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Tuesday, October 30, 2012


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Tilcor Stone steel roofing tiles launched in Nigeria ~po-~

IN buildinG <on_Ion en for a boost as E:m.I 11\


.... lnoh "' lib • ffilfUfllIIJ IAIllOUIIl 01 pctlI.)Ja: lIl.unIC-

• • Ioad-

".IUU,. TI"'1Jf \10111 pruH.k }'ClIn t>I Wtull pcr10rTn;0nL~

Ihe ruion',

IUwJ all pruoU.."b are ISO ':IOU I


...... _ In9 name

1:iIIl ..... th!unJ

..... n=Jlh:.J MUI'DI'oCf • .Al1 """""'""" bu;Id;ng materials and 5edor hos TI..... pvJuo.;b coo... \10 Ilh • :\0 year \IoMnnly~ Iaund..dna. • -Slone l:>urq me Lwo..h coa1l. .-Iud. Seeef Tile, from &UOb.. \1000 ulI.ludaJ .rLhI-

z::t:: Into"c::::t




IIl..ur R"...iulil lila 110.

kl:b.. <:Ullnxn.~...J Jl(upat) Jc:h:lupct:o, \Ioct'C

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IUln.du..'CIJ 10 • ClUM ......-uun "I II~ pI.ldlltunen • M

"""1 un me ~ UbWIr hun ;anJ pafumwn.:~ oj

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l'..... rouflib The: ~ .bo.I CfloIbIed lhe ~ w j.llIl \.lIU;rbk






Ruu. l)uco:IUf ul bpurb. 1.10..... th&: Loun..h ..,1 dlQl:

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m.d.d b) pr\l"~ d VI Ith I.I~ hia;ho:sl quoahry ;hi nllAl nlt.llk:fllr\olUhnl~ 11"'_ ~ IIIlInnl,lUI:!\C mAl)-

u..... hlla ••110..1 ",pphcr of ,,1I... J..bk. h~..... 5Iunc..:.....1aJ MloJ w1m.-rVlUh root S)~I"'1rI iJnr..;.JJume JIfUk>.:11\0: Iok:d .... Im each 0l'Il: carelully ..nfl.:JIU~~II10,: ~"U>oIo.lmCf


lhe: TI!.;", 1Ik!. fIM'II'e~ to .III ')'PO of ~UlIloUUI:IIOII 1I<X.b rrum rOIJnllw I.., hghl ....,JrollJl:n:~1 ..iii puNIC

...... " lbe rllIIC' OOIllPIllICS ul Ih,,:c J&..!u..,:t tw-.a0.4 Slw.c. flab omd Ruy.ll ..00 lAIC ~\;al.ablc .1.

",1Je: r1IIIlF





Um.h In rOllin... I~all:o,

WIII.IbIc 1l»UlinM proJu..b for the Nlp1;IIlllWll..cc.od quaIIIIQ Ir.:I ..'\lnY<b \Iohm I.:~

lilt the I11lbI d..~ roul·


Group. me IItJlhorbcd dL>tnbu&on of Tilo.:ur '" N IjCflA. Mhok ham.hn, II~ of RwI1n& DIVI!olOO.. lmcl Vroup IMliICd th.I \10 db the iaundl o( TiILor '.. pruducti lmd bat. tunha SUUl¥thmcd Ib ~~Imc:nl 10 JIWIoido: \Io\lfW ....UM produ.:b .mJ liCnl<:.Cl> Ir.:Ilhe fl.il~


bWdu:!c IllIIICfWbi -.:1uJ

'l:n...1 HwIJu" M.-:rv.b 1r.J. fCOJIJ III

1\oD • PU\'Cf1

wluuuns Iu ~~ CIb-


~ III ibniand dan COG" atu\JU&llUUl the: U"UIU} ,. lie: .,,1Il tho; ~ I)' InIf"OtJu..-ed


m.... pro.b:b III tlaall from KU)II

- 1110;... roollfll (\~qMlUCloll





.nJ Jur.blhl) lQ Ihfkrtnl fo:h m.oId Tb:) 1ft' III." lin: ..oJ ~c rob&MIt .00 "'1Cllf,tb

p.nkiana buJlJ.ona mMcnaJ tonto") ;and Jb ~b M1:



u~a the coomry IhruugII 14 ukaW\e wlOUlbuuon Del


Fear grips investors over abduction of market leader By DAVID ONWUCHEKWA, .....,.;

A,"""""""'" ........ in auiDmobiIe indut· ry, ~ Sunday'

~. "'" Iam..toG hi lwei aI . in Anambn> _ -


~of~MInIJ f:.«UbIOfll. :"ho - as lhe duunn:lon al\ll Cf:.O of l ~)

\'ap:io 1111c:mat1OM1

Unulai. wiJ lh:iot all DOUbk m\~on and unpo.wtcn III !'\)."'<J Nnn-I ,n.l..Cb bir\e jllDt UlII.J hiJ~ Jur feaI of beana u.Jn..rpcd dc:sptlle thc c:Jlllib by Y:l.:lIIlly a,c:nb ADuue: the ..-ea Man",bak. paIpJbk fcar hh l"ppN nJu.. oAnJ 1I1Ip..Il11en II "",).",u Nnc=vol

II......" loIluvollll the ~

01 • IlWld ~UlIJUCb ~. (lllclli<we Aludolu.

ren.nc:d irom NON I Sporu

n ..b

lie n:tun1C.'d, Iu hu house Wl1.nown I<J flllc:f Al~u. thnoc.nnc:d men .. ~ 1),'"1 U\ "' ....1 anJ ""1ft· Iy c:nIc:Rd the 10* an.J tiIr.aJ the: mlll1 .. ho.I llpmCli the pIC not 10 I"3ho; lII1y abnn III I IfWI potnl, IIIlJ ane..kd Alu.Llu "'b b.by IRMde ~ StmI UII mal,"& • phoI... uJl '1bc:...., men now arne II.) the 0lI" an..! bunJlc:d hun 11\10 the I.'V booth and ~ ure the IIOUI'\;C AId, 0tiI), Sur! learnt th:lol the: Ibdui.:aon kIul theu \ ... lIm up 10 UnUIJI III'eII IIlIdaruIJ South locAl Vu\e:rnmcnl Area. ~ me CIr dtIn Jnd dI..:.lIpCd .. Ith theu n." un Ul aoud1cr \e:hlde IU lin tMll



II ...... aoo phemj that the I...... IlUlo) 1ItiI \l.edael!J;ay SpccMl Anll Robbery Squ;Ml .lIa 'CC~"IIOO at Nne .... 1 (~ARS), N~ I Lune ba.. bor::n on the trail uf Ii... hood~Club l')wh Swt IOUft:C saKi at. kms • no OODIXI t.;. been l"hac:1 AkuJoIu. flJltTl« cbau- OlIbhshcd With thc:rn u at moon ufNIr..... o NONI TraJen the WOe: of liIulI tIus rqx:n """""- ..... JOn and ~"UITUllIy the Wbco ~krJ. abc POOr:e Iv k.'e Pn:sadc:nt of Anamtn Pubh.: Rd~IIOM Offi...cr, \bri.cta TI1Iden ~ Anambn. Sl:Iolc Pohce (AMArAl ..... ~ a. C.-Ki, A",u. Mr Ralph the IfIIIC 01 lUI Nncwl fUI- Uzutp-e wnfumcd the W I· ..knu:' by 'I JO pm .. hm be: IIalI tu dad not &In: d.:uub.

the gcnc:raoon InI1


!he ncabi powt:r \l.-e: rom ma:ad aU ou 1\nan:J:IoI JlIIUlCn 1:1 tbc:dcano.:rty ~~ I k Ual 1be real t:haI the JUb.«pn ""lib tbar WI)" Jcnr;e \Io'C II'C tac. . . Ihe: WIol poi\. WI: ba~ bcal abk ILl puI 01 p£M0' bo:caIIIC ~ ~ tugh III pLto.x III1'dl:SiIfy nmmDI~ 5UII'" IDJIW'Q b.I III uth- SOl ~ WI pJ...c WlIlliIII)' en .. b \1Oe..". "'11M WI: awe \\c:sI Atr..::wa I.XIldI1eS \Iohak . - . II.) proW:c P'1""'CI' ~ IIOu Ulhcn awe ..vtmdy ~ Iov. III 0011... oountnCl ani \00 l1li UJmic:Cl1OO ~ TIlb ffiilny mClllbeu~.IJOno. Ilw&l. \IoooSIApJ u.,1111 d... .... lIlud.:r~ ..bJ ~ ~ of de\e:klpmc:nt upmq; 01 the ?Vi ~ UI ~ olJkrnJ n b.I,..1ldIlq, tn1p II> bupc thai; ....>e I I ' C " tbc: Ga.nI ~ ui\l.cs h.eloJbeWnc:II.)~Il. We ~ UIlc: uf ..... 0JII1IdI AIn.ai Puv.tt Pool ("'APPj, oft Iu.JLn& III ~ S10 btl- U\'C pIa)'cn III Ibc: ~)' hov.C\'a', ~ o.n:ans hOIl 10 uller ....lllllC\.' WOI iUlr.lf V1 the \10"'10.1 oIIIlUIl¥ 00\0' Ia:i IX IInh au IfM:IiI III Ab-.... JUb.~ IIJ IF'lmIk other ~ 1"IIIkn.' 10 . . III.lokda., the (lwei £:.xn.."lII1~ Ofiker ul

b.'OOIXIUo.: Comrruuty of Wdl Ab:In Sl.IAQ (lCUW. AS" Dr. AItabi 1)wU,), .. 00 dropped thc: IIUlII III AbLIj<I OIl ,,~, -.I the~~ ~ ha<. I...k: pant snb III ,.",:en. yew,.. parbl.:uwly I:lIbe In:a <JI pooA'CI' InnS~ .nllb dawnbuboo 10

lctplAc iIIlL1 \.U1UOIIa. ..... be II IcadJni plI)'\:I' III Lhe .........tUy '..

~ ~ IiIPJl"cllIhl \a~ulc INk! u.'y IU ~un .... b.JI;,~


ECOWAS needs $26bn for power generation, distribution ~""llhd ... ra~


('River contributes N200m to community projects By JlIlEX


Wbile qwng IhiIt tbc: p- G" 11\ unkr to build the 5LMe, COlJUI:Q. " , b fully W111J1V1tcd .. !uk: conmc:ndanI1hr ~ au ..... lbdJpnenl 01 the: nRI b leading udll:D WI tbc: SLIlC people: 1:1 at... Sl*, be SOlId "We: 1ft dndufrmalt.ll pOJCII."b ..... lOs&1IIlIIIilftthe: "'orIo.! bDcr. thc ticnc:raI"'UniF D.ri.. local IJOYCfIVncnI ~ uf (RS("ASI)f>, Mr V.aor and COIlVnumua. III ('1M ()o, ..... s.W d'l.ll ..... IraIIq ....b Jtll'Cf "'C we 00II PlI III WdIOUIllOO 0( the "IPIC)'''~ bLl un ... ~YC 1IId ..... n- 1Il\1Jlymw:na or tbc: p.:opIr: III nllGlltd ILl dclJYa' ~ jIOY- ~Prul.'-" ()o,"iI WIt.I IhIt !IO tar. 112 aDlnCelU .... ~ "'\\e .....ill do coa)1lq pr»- pnIfQ.'b h.\"e Ixcn ~ wbk: 1ft on:b ILl IoUIDin !he ...-n.. U... SlOrIC. . . . . !haI the pNfCCti III onk:r IIJ ailC.:t pa>- t:IJ!d "'""11 III affcd .all da: .:un.. rks' bVCi II the: nn1CUIVIIU- nUllllCii III ..... iIble be,," dll: cnJ of the prt¥WlUIC III 2(1) 1lc.1hm::10I'C, qc.J .... p:ioIIlc sud UI:III UIlc: uf the: daIIqldS IIJ ac abc: CllIIk:NI of ~ la..q !be agel.:)' "'111 thcOO&QC~,~­ the dr.ffi&:ub Ic:nul III .-u of Iy the n~1td aspccI all theSQtC.~ufIS well. ncncc \10 rth one IIlOCIr tocI:IoI iPWPI plf1II..1piIlOi





CompiIII)' 01

f-'Jt1nOC.'f OllDOb AlnIaraye. ~ th;it Ihc: N

"""""'" """" -"""" MId e:w11UlC bMD rd3lq IoJ the ~ 01 Ibe Puv.u In.bIry WI Ihe: Wail Arn.:In


~ 10 tum. the II1k:J comcctqj brti m..I __ . .

th.oI .... -uuIJ n1iIlc. JiOIo>'I bk 10 ba\"e • n:l&abIc P'1""a' \IIouhlll the Wde Ah:an JUb-rqpon D UfIIOIIW lk D!:.d "WAfP ha u: cecdc.J tt.wgh Ibtor ..... cae., the Wurld the IJUfIt,




fUllo.b fur PfOteI=lS atw II'C uncuq. In the NI&CNI1 con~ .. C haYC abc ~ w.c. from lIgo&. II.) llt;. v _ !hal ~pov.'Cflo~

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