DAILY SUN, 22 MAY, 2012

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DAILY SUN Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Banking ••• ln urance


STI supports

reforestation lamt\aig . . of IITA

Insurance operators charged to embrace IFRS, international best practices



bmo:I of !he resoIuticnI I12fIed lime 34th InUII ottit31ion confamce of West

"'"""'" """"""'"

AMociauon (WAlCA) in 8anju1. The GstDa. The anfermce'l tbeme was '1"rofessionaJ and Etlucal BdlaVlOUl" in !he lmmo:e


He said: '"WAICA was bnkd WI 1973 by II1'Il.I1lIU% imtittticm Mille live Eng\i5l

vivt/. oflbe mk bcIrq ..... tt">;'Whi1e WAlCA ....015 II*)dalcd 10 ~ • Code EducI fur ItS mcnix:B 10 wtllCh all mcmbcn wiI u,.. .me ..t en.ue It-. Ita mdividml staff 8lhR 10, • W1I!I abo n:aoIYCd dill. n;um: sboukI CIl'ilft: IhIt dae to high



edutaI bchavicu mlhr: .... Iry," hellObl ne.:b. the pm::!JBU • !he c::mfi::n:nce ..-gal !he 1nUlmCe~m~

... !he ah-n::gJon 10 SIJm8Ibm ihe. tu:n.l m ICfC!IpEIbtS JO • Ie) mc:d the tb:aIIelw:s

prsxI by tD:ItucaI lOt ~ t"aIwxaI ~ 1bca:okrmce advised mcmb:r ~ rues of WAICA 10 ecplIy mYCSllD rcstm:h and de\dap. mmlm order 10 med !he 1aIa1I .......... o f _ As p!I1 fA dTons 10 eIlSR !he .suamabibty of!be abU)', inouus ~ ~ 10 Ii:JrmJIaIc SlJ'iIIcgIC lDkNmmg pobacs v..hich will enu:: that undcrv.nting suuc::ans. pnxai'CJ and tun.. ~ apacay wiIlldd value 10 ~ rc..maIlRI cducall:xhr\'1(JIlJ" in th: nisry. In ordcr IbIt CUlfcrma:s of such naIufe would not JUSt bmme ~ IaIbt.: ocr· ase. Ihe pmUClrow pooIId 0t.I.1hat liEn: IS rm:ilo m-rw r-*UDdpIed in~"" confcraa:5 .. ordcr Ie) _ . Ialn Ihctr qAa .... ItIIio, by


...".",. As pn oflb:u-lIlCtncaI ~

pan 10 ID!Ul:B, !he mm...x:e

flm1S v.ae mnIaIcd 10 deYdql ~1llIl1g manl:ll5 br IfIilftB. In • SlIlIibr ~ !he confm:ncc nobJ It-. IfEre IS !be nmd fi.y c:xpc:nmoed undcn.'Tl1.!n 10 build the capKUy of the young and upcoming unr.krwntm




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