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SheHimo deaies poor pillD'Y sdlool enrolment i1 Bomo From nMOTHY OLA, Maiduguri


omo Slate Governor, K.asl:WII Shcttuna has d.:cried the low enrolment rule UlIO pnmary 5I.:bools and lugh I.!vd of dropouts of pulplls ID the northern part of tho SWte, adJmg thatlhc ugly dcvcloprncnt W'JS worrisome 10 Ihi.: gov-


Shc:uuna, who beld


suW:oolders mcclJng



cducallOlUSlS, Sd'Iulg and rcurcd pnoclpals, chaumen of Parc:nI Teacher Associauon (PTAs) from I~'O orUx: 10 Ioca.I go~cmfl1Cl1I an:as iliat ,nakc up the northern pari of Barno. pany leaders. ¥dmuU5tnlIoB and opuuon 1e:a.:.Wn. 5aJJ SIlWSUClI on enrolment lind nwnber" of pulptls cWppUlg 00\ of schools .... 'en: aiamllng. "We ha\C spcnI a kit of money on cduc:won bw. If ""-e do 13k diusoc step 10 rukt:ss LIus probIau anti cncowugc


our people 10 aUow Ihcu ctuklren stily Ul:5dloo~ we IYUgilI be: playu18 wuh. hrogga protMan w !he fimm: Many of lIS can do:ctdc: 10 tak our du1drm 10 lhc ~ pm'ak schools Ul and wblde lhe oounlfy but beI~c: me, the clukln:o of the poor .... hom v. e h,we (lib! 10 encourugc: 10 go 10 liCbooi will bier IIUlllu momIer.Ji tIw ..,,',11 one day COIl!iIJme us," be slal.al. The go\CffiOr ~ .... by WI a=J. thai ona: produced eth:aIOO men IIIld women I1L.c lhc fonner deacd governor 01 the: !>tolle, AIiIaJI Asb::1k Jar'rna (Oct 1983-Docanbcr 198]), n::lsmi pcmlantOt ~ w Ibc: Federal CIYlI ServICe Imd CX<OIIUIUSSKIOCf with NADECO,AlliaJI Shcnlf Oarnbo Gubto and fonncr licad of the Civil Service III the stale, Uubma Mail Gubtb among others now Witness doYroll Iwn lD cnrolmou liild educauon genualIy. 1be first profcs~ In the sute 15 from the area and why 5houId such Ilea go bad.WlU"d etlUCiUlOll wtSC111e asled lhcwncally even as he \.'Ulk-d 00 all tile sw.keholden 10 bflI:u: up for the chaJleoge. "I'm uppc:aIU11! 10 you U1 the IlIUllC of God, we need 10 change the Imki," lle begged the 5Ulli:eholdas. Acc:ordmg 10 Governor Sbc:uuna, Mw1e IIlKI GublO appean:d the: WOISl 1.11 the sumstlC5 l>allablc 10 the government.. He abo d!.scloicd thallhe atlerld:ance 11.1 the mcdUlg cut ilI:fOS5 poluul dmde:s, addmg!klt the ISSUe of eduaatJOO suptteedcd politICal dtffo· ~~

Sccrewy 10 the StaLe Govemm&:lll (SSG). ~ BabIt A.hmed Jidda. woo abo halls &um oonIx:m Bomu, III Ius opellUll ranark 5iUd the governor hiId InVlled the ddc:rs ..00 olhef sW.c:bokias UICludtng chaumal of !be opflOSIllOIl pany, PDP from MMie anJ GubM> 10 asstSl Ul doing ''Jome. tlW18 concrttc, JOInc.tll..ID& dnuoauc and pracucallIl salvagull the educatKMl of our cbilJn:u In the aRa.n I hghhgbuflg JOInc. of the elforts of govmvnc:nt 10 adirc:ss the problem of edOClltJOll In the stille, the SSG saKI. govanment constltuled I foxdmg e:omrmUee and quality a5iUflUlCe cooumttc:c: 10 eruiW'C: Sludents remawcd III school He expressed the hope thai the nM:eUng woWd be:lp In pc:nnant:nlly addrcssmg the chaUc:ngC;;l of poor- mro1mml. ani dropout m the J10tthan pan of the Slate.. In addition 10 Mane and Gubto, the 0Iha- local governments In flOI1hem Bomo uleludc N~, Guzwnab, Mongwnen, Monguno,AOOdam, Kaga. Mobar and KukaWl.

Flood mSQster. Kogi govt 'I not demo&sh strudures yet . From EMMANUEL AOEYEMI, Lokota



SWe Govc:nunc:nl yesterday allayed feaM; of CIIItlWi11l was takmg CCIl$llS ofbwkhngs 1I.1f0Cll:d by

9 dead, 4 iniured in Bauchi auto aash From


$U5IllIUI:d WJW'Ie$ and 5eVCl

odlers e:scap;:d wlhwt.

,. 1"v vdIICIes, the Passat and the bus were gulled by

off, 1be 1llJWl:d wc:re tldeo 10 Abuba1..ar Tafa.. a Balewa Uruversuy BaLICh!.... he wd lie: advl5ed motoma 10

road U5CI5 OIl the l..:cd 10 drive safely and avoid spccdmg


SmItE Northern govs col for prayers F AKIN ALOF£TE)(UN ~ , Mmna


ovemors of nanbcm stales Wldt:r the zgas

of the Northc:m SIa&c:s

Govemon Forum (NSGF) have called on Nigmans 10

pray for the qwd; recovery of Governor Danbaba Danfubru SWlt:u ofTanWa State:

woo IS

curremJy receiVing treatment Ul a Goman bospiuaJ followIlIg IIIl Ilf DllShap 00 'nnusday mght. OilUm'l3fl of tile fonun 111M!

GoVUllOl" of N1Ker SIIIIe, Dr

''Governor SWlW mc:am

weU for Taraba St:ate and has demonSillUed tills Ul ....-ortIs and 11.1 IICUon II 15 therefore., lumfulfill hIS VlSlOIlofagreal for tlWi reason that we sedr. 11lraba SU1e. fervent prlI)'CJ'5 for !wi quICk 10 a statc:mc:nt SJgnaj by recovay 10 lIS to ClWlbIe hun hiS alief Prcu Secmaty, fulfill Ius \'WOO of a great DanladJ Ndaydxl, the go\'Cf' l"amba Swc," dx: $UIIOIICtlI nor suascd the need for SIUd. prayc:n; !'or Governor Suomi 1bc forum thanked man-because: he !wi ibown agcmcnt and $1IIff of Fedc:nl treme:ndous goodWill Illld Medical Centll:, Yola. fillherly dlSpClSiUOIl 1O....1Uds Adamawa. State and NauooaI where: Ihc:peopleandgovemmcntof IlosPltal, AbuJa Tamb;a SIIIlC Governor Suntlll BOO hiS Mu'a;ru Babanguia Ahyn stressed Ihc need for prlIyeB for GoY'tmOl' Suolallo cnabk



Fuel queues i1 Kaduno, a sabotage -PPM( """"" 1be Ina for polw:e 10 help Il:-q some



Planwng Devc:1opmenl Board was only domg the c:oummwoo of all budJ...OjS thai WCfe atfec:ted by Ihe flood to UCICfUUJlthe actual figurc!l oflho5c aifc:caed. It soud the marlJng.s bong made on btukUogs by the board did not wdK:ate Wt the: l:auJdings woultJ be puJkd 00v.'I'l. It $3IJ ullegnly tests would be camc:d OUI 00 each of the btlllilinKJ by profC:S.SlOlIllls., willie their Ioc:allon m n:ialloo to the: nVCf bank would be: aarmncd bc:fon: Mkntifylng whtch ones wouId!p'iC way, 'Ille Wlte govc:mment WlIllw:d owoos of propeny in !he Slate: to c:oop:rate: With offlCWlIs oftl~ T()'Aoll Plannmg Boord wid nOI 10 hU1dc:r them Ul the dasch:uxe of thell." duIU:S IS Ole etlwnel'lloon exen:iSe bc1D3 earned 0Ul was to the UlteRSt of the prope:f1y OWIlCfS. It fWlbc:r urged II.IlIhose atrec:tc:d by the flood not 10 IUd! back 10 !hell houses 1$ ti~ govunment was de&emuoed 10 do a thorougb long-lam pWwng that would pn:vCIU funue flood dtsaster m the SU1e.

fied bodies rc:covc:red ....'eR: jire but we: mVlloo the stale alwlYs be e:aullous whIle one: adult fcmale and male as f1re servlce Ulunedl:lleiy ....-ho dtwmg. adding thai the oomwell IS I boy. Four pc:opk JI.S.lI;ISIed us aod put the fue lnand " . worhng IOwIIrds

medtcal atteo-

lion be:fore they

tIr f1orod d!.saslcr so MID tkmolOO!he 5lruClwa now,

J_""," Aecordmg 1(1 the: 5Ullemrot, the Town


o fewer tiw&n rune pc:opIe died yeSlc::fday Irl III IIUIO crub along Bauclu-Jos Road wlWc four othcB SlI5tauw:d UlJW1eS The Baoctu Swe SecIor COIIlrIlaflIkr of tile FedenU Road Safdy Corps, Ilcruy Sunday OiallUlJI confirmed the casuallY fiKW"C to.JOU('llo1l00, A)'lDg tile acc~1 oa:um:d 00 Monday wght III [llingal Village In Bauchl Local Go'iClllJOall He said lhc: auto crash wvolved IhA:e ",ducll;5. com· prlslng an 18 SCllteJ bus, Pas&u and Peugeot 406 caB. ,Inle accident occunat 1$ a result of wrOll8 OVaW:Ul& ruMI of dle nmc dead V)Ctuns, SIX wm bwnt beyond recognitIOn, .... hlle: tik: three: Idc:nli-


saymg lIS offiaab were only carrymg OOlllllegrlly tesI. 00 Ihc affected WUCllUa. It !;;lld die uuegnty Ic:SI. v.'as camc:d out OIl the bwkhngs be:fCR the profCSilOllals wuultJ dc:tcrTIWE v.-Ioch Sll\.II:tuR: .. wid gJYe .... y lIS to safeguard tile lives oflhc e:u.tzaJS. 1'hb "'as roruamc:d m a prc:m swcment ggnc:d by the Spc:c1B.l AdylSCl' to the go\U'DIlr 00 Mccha and SI1'lllCgy,





T-""'''"'''''' he management: of the

Martellflg Company (PPMq has wamcd petroleum prodUCIS I11lllkelClS lD ~Ul\I. aplllSl producu dlVCI"SIOO and hoariling, !itIl:SSmg th;u the coollnue:d tong fucl quc:ucs at fillmg SIIIlODS IUOSS the: ell)' lmountcd to Kb of SIIbocage by ITW-

,"" _y', M......,.

PubliC AifalB, Mr NasIr



of than l1li: not sc:llmg. while those sdlmg are ilClling only one pump," he sui. lie !;;ud NNPC had ak:r\cd !he: Dcpanment of retrokum 11Mb!


RCSOlm:eS (OPR) to lhc

dc:vdopmc:nl and llw PPMC was ..'OJkmg w COOJUOCll(l(l With the DPR 10 UDllIvcl the Klenury or those m~vcd ID the unpatnouc IICI, addma dJ3t all tboiI: found to be: Ul~Ved would be: sevceiy


Meanwhile, the: Public In • stalemenl tilal lhe: Nlgena Rc.1aIIoos Offica (PRO) of Nlllaonai Petroleum Kaduna Zone of the: OPR, Corponalloo (NNPC), RahIU A. Bello wd four filIthrough the PI'MC had Ulg statIOnS had been sealed Il:lcascd cnoogh pelrUllO suf- up m Kaduna, just as efforts flCiendy moec the demand Ul wen: berng made ID IIfTCSI Kaduna and Iii euvlfOfW and defaulting rrwkeIeB. "We Ire lware of tbc bad wunc:d SiIbotews to desist from CIUSUlg IUlific.aJ scan::1- activllles of some ~ Today we have sca10d fuur 'Y. "Our tour or the 5WIOn5 filling statlOnS.. Rlgln IIO'N I am io I pobcc SUltioo Iookwllbm Kadura me hs lmodagbe. explamed

Uli am:sI

Ious marketers ~ de~ some: DIOrC nw1r.:etcrs We 11ft: Iy SInIOgubtmg the: market IS working 00 II." Delio iioMi



wtsbc:d Go\letllOl' SuoUlI wxI 0IhCI' VlCums 01 the aash qwck. forum

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