DAILY SUN, 19 MAY, 2012

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olng green It great costs In a bip to meet the food requirements of the state and specifically increase vege1able production for residents and Lagos markets, more farmers plunge into vegeta ble farming. But the business is not 100 percent rosy. By lQVlOPE DAVJD.ADfG8O't'E


m Ihe

MIIlCSI. wt.:h.

thq>clann, hM ~Ihcm&om mcctmg !he ~ nrcds of ~ But how do kyopct:llhc Me goyemmenIlO-.-1bc:m ~

cally? Gidado" word5 agam;"'The goy~ can tq, by pruvldma us.,.'IIb



help us on !he finn. We need ~ bke whed t.rows. hoi$. fatilin:n and He also iImenti Ihe mill! a:.I or IK:k ofqus like fcniIu:m..Aa:ording

bebe now, a big of fertiltza" tad 10 COIl NlSO The 1aIT1I: . . . . . up 10 N250. E\m. ... IS 'IIItac bey .-e ...-aillbk. "Tbe<J-bal) IaOOYJII 01 1Ud~ _ _ _ b'1be hike nih: COIl of fembzieB. A,.t ....1Im: ~ CWIl Ed 10 buy, you eIm't p:t enough. WhM Ihu me:;IIl5 • It-. )QI win hIw: 10 manage It on !he- r.m. T1us IS no! 100 JOOd fix" Ihe busnlCS5,~ Gidado a'ICII

10 lurn.


lnYesttg;MuJ ~!hIt . . . . 1hI:: fIImcn, Ihcrc Ire ICw ooop:nIro'a. wbdI an:: ~.uy wdl. Aoodng • .oodler problem 1I'q' ~ In !he

001trwtsc profi1JbIe~ tu:cmq

10 Ihe flIrTnEn. dtnlg !be BI!Iy asm. !be IhIns Ire IaIlIIy 0\I'Cf flooded ~ Ihcrc .-e ,...... out oflhc

no IhIm 10 MI the


QIta- probIaN



often. IIIT1eI It2y find It difIicult 10 F 10

IODCn, who 'MJUki mth:r be SlnW ~remd I) as Mama lJcIE.. IurII5 IhK she las bem visiting the farm b mIK !han eigtI: ~ SIIlIZ she ~ niling in Ugwu bws. MlImI I..JctJe ..


lives m IjanWn say! IIhe was IIIIro!bled ID !be 6um by lM:r fix:nt ...m 00 Jonger P)S ., Lagos. .o:tiog tt.t II pays 10 bUy ~ from ~t1 ~. enhao:es prortt. ~asana- fiomAgtqu market. M.rs.. FellCIlI N'JOIru. ~~ Ihr; farm ~oraspn:Il[JIJUIY !GmTt:$idence ., AhIIe:Alh arxl ba:as: $he I"I1RkcJ IJlCR profit. '"Whm we F ehe",.~ It! buy, "'" dan', I1'1iW: cnougtI g:un. 5he SI)'I. "And why we 0) dI!s bI.rsme!B IS I) rmI.z pnrlt. S/lr; .td!! Ihllllhe p'Dduoe IS lISllilIly leafY. green, rzm-fim Irld t.I grt:aI !IJlI)/2I1iJr Iw:r runaous: CU5iOmOS. All Ihc:se c:rabIe her 10 sell in good tnne aid ha\'e IJI::MM






'ObUgation•• ~ rur national .ec:w1ty 1. a collective IlOaponalbUity and abarad obllgatlon: A netlon that 1. at war with the invisible eDuny mll8t .I.ep with one eye open. '0 U you ••• lomathlng •• ay .omathlng to IOmebody.




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