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OaOBER 22, 201 2


AIfeded fannlands should be sdentilkally evaluated -Don D'

Mk:Ud IJoy.h is. SmIor kdum' nd • tp«blnt In mlfJPiRJI)'lIImu.

Ite is (be lind of Ikpllf'tnK'nl of Crop PI"Odurtion . t the Uninnky of Agricutt u~ Mskunll. lie IlJoOke 00 the erred of the I'K'mt Rood on food pnd~ tioo and ,,·hat It porteIKb rot- tlM' lbIe and 1M ••tina .c tarcc. amoac DtMr ~.

nity O... k Pk:. haJ rn.ffir1Jltd Its rt.otn 1.I~onn r.....lnc pot_ li.1s of 1M 'ortb. u)i-C it J RMfy 10 partMr ~it .. loaf rlr~ aN otkr Rakd!okkn to 6pklit tbe Nort .. •..... laDdmau for mIlD IOod produdioL fu.«uII~ Dlm;:kJr of the t.lk.. North West. AlhaJI ismail Gal.tan.&. ga'l"l;: the U5W'IOCe ru:ently IIIlladeJ~ Jipwa Stale;


rannkd die flCllJPevllJ.k:pa thc Ibnk IS mlJrdy !ben . . . ~ -me. of tndt~ f"mm Ihe IIaIlI"II -.dr. the ~ mcnI of tbe __ .,...j , able shira

mthc_ 1k. _ _ _ Dnnen, ~ waRn..t t.u..:.mcn from lbes&*toCOKIIIp __ dlarblBmcss


concc:ps..a . . _ . to ,..-r wYlb Ihe

Ik: m:allcd ct.t IIIc prtJIldJOa 1hz pr0dunng peKTlWlOn or. car 10 thc wnw::r of duced AIhaji AbubIbr UIrnm T_ III the ......:s of the ' ' ' ' - ar- ... held m the bank'. saVIn&' promobon. I k m:allcd dull. on tus way 10 the occa- Lacm: on !be IS*Sq:ICaIDcr IS, 201 2. ~GI_""--'hcsa.dd AOn., he .... deeply ama7.Ied tit the _"" of an c:normouI AD:: 0( .-.bIc: IMd. .,... .... ~by_ C ofthc t..t _ • way 01 . . . 1har cusuncuIlI\Uld 6wn Kano to 1ladq1a -.I c:twJCd thc r.-mtn& c:ornmmny In the M:II tomen 10 build- .. liar . . . , . ~ to take ~ of the b.nk". ~ Ik: Iddr:d bI ~ ene c::.s t.t beco orren 10 tnnsfonn thor agr1cuIWnl b". _ .. lheck-.. In hiI ~ lIE ____ of the bnni ot.Mn& thai the t-lk was eva- rndy 10 ~ ca,AihIJi AbdhIbr u.n.. T_ while partner \\-ltl. !hem 10 Improve thc:!r ~ lh:: ....... b the opponunlly, car-:lty, he Iln:SICd thai whrk collar )ObI wen: nnu"l otIC of rMhlOll. • the ec0no- equally ~ ~ au Allah rc:w....... thce<a<_ my was opcnmJ ~ Ie) new kilO of opporlie dIqcd IiIc people. of Ibdc:pa lOWn tunrocs In the fldd of qrlcu1~ lad Jipwa SliIIr: .. ~ who 1ft! faced Tothc~and ..,.. choice af . . . . . . au ......... W1Ib 'b'.iIiQ;_ .. _ ~'W ~



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