oaOBER 29, 2012
- Don oonstrULtaJ .... llh iUllC agm:tIlCl1l "lib the: Nlgcnan P "cmmc:ol. Thb • lbt lIrne: for
u..c .... oo ta ...W., 1IIkfTWt.:..1 k ....') kI co UlIO the ~ and protlc:r a .tuWoon IIJury IDUIln:d by • put)' by Ibe IIlflu. IlClgilbor .... hu IS ~ • common
an.! dill k) ...
co::e of.
body or '<4<11c:r Tbm, ....l: can now sun 1I:IIutIUI:t We !wI\l! k) dunl .bout 001 bulfc:r WillS 10 tnp tb6 Willet and C'On\'c:r1 "iIlCf III InppCd ... Impk aopI .111 dus "IU be (QIvatIrlC .... 1wI1XIUId h;, ... e: b«ti II Iitswa w. bc:ntfu
The flood and food M<Urity
kl me empbuizto Itttr Ib.1 of lhis counll')' b .rfecled by lbe Good aDd w.e l OU ",blty saki, II If dc....~aLin" Ilhinl. ID ~e .. C tund , Iidi b Ibe fI~ RoodIDK fie ha \ e hlNl in IhU (,oYDI') 10 tM Ift"d lbl II haJ atlratltd IDe Inh!rnr .'Ilte p,~'. \ou (III imllgim: Ihe dfKl. Tbe df« 1 k ttluaU) tk' bUlbi, 0.. acrkullun- .nd f - ' IIK\tril) . .. -t t«.rity mlaib Ihl' food nlu~1 be a \.. U. bk; II "lUi.! lie acCftlii. bk aud II OIIiR be tal.M ill lbe "hi ••Iriliooal quantil). Mw.1 eM the f.mn Iu\t '-0 fI~ lway. Ttul IDOIU' procha('1Wcl oulfil b affected lben-ron, it bas an t ff«t ~ Ult .....ability uffoud .nd brotusr prvducdoD OUIp411 k aff« led ad\rndy, lilt nl»..-1.rt .... PP) flm be 'tf) Iofl ~Iillr tbe dt lllJlnd b ):liM hiKb. II lbenfun mn"~ lullbe prien or . " rkttllllnlI'OflIRlUlblil't am-I I!\'",') Rale
fI'W «..-uluJy ,. "P- 1"lIcftron. food fI'iI !tOt be an:a.sibIr alld bealua k \IIW 001 be KCrWbk. it " 'iI abo .ff«t lbr ap'O iud...
IriH thaI 1*1 quality Of" Inwbfwm tbr qualil). Tbb "ill .~ aff«1 the Ir,'d of ....&.r .. tbe ripl fUf"Pl. Tbe..-dun. alllbr pilb.n or food Keurit)' art .hendy aff«t·
k tho ............ _ 1
(~) I Ibn lnow ~hal)Q' mean by tbat but If II tS rlX dir: Hood. It II ~l 8UI If )'UU ta WL.tna Ul kmII or the 1&Ind. . or
FG urges agric council to plan ahead of Rood impact By SMON MPAMUGOH
ducc: ~lIIy P*k nee locally
I hs '<400k, '"from Ebon)1 nee III El:lonyt SUIte• .., Kano in! Bcnue nee, quahlY ncc of lIIc:mbrn of thr 'Kricullu,...1 tnlmWlUIW ~ ~ ~ pmducod. l ra nJformation ImplC:lIIC': ntalion The demand rur locally nulled na: Lii rWfl&. 4lic pnlKJ"CY III C&S.!.iIo\" nnd"OOIIiWOfl ( OUlleU (Xnq 10 plaa fur lbe Impact of IS .1,,0 rcnwlibk SUIoX wc t.ochcd the Ib~ " lIr",_1 Boodin, oa acrkullllnt.l prvprohc)' or CtiSOIU flour :.ubstllulloJR III ~ d uclttlll. SpcM.mg III the nwdm mcctlIlS of thr .. ux:re;wna nurnbc:r orbal..en h;,\~ ilar1ed UllIICIi held III the PR:st.knu&I \/IILI fCICCIII · the: IIIdLbIOn of 20 per cent CISSa\ .. flout Iy. Pr~kIctu GoodIud. .bYlIwa ~ II Wa!i wltb .... 11eaI: Ilour -Tbrouah our C-.... Brad nI,)ICt/I\.M'lh) tb.I !he III1XtUi1 ~'J;j WIIlUI&. lnIIUl' • tune ~bc:n Ie\'cnl pIIfb of the coun&Iy, Ikvc:!opmc:nt fl.hd. '<4"e In: ulIJooma fannlaoob, '<4"1::re beans nII\'lIgcd by Ifli and ~ awon for corpomc: and ma:oIef baL.as .... bo art: ~..,. 20 per cmt IIood lie: utd 11i;'1 the: cowal .... id'up uthe or Cti$llVi flour., tn-d".. Pn::Went GoodJoek =-ukd that !be apa pLatfonn 10 puuU !he way fon\,wd r~ the: ~-ulnnllCaOl· .tdm& dat II R':tl1lWli CaAVI [)c:o.-dupmcnc Fund .. abo helpula ley II,) !he JJ~crslflW!too of lbc economy to expand ~VI bread to bU.en: In !be nn! Ilea ~ on wbM has unUlb.. Ill ••.'I1Itr..:al 0«1 .... k:. l..-.caIlIlI Jo'b the: lnIuon Ii 10 c:xp;M1d c:xpon nuB.c:I for )"lIllK rcork ~"'ll, 1,'QiJ.:m .ro.lo1than AMI •• l llls I'~ J.llwlllo1l1 rc:lter"loo lib I!dmUibIT"".. ," ·~ Jc:k:muno.iIUliIO wm!he JlO'eIllub )"Uf. NIBCN iLInCd c.xpor1l111cat:11\1I1.:hq. W C'1un;t New pn\atc ~ cornpalllcs lllihe IIO.:Wf 11110 '1l>Il>k ",11131 rue lhe nialloJR I k u...t rll .tL'tLlolha ttw... .... e Ilft Iil;:.AIUII I~\e IJlU\OO IIIIoJ the: prodlII.'tklO or swdl agrlLullllR lito II btnIl~ nul JI.bt oib Ilkood· IlILi gllLOIC &urn casu.\'a. Ca:...I\1I ~Iuch ~ w ~ rrpJc:d, Ib the JlOO! man', l.>rup IIp'noll ~.mmc " Wc itIl: r~ un tbc ~ of tS 1lI;M" c:asb crop, bc:nc:filUlf Prmc:rs , ;due: dliWD for aU the: ImJOr almmodmc:s a:»URXi IIWI.c:tI ..r tug.bc:r yw;1oJs. ''Ow policy rdomll on I8JlCU1nnl iCCtOr fiUJ&lfIg frOIll nee: w SoJxhum. Cotton. Osl P;dm. M.1Zlc:.. Soya Beans.. lkcf. .-c )lCi.bn& d/,tdr:nIb No!: oNy bI,'e we c:radK:atcd « ...\11'"011 UI !be procurnne:1II tb.uy .nd lJCba produo.:b lie: ~ed tha ......'ti In R!'C08JUIIIOO of lbc lind dlscnbuuon of fertlhzCl'. '<4e: havc 1I11pOJ\M1l role Ihc: pnva&c Jc..'IOr plIys 10 Ibc: 1Ubstdll.Cd fe:rtlhzen dc:\c!upme:nt of the value dII1n, thai tbc kI help farmc:n buy """"""foll'tk:nll Go\IUlInla1t IS ~ the: roles through pnV<AIC ICICIOI' sccda .00 fc:rultztts of the ~ 10 aw.:luck 5Ieed producuon. Ic:r"Nlgcru IS Ibc: oowwy III Aihca 10 IIllZC1 manurKllll'1ll& Wstnbwon of 5Ot'ds and fc:rtlla.a. IS '<4't:U IS iIOfaF. transpOn IMn:b !til c:b.:uutut wallet sysacm to ~ vkic: iUbPdIud film UIfUS kI famc:rs VlI ind 1.>slStJCl..oo Jl'0CCSSUJ&. mubOc: phoocs. (Q the: past fhc monlhs the: A~ 10 rum "1115 W\aIXqIUbk lhat proerwmlC .5W\Cd. o\u 800.000 Iitrrnen Ntgena "StIli tmpOflIIIl nee. llui Idtnuu..nrklO IS lhcn:foce. de&cn1'llOed 10 ensure have n:oel\'ed tr:edii and fcrlllu.en" He pkdgC':d lhal Government wou ld dill! NI~ becomes Idf·alfflCiCfJt III nee producUora by lbc: year 2015 to liS 10 nxtuce dccpc:n the: dcaroruc wallet pI'OIJ'IIDlIC and the: NI "'Ilion per.day spc:nt on nee unpor- provtdc: cveu IlItn mobde: phonci 10
I rden.1 G OH:nlllltnl hlU chltrp
""""'" "" ...""""""'" rug
l ie chsdak.d thai ullbd.-a 12111Or1tbi. 11
new pnv-.uc: scaor nee maUs bad emc:rged wllb • klCaI c::apIICUy of 240,(8) mdnC: IOnc:L 1ft pouMCd OUIN!he pn\'J&e ~ WU ~
lihDwiua atpKI&la 10 pro-
The flood. a """"'" ;" dDguOo! I don', undcnaod thrtr ImIC 01 ~ UUI mnc:mbler that the Rood 11M .bIC a lot of IiMnIF 10 the a.&cc: _I II ~ the: surface IOIIIr1d _ now ~ the kv\:1 of nulnCOlJ of dwi lOti And It! IIIC IcJi you. ~ of 1O"1:.'rTIInCnt IInIIIqy kllnIVC dUJ lUll sbJuld be 10 rc:p&c:rudIlbr ka5c mItrJcntS occaItOOI:d by Ilus dtsawwI Hood.. So, I doo'l uno.kn&and '<4 hen DnCbody A)'I becaI:K )'011 UW fkIod, thc:rc ....-111 be .tu.danl klud supply The mIpI thc:Imclvcs mjUIR I muumal k\-d or"..~ It :s DOt tbt thry ~ submerged QOlltplclcl,.. then, .. now bel:.omes • benefil 10 lbi p0v01h The: Ind of floo;Dna !hal: we !wIvc aceD. CUUUIIy IIlJUl'lO'll 10 !Ix: 1fU\'t'1b ofpbnl and c.u nevc:r be ~ 10 be a bIcama In kmII 0( bumpo- t..vcg
ers In the 201l-famuoa tc:aiOIl. He charJc:d Ihc: saak: SO"UlIOIS 10 work dO!icly wnh the FcdenJ Government 011 tIus ~ In III tk1ve 10 modantze 1811'
cuInR. Idchat that !be 8dmuiaiuauon ....... c:omauttcd 10 c:rIIUVI& IhII &nnc:rs
Hunger WI fie land nut lcl't not 1CaIl! our ~ dc:firuady. IbIn "III be a kI1DUI ~""ID bld ... ply IIId that ..,0 CIUIC • ~ m.cturt: Ul ~IY pnca.. ~fon. rood~· bG ca1ainly ....111 be "'CI)' cxpa!5IVC DuI If ptilVwl8 ~ 1II)1hma 10 iO by. dw; ~!Ix: IUIIC 10 ~k:aI.C grlWlI bum !Ix: ItI1III:p: g;wII n=Ia'\'t III orda 10 ~UI: INIld pno:s or map IgI1CUInnJ QOO'lIIIOdllk'l II ~"C don 'l !wive cnou&h III d:ic iUaIqj.-= . - . rc:ICf''e and rane:mba d:ic polICy IJ dI.II each §We ,howd be able: 10 contnbu&c 10.000 metrIC t.h of jpU\S ID the: StnICp: p1Uftl m.cfV't IU !hal: n can be: re:1eased wtder the IP.SIn.ICIICln or the: PrciIdcm of the: rcdc:ral RcpIIblt.; uf N'I"CfU 10 NI&ft13III ., lImeS 0( anefICIIC~ .00 WI_ of need u IS !he: CIbC 110.... , and even ~. ~ 10 I&ab!JIl:C. ~ commodiucs, nus IWUiIIbon fib UIIO nurmaI for the pcutdaw 10 urdc:t jpIfD 10 be tdc.soJ fronl tbr §tI'*JIC IBUl' ~ 10 I!IIl..e • "oW
ablc k) tbc pcupk Mid Ihc:n. 10 iUbllw:: the: madce pr]Ce
Mon IIaad;.g by Odai>« ondiosI
let me 81ve )'011 • lneaagt k) IiJOIC '<4bo pc dlCSC: v.udL They should be: WkJna nlI:ft on bow 10 pmlJa I IOhItIUll ndIc:r IhIn bnnpi& Ul .YUnCI thai .. III ICMC pal('Ic ~y l.cC!banIe:I.I~ ....halF'cmmcotlS doIna 10 .ven the: I'NJCCUflmCC of thd nlal' IUIUde of ~ III the QCafQl fiIIIuo: Ifd-=) u.u-. WI the ~ In: hie:!} 10 apcnmcc .... UfK ~ ~b.t ItIl: they dotn& IU .\~1 dlOill?
IIItp.n.Il.t. (iu,,:mlUmt
.a.uw.J try Il:I MlICho.1Ik: the 1U1f~ ul d-= atr«1Cd pmom Wchoi\", $C!CfIlbM Ibc llood l1li hal occurred OG area that .-.:: OG f\oodcd rould, III' DIbc:f .........b. .... <IIc:r WIIya c'owmncrll aacnu sboulJ now be careful '<4hcn:: 10 allocaIc: bnd 10 people b n:admhII jUpOIC$. ....ou don"11UocaAc: land 10 pcupk on ....1IIctVro.. ya and pcqIIc lllbo KUIe OG '<4~. ~")'$ JboJuId be ~ P«Ipk: ibould not KUic OG fklodcd II"C:U. 1boK ~ro have: Jdtkd and uvc: now bc:o.:lmc VIC","5 or the Ilood iboulJ be ''CICIlIcd dlC'lflbcrt: UO\ctIIIlIctl Ih:luiJ raidlle !ban cbcvohrre InoJ Iben know .... hM kI do IXI ad IInd:t.. Wc n.- aho look .. our Jc:IlIc:mE:nt pIQCnII NIJCI1IIS \1IS! III 1CI1111 ofland an:&. \I. e: !wIvc • lui: 01 ~ 10 IdlIc: t... pc:opIe lave cbDlett 10 ICIlk 1ft lIe.n.crcd 10JIIlL .... e: IDUIl CIICOIIrIF clus&tt IdlkmaIIIs IUd dus IS Ibo bcncflCall for ~ pruWcoon bcauIC duIiaer 1c:D.Icmcnt ..1JUId make: people: ICIIJc III IpCClfIC IIr't:U and &Iv-.:: out the lind foe farmIII&- n.s will abo mike It _ lOr pMmmc:nI 10 w..r ncecsary .-naut1Cl IiIr.:.c WIICI', c:Icctnoty. idIOOIs and heahh -=rvtceS 10 ~ mumbCS bcCsc:r !baa ...itcn: one pcnoa IdIIcs bc:fe and the JICIIt ac:ttkmc:rI IS abouI five bbmden . ......,. So. ~!be!GUt of