Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Intend La take II back at the oommmcc level, then of ~ makl: • prcJpQSallO the IlotISe and take" II tiun ~ "Bdore iI was 1II.1Ugunucd, government had ldenufied proJCCl5 and aras of tnta'VCDIJOrI but 1F':'CmIDCDl had made ~ its mind on one of those 5pCC16c areas tbaa 1be SURE-
"in ~ SURE-P,1ium the short..fClm pcnipCCtIvc we will have I dlffcmu IOlpfCSSIOn. bull must ILS$CSS SUREP from thc pmpocrive of its mandaI!!. Wh:Ja is Its III3nlbte
place. If you kIok II lnandaie II!ld paf()l'lJl3l)Ce fiIr !hen you can come 10 a condusIoo thai II tw dooc ....ur, he staled Aa:ordmg 10 him, "tbcR ~ 111 !he fint liS
-wrong"""'" W1y ....'111 thc rnaOOiue pWD
thc a:.tmInee, !he
sbookI be ct.Jgcd. BuI befi:ft thc mCI\'I:, we have 10 get t:.ck 10 thc oommJ.l\ee 10 tate. mllc:allook at illo see if !ius lII"UdUre IS going 10 gwe us the dc:sullCi R:SUIt or not. II Ilus !he bcsI b die Nigoun peopk7 Then: IU1: qur:sbOOS IhaI DOCd 10 be amwcred tid until thc comrrunce ITICI:U. 115 gou:Ii 10 be the 0\"I:n.l1 pDlSltion of the commmec and the mlln: House of RqJfUa'ItallVes and !he NaoonaI Assembly. On the ISSUI! of Iqahty and the: oonslltuuonaJi,y of the SURE·P cooumtt.ee, be cxplamcd thaI government muu.stnes IU1: established by the ipCQfic laws. MOQ often, ....'1: make
.., - 'by' '!he ' ' '~ ' by """" SU!a'DCnIS oC Ilia thc ~'Cf
esmbhsb tile
xtualIze lns nlWKlII. and SURE·P " ODe of thc symms !hit Ms let up 10 help govun-
mEn 10
""""'"""" I11CIII
bas Kkntifiod privalC dnva- of can:my mil. da;:I!bllo CXI die basac fIdrn that
IITYCSIOrS _ the maUl
roa.. wouId""" ..... _
hOD 11
Odu. Scdc..
Mr Ocbn said thc stale goYc:rmlCIV knew powtt ID be (JQC:
.r ..and""""bid""'" or_ IIl\a&Od • klI in 11m
u.. 5I:IC1Or 10 ..m IIlVCSIOO DI
AllIe ~evm
gencnwon. Ihstribuuoo and tnnsmlS5IOn belong 10 the
cxcluswe bstofthe fi:daaI goy-
ready ID partDI!' wiIh any In" vale IIMSIOJ mil 'MU\d equdIy rmke bnd M~ 10 any gml!1lle IDVGIOr commg 10 DdG SWe. The 5IBte 15 padcd IO~ t..nm0lpUll ~