DAILY SUN Monday, October 29, 2012
BUSINESS Expert calls on banks to
implement Basel II Accord
FG assures Nigerians of food security ''"'''''--''''
1nI:U1I"'~~ Ix dotns ~ 10 thell 01'11 dNd. "nns • • n...."oll thai I VII'IbF becaI.OJe ..,. !he bme cn\~thr: ~('Ir~1J Ihr:y In'J Od !hew sr--- !he N'~ IIId .11 teh~" pncc.,na:ll~ Ic;wkn; 10 prwv b J'CIC'e ..t "drne1t'le1hn~
Illlliv of
kri. "'-1nI ,;. pcIn' Iodo~""~mI,"1he III Ihe lad I hdll:\'C It.I ...."Ith I'C5IIf*t'e!!1 of 0lI' people p« mN...._ J"fl'I''CT\, Ihn The f"raAdmI rq.-d t. 00ld)' ",111 udy 1UC'CftIi YA~ II rwaon. "''e ~'I: c:haI c.rJ 10 Nwm--Io come 10 !he utorRood \,..-brI1,II 1:'01:11. hI= Icn~.:. Rood til wdl M~. UfJCd N~ 10 C'CdIfIlIe WI ly~tu ....'Cwc-n !IlJA'IO'1'- ada ............_ W'If: \U)' lard 10 ('I\'Cf'COI11t pl'l)'ClSlO .... II (:In IIUrTnOI.n ohon '1 p~ hebr:\'C Ihal _ I !he ''aOOOS chaJlcngcs r.:.. .-.on or ~ "''1: mull Hc_~r-tby cbaOmttes All nil. . . natlOfl -.d ntn1OO3ls ...."tR: r.:e cha~ Surdy ....'I: ",11 r-tufbiC, ...... II'IIIII . . cnwat ...,~ tIDI ~. UnmI:'ltr.lQon ...... doIna cfaRtnp 10 0lI' ~Tt 1dI..... C"o'Cfyth'ng ~Nc 10 ~ •• . . \I.e ....,. F' 0YeI 1Iw:m "You all knfoy, th:It C"o't'n III !he lbv! rtf Ihe ~ ~ Yo'O't "'W' Ihty fcqdll. Ihoooe "~ maJOf ~ Ihn" wae abk 10 ~~H ~ 10
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May & Baker commences repayment of
N3.5bn Pha....-entre loan
IMla. s.nro riJ.IonMIw! IIIIt Ihe ~ ....... III !he 'lila 10 ('a) SaIbtI ~ 10 Iwn. he ¥llk..t Ihe M~ f.,q f3nllly l ie ID)'Cd thM Albh (X"ft1nIE 10 ~ k f'n::MIo1I ~ health.oo IA,.n., til qcn Ihe ~ of the Cl:U1Iry
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