC Tax. Then: wm II1dI.:aoons IhIl the
rouId b:lve been ~crude
wn InLi IISbnSl pmod
CflI:ounJo:rN IC'\ttIl ~1:S.R3l.IIIoIKu lkN.l\, inoJ fIR' 001t:naU III T~ NIICf auJe (XI theft nubile-
mmcc .... ud.. Qua [boc., lka
.00 FCfI:lkb ICmIdIs...
Niger a, ( Ina Ira e va ume
Financial inclusion: FG to adopt agent banking framework 1Im1n1 Ilnium.
In hn l!prnranarkt at the 20 12 WurUhop of BU:SJnbl &hlan and Finan..o.e
hils $S.lbn
CorresponJc:l1b Auocl&lIon
,.".,d." Ih. fi:] 1'" ,...... lUI"............... .1
Go.,.,n ..... ' , (l-leAN) ill Jlp ..... SlItc, ..10". of~ti...
IIOICd th.d beside the ....1"
!he ~
-'" nom,
A.cx:on1ma kl hun,me II£Cnl banLma pullC) ...h-.:h .... as fl'OO1 Ken) •. IS I proc:e:sI .... here!')' ~ part
bofToioI,1!d IJa"
"',th pnam.cy
... """'"
JIop. III banL
IlIpmI1Iri.Cb 10 openiIe
.110 adopt"" \W1OI.b poIlo.:leI Anotoo ffil:bUn! lhal with • .,iew to M-. lu'I'I'Mkensunn.1hM 1hc:00'u 70 pcr ccru unNnl.:e<1 Ct,IUId be IlkJptcd 10) Jwomulc NII"fWlS can ao:as bW,.IIlI fmancral IIlduwon 111 N1rena N;gorio. WGlIt
" boo. financial ......:;;;-~
Manqllli Dlm.1Or of ""~ 0Ihcr- ~ mclude all NlieN Otpololl III:AlI'lln<;'e Corf'orauoo (f';DK), tolr women m.:ro-ftnant:e tnStllU
b Ihc: pumotillnof a1J· ... omtn mlCTO-fituln.."C UbllJUllOn
bkknce lrum Ulber
CRN, SEC to examine stockbroking firms From lSAAC ANUMIHE.
leaN! ~
Ibc t.:lL.cfi . .:onwuser mert· Ulland the n.oo..hlla~ll1 be
ttus SCl'KC "M mati....
spell out bl..... nolll1llhal III Ihe ~ III Ihe 1.."\lUOtIy ha~·e dcoJcd 10 aI.ofI rharJa fOf
Ilnt~ 1111
)"our manq. Iwm
)"ou l'oolJ not be UP.1td
10 all)" dWJC lOr I.bJtqI the: ond AThk.~ he lllki. Securities ond lUge of AThtsIn btt own ~fLi, lie, hovoe~·n . .uta! d~1 bcho"94!' Commission (SEQ join fon:es to Mmaawa Ot~... of FII~I Illb tioc) 001 ,o\er ~lIh· axomine the octMties of ~, Mr IlISI OnasiIn)'l, dlllwab. from Irbldt Ihe
~m.. .. ""
sand "Prcicnd). ~hcn)"oo UK the ATM of I banl. olher thim )'OUr ~ n t.d.. tbcrc b /I banL.m' ooovmltec mertmj dwve of NIOO wlll<,;h II III AooJA, yestc:rWt)", DIrector borne by the IICCuWlt hoWe ofB.mlln& Supcn·tIOn of the: Wc:ba.\lc:deckkdthat~C:~11I CDS, M,.. Agnc:s ~url. OUI Ihc mOt..I...hl.c:s anJ Ob&ul..unbo M.anms, DC:Jk\i CI"IIlft thai ~ Ith ItnPlc:dLol!l: thai the: decISIOn for Ihe JOlIlt e:!Tea ~c ~ooW pus 00 the: Iad.tXc I&Cp5 d '>'-111 e:ununallon of saodbroken ("(lIt 10 lhe respective banb ~ Lagos Il11O • modd wu 10 mlmtaln fanmtUl SlI· who ",wI.! bear the: ("(lIt of mep rIC)' ollhe 21it Cauy bdll) '"The CBN ~ til be l'"Odlng lie saki -We are Uo mdvcd In Ihe a'Q uf JlfO'VId- ~ Ith SEC 10 an) 1M JOIIIl ... Iffordlb6e homes b the exanunataon of SIOClbrokll\8 fums. Presently we: supc:rvlSc: people: of Lap IS Umly the: t.nb. but IQ Ibc Ultc:rest ~ 15 lVlCIllIy I1nantm& of rll\lOCw iWxlll)' we are 112 ma comp15IIIC ICJInI 10 be: ~""Orlln8 dosc:ly '"' lDII 0(" bcdroomt tnd 28 I'lth SEC 10 supc:n'1IC 1lOd· IWtS of J bcOtan IIpIIIf1lT1a1t brolin, firms, cspc:cutlly III Ibe I...ckb IRa of 1..Jw:» thole dial are owned by hold· 5&IIC , I proJc:CI !hal: • worth .".,.,..... tbt new hanllnl ~fonns. JOOR" N 1.5bdbao.." ~It II 10 ensure: IbM fiMnThe: Unrty Banl. boa s;ud !us bank has ..., Ir"ItrOduccd • CW JUbIIJlY lJ I1IIInl:uncd and II', all pan oflbe banlmj wtnbcr-oftin.Jaaf Jen1CeS In consolidatIOn CXCJ"CIIc: and 10 lIS ~bsaesC.m I3IIF In Ihe c:rdUI"C dw we ba~ fll\lOCw naest of \IlW1OUI WIIDrnIn, ~I.tIY,"she.llttd. iClC:t5In8 that die Urury Mobik '"Wbm ~ e CII1)' out thc:sc rcduoc:s !he ns6o; of CIR)'1I18 eumllWlllOl1ll JOintly those: CMh around. ~tuk the lind ofppscan'l be: upbl. cd. ThIll', the I"CaIOfI bc::Iund M&Ya<lonI Goxn: """"" It,- she c:xpWncd.. KlUaIJy makes tnnsIICbOOl Aa:ordmg 10 her, the dc:aca5Ier . , II • dolbr dmon».. stan ~"U taken yua.cnlay at
cc;;:r~na II the: md of the
w. M].......",,,,i""to ,•• Urity ION PIt.,
..-...J !he Wanko, "'" 01 the bonk to conlin.. lID port: _ 01 ~
!he ec.onomic and MKiaI
01 ......
Spc:al;.lI1g II Ihe bInk', II»
caf dIy .II the ~-<UtduIkd
Lap. InlCmlllOOlll T radr: F_, \\':mbad.". . . . . .
... _ .... Uouoyhas mnamed consI5ICnI IQ die coDcr.:bIri o(!he . . . ', 1fIk'f.
JenmIICd ~ 80d pmIIIliI; of aa:ItI fictldy 10
b the f1IIIl'I'* of
"""""" ............... WanLa. woo
cd by MB Yant Adeyri:a. -t the t.1l. 1'_ ~ Ihe swe JOYCl"M1CI1I In !he
.... _""""
bmltna hall, ~bcn the AThis ~ ~ for tr.anNo:tkln ~ e call .00( 00 lD· F", Clb· IonlI:::D of flnt banl.. 10 UK I.heATht of(.iTBiwk lJ free Accuuiln& 1(1 blm. the banL..; have been ~ kI I" bad, It.) lhe dfit~ Inl boards and tale I decwon u Ihl$ C05t will be borne: by the vano.JI banU