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BusineSSWEEK NOVEMBER 19, 2012



'Save us from rice smugglers' By 1M{ otA


mVUlmcnl m the de\-elopmcnt of Nigman grov.Tl nee arc not eroded by IICtmllCS of

bea of the Rice Millers,


"fhi: quanlwn (If rn hc-mg smuggIcd Importet'"s and Oistributon tJvoogh land from the RepublIC of Bcrun IS sociation of N' . 1ncrca5U\8 on a dady t.sts. An esunwed ;MJOANI ' - umod tn1m81t 10 save the rice ~. by 30,000 rnetnc lomcJ of nee tS being SITAlga.t.;"g 01 ~ gled IrMO the country on • monthly bMis

the _




m lagos ~Iy.

Chamnan of lhe associatIOn. Mr TunJI Owucye. '" ho ...... IUJlPOI1cd by council members. !lAud uWe hive complained KVnally In 1M: recent ~ Ibout the .ctl'1tlCS of nee smug:krs and Its deVil5tlllng dTtttI on the: Nlgcnan economy from n:cords .''1111· able 10 us,l.he loul!o.ofrn'Cfluc IOlhe gov-

When v.-e flIlsed these MUC!i .....,th the: ..thorlIteS, .....e .lerted them that o\'cr 140,000 metne IonncS of parboiled nee v.~ k:hedulcd 10

arm'C .t lhe portli of Ihc ntlghbotlnng c0untry:' he saad. Ov.'OCyt' SiUd the de\'dopmmt is very .....01'ri!lOl1lC as,t threatens the m\~ ofopcr' alOrS lIT lhc: sutHcctor Ilear him 1be Imr! .. CIIIIon of tltlS '5 that huge amounts of money ernment (rom thIS ""'" hoksofne IIctIVlty for m-.-eslcd U1l0 nee by genwne cntrqJrCnCUIS the pcnod commencmg J~ tillS year. IS .....ould go dov.Tl the dram and m\'estrncnt In ova N.36 bllhon 10 daaoe. the sector v.,11 become urunterc5tln, bccaJsc!he tfUth 15 Ihal the unscrupulous persons there arc no measun:s 10 J1IU'CC' 'm-esaor's bdurKI IhIS un .... hoIcmmt busnleS5 aJ!' not Intm:st. In ilddllJon. the: IIItmhon of thc only unrdentmg. hut we' daily mlcn!,rymg Fcdcnl pn'ClTllllCflt rqardln~ cmpov.'tI1nnIl and refmmg their 8ClIVIUCS. !hereby lDier- of IocaJ produccn will be In jeopardy mlnmg gcl\'cmment's pohclC':S and pro. lie CIlpbmcd that the smugglc:n arc ha\-mg gnammes dlrected ~ booscUlg local food rro- • ftdd day because oflhc: rnm:asc 11\ kvy on ductJOO. 11 15 dlshcartcrung 10 note that dae ,mponcd nrc and tile porous lalld borden penon! conmve With some bad demenlJ In -rhus v.'C an! faced v.,th. SltuatKlll v.-hcrrlly our !JieCUI1ly JCfVlCt'S 10 JlCfPduatc tholf IIhcI' thousands ofOO8-'l' of nee arc ~lIIg smuggled IICts. As an wociabon and map- stakdtold- InIO Ihc: COUIltry 011 a regular basiS ~"11y crs In the Nigerw'l economy. thIS IS of great through the nvm hnking N;$CN with the conccm 10 us. " Owoc)"c smssed. 'RepublIC oflkmn. \\ hlle genumc pnxcs:son AcaJrdmg 10 him. smuUlrnl1S a 'l:f)' SOl- 1m' left UI the cold. To boosllocal productlOll.nd ensure .\..,1· (JUS proNcm, .... hd IJ alTCCWl.g the food SC'CUnly plan of the fcdenl Qo\.~ He ablhlY of nee al very oon"",c;clll\-e pnccs. he explamed thai the J1ct1\11!eS of the smuRJders ailed on the gm."CITlInCIl1 10 strmr:thcn lIS abo lIuealen the me:ans or h''ehhood gen- Inccharusm for poIlCmg the land bordm; at Scme and other rebkd areas. UlrIC ""'CSIOn m the nee bustl'lC5$, and denyMr Ov.'OC)'C expbmed lhat the assoc:.a11Oll mg 8U\'CI1I11tell1 of huge rn'muc "Smu$8m do not r-y la;I;, 50 Ihty rrnlk has Ihc: obp:tl\'C of proIccUII8 the nee bus!lIw: gcralll1C processoB and millen the same ness 11\ the country .nd 10 ensure lhalthe ~ v.'!IV Ihry c:or.plOlI the g<wcmmcnl and the S«IOr pb)'lllS role ofsustlmmg lIS due: Gross ('('OlIom), Wlllie gm'tt'lWnCf1l I~ Itpnil 10 DomestIC Product (GDP) to the nallOllll =nomy. ~ local pmduc1ion of nee. thereby Ilc said the as.<lOClalJon 15 partnmng 80"creallng empkJymcnt KrOSS lhe ~..Iuc cNIln. 5OI1IC ocher people m rubblshmg lhose noble tnIfIIOlt at \"&n0U5 1c\'Cllo.:h1CVC food selfcrrorts by smUWIl'II the product mlo the sufJ'w;:ienty and boo.t IoCIlI nee production, -rhc pa:s.!i1Ol1 With v.hlch Ihd JIfCSCflt COO"lry.~ he ~l:alcd lie nplamct1 lh1Il local productIOn ltdnurustnllotlOl1lS c\~\lIIg policM5.nd measaccounts for aboul I II nullKJfl tonncs., hence ures to ensure that Nlgena 'Itams the Ulus of the need 10 ~ the pp Ihrough IIT-.pona- sclf-surrlClCl'IC)' In food producuon IS ,try lion lie. howC\o'Cf, Iamcnlcd lhat ~ per cent commendable, Thcy'tla\'C dcmonstrnkd this of these IIllports iIoI1: smuggled mlo the: coun- by Incnascd III\-eslrnmt m capital mJCdIon ItIKI the sector:' he addtd ''Y Dacnbmg tbe assoc:WIOll as one of tile Ov.'Oe)"e leu-lied thac In JulY' 2012, the Fcdcntol (OoI.emmcnt. III a btd to cncotngc few agro commodllY as.5OCIItlOfl!l v.-ell represented In all geo-pohllClll 7.IlIIeS of the c0unlocal prodx.1lO1l and d~ ImportallOlt. try, be SlId thcJr lIlernlJel1 have nee fann!.11 mcrc:ascd levlCS on unportnI pohshed nee OYCf Nlgcna WIth ,""estmcnl In b.d;vi..ru and husked brown nee. Integration In oeess ofN96-NIOS bilhon as J Ie !lind the g\lvmufIOll abo placed a ban at mKi 2012. on unpona!.l011 of nee tlvuugh land bofdm As m3JOf saakehokkn In the sub-5c:c1or, he "nns was 10 cnstft thai the npcc1cd pms saKi the ~tlOll supports the lfJCf'eMe In froOl the: UlCf12SC HI kvy and the: subscquerll duly 011 unportcd nee bul8f'PC31ed 10 gG\~


menl 10 cnsun: • It\-el plaYlLIg ftckl and noI 10 lUl)body, SpeaJung on thc de\"UQUng flood III many parts of !he country and fears of Imnuncnt food crisIS, he saJd. there was no nttd to panIC OVCf nee The: chalft1Wl saki C\'Ol though the famtS of.sornr of theIr mcmbm: "'~ 1iI\-..ged by the flood. thctc IS SUfJ'1ClCfl1 nee for N,gcnans gIVc W1U\CB

I h~ .....ords " As attOOa)" there v.vukl not be needJor panIC for nee III l'ilgena In ~lIe of the floods. as "'C: v.,11 noI u,)'lC'I1CI\tt nee scarclly Wc.-c up 10 the wl ·'Go\·cmment Iw rut 111 rlKC a progmlllmc to as.sl~t nee fanncn 50 If they go 10 Ihc: collection centres. they v.1I1 get ft'fUltZCf 10 plml thr:1I" nee as v.-ell as frtt !'ICC seedhngs." he addal


-.-., __ hoIIIe .. "'0 1 . JIbowo ~ orr T..,,-ee ROM! DMmo ~.O!I'J'I Stale, .nd Iht H.-d QIIca At No , 3 ~ Noo Sll'Hl , le/llj PhaH , t..go..

IS calling for Competent Suppliers of Agncultural Products such as Dned Cassava Chips And Hard Wood Charcoal II) ~LIf


1)"I1Iw~~ . tmIIII· I.s. ?



"po!Ldw~~oam8nd ~oom

IIIOboIe fMIOV8.tcw;oo ,OIIfll8.&01~ 0I'IIW)J12Ol2,ottflOlll8o&' 010342111)37) . . . . .. _bIoIngwm

DRIED CASSAVA CHIPS SPECIFICATION: UIE COMMODIfY NIR~n.n C,~~ ch,ps, pull! wh,tp and off .... h,tf' SPECIfiCATION: Stanh Conlent ~ mlllimum: MOI~turt' conlent 1]' maltlmum; ')and and/or Silica J (1" ma'lllmum; flbrl! S,"" 1M11mum: Colour· Pule Whttl! and OffWMl!. frl!t' 110m mould and lwe In~ts and tum"at~ apmM mSoKU PACKI NG S(MI:I Potypropylenf! bars and ~h\left'd in tll.Kks of lOm/ t.

HARD WOOD CHARCOAL SPECIFICATION TH( COMMOOUl' NIV""," tlARO WOOll UIA.II(QAl, V(CtfICAnON: (.frbor! fl~ ~ rnm. "'OI1lur, I'\j, ~",.. II"pte,~


10 lOOrown

WltlL lOmmN\lo:et) Oft,IAitd lumpoJ 1I1owN. nodU1-U


(bf'low lOrn ... , and h~ of f'.l!ant"OV\ ~ lncomplfOle buf nl Wood po«t'\. non voI,ll.1e rNtt~~, ,1\1,., I "


In PoIypapyl!onp

b.tt of ~


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