Food crisis inuninent, experts alert FG
permanent secretary, MlIU5try of Corruncn'C and industry. Ogun Stille, Pnnct: Henry Adenl)l. has appealed 10 tm: Fedc:raI Govc:mmenl and 1awrrW.;m; to address !he l<;<;Ue of dechrung OClIVlI) III the famung sector. 10 stem food cnsJS In the country. 0I'ITla
Adc:ruJI made thr pica at the
~~~'~'Dlkl~,~a~.lIIon of the World
Food Day 2012 orpnlSed by Ccnu-e for Altanatl\'c [)eo.dop"nc:nt and Self·Enhancc:mcnt (CEADESE). m IJebu0& He told Ius auchc:nce: "Accmbng 10 the UN and the
Worid Bank 's Repon 2012. one of ~~' SC\'CfI ~Ie. (almost billlCll flCOPIe)suffm from cbroruc: malnounshmcm m the world lOeb)'. Three qtIll'1Cn of !hex 1M m ruroJ an:as and nla)Ol'lty ~ ....uncn and children.. Undemounshment leads 10 poor he3l1h. )owmng of Ieammg Cllp3IClI)'. c:spec:.a1Iy for e1illdrcn. and dunuushcs physICal actJ\'Ity." He s;ud Ihal tIus )II:3f'S theme· -Agnculture ~u.: K.r:y 10 Feedmg. tht World," undc::rscofes the roles coopcr:wves pby and coukI pby m unpuvmg food seCUfl1y and ilS cmtn--bubm 10 the cmdlCIltJOrI ofhtmgcr '"The: even! IS aJso 10 IIlOdcm wrth the IT\lSSQl SIlllCmCfIt of CEADESE. whICh lS 10 pllSlllvely UllpQC! upon the bves of tile less-pmi1edged and nwgmaliscd membas of the soady." He bmcntcd: "Rq;mubIy, food is fi15l gming out of the ~ of the CU1lIl1CIl man m ~igena 1Oday, ~ A lc:ctur'I:T at the Oepartmc:nt of Agriculture Produc:uon and I\.boagcmcnl Socnc:e, Till Solann UnM:rnty of Edut::a1Kln. I~ Dr. otufenu Att1Isan. sud despite Nigcna', pogbOn as the mosl popuIws COUfIIry m Africa. "1\ IS wlOng to cco::lude that Nigeria's laq,,>e popul:won IS dte bane of our food 1IIStX.:Unty. Rather. (U' negative attitude 1OYo'llJds the deOJdop.ned of our- agnolltmaI se:n should not be rqkcL "A tunes when one finds lrimsdf III a comfort zone.lhere IS that Imdency 10 KqeI where OOC' IS oommg &om. With the adYc:nI of oil Nigenao Ic:adcrsinp ftwgOl ....'here \Io't v.~ comU!& from and Iosa!he n:tlJOn'S vWon for agncuJnue. '"Today, the umount we spend on food unpon IS 510 fughu:nIf1£- HOVo~ llll hope IS not lost. If only our k:3dcn; can nse up 10 the cbaJlcnge and Slop ~ I~ 10 tIus <bngerous SltllaOOn of II1lOlJI)t(lt food cnstS m the COUIlU)'-~
Arnosun's wife empowers the physic:ally c:haIIenged
than 1.000 physx::ally thallatged people from across the 20 local gID'O't\If)I:Dt areas ofOgtm State Mve benefined from the 'uphftmg the phystcally challenged programme' by the Wife of the Slate governor, Mn._Olufunso Amosun The ~ mJh3l«I by the ",'lie of the ~ ....'as dcstgned 10 crt1pOWC" poopk ....,th spcoaI Deeds across the SIale H\II'ldrros of ncms hke me \lI'Ufittailunbs. wheel ch.1lJ'i.. SC"A'lIlg madunes and ~ ,t=JS hke gl8IlI coolcn. ~ pacb of Indonue and other Dangote Jroducts IIlCludJng cash glfls were gJvm 10 the physally dJalknged people 10 boosI tlw:u- personal and eCOOIl(mc needs. SpeakIng dunog the progr.unme aI the Jtme 12 Cultural Ceme. Kuto. Abcakuta. the Swe (imunor. Ibil:unIe ~ who made a 5UIpISe ~ aI the ~ assun:d the pe&pie of his adnuwslr.ulOO'S comrrutmcnt 10 the ....'cifiut: of the people. paruc:ubrly the people ....lth speoaJ needs.. that III SfIIU: of thetr speoal needs these people wen:: bicsY.d ....1th me talenl or the other, ''so they can sull conb1bule 10 the devdopmm of the stair and Ihe COUllii)' at large when gI\Ittl cooOle
~~ envtJtIDI1ElIllO operalc.. " The govmwJr saxi II1OJ"C' JXUjC'C'tS and poIJC1C5 of UIlC'eSl wooId be uuu;ua:! for people With specml needs 10 bmefil thr:m. poumng OJ! \hal a special passage route had been carved out of the newlycoostructed Ita-EkoISokort road iIlAbcokuta for Ibcm and JIKR facilities ...."tJUkt be destgncd Ihrwgboul the St1lt 10 tnsun:: their safety
irdgenes raise funds to build poIytedmic .
he sum of Nibil boo Ili apcc:ted 10 be r.used under the auspices of Board of TrusICCS of 19baJO Polytecllllll:. Osun SUIe. 10 build a communi!} polytechnic for the scns and daughlefS oftbe Iov.n. The co.'alI hokts al Eta! tuU
""""""" Federal Qoo.'Cmfl'IalI has g1\1ttlIlJ¥U'o'lll for the SI:!Ung up of IgbIjo Polytc:chruc. an IllSlltuuon prtmD(ed by the natives of Igbap and the autbonties ~ act:qJted pID'llte uuuanve In the nanon's IeftllU)' eWcanon. The keynote DRss would be ik:u\ued OIl the ocx:asJOD by Mr Segutt Oloketu)i., Group Mlulagmg ~. Wcma Bank.. SpcoaI GUCSI of bcI¥Iur 15 Mt L.ay\ Adeyenu. and Qud" Aik: Fadahunsr (MFR) ....;]J ch:ur the event. Other 0lllI1CIll pe:tSOOBhlles ~ 10 grace the oc:caslOD Ddude HRM Oba Aderuyi Olufenu Fashade ([V) Ov.'ll of Igbap. as- Royal FaIbcr of the Day, Chief OIajKk 0yevr'Ok. Mrs \\'woola Ay.mdosu. Han Sunday Mere, CunmissJooc:rfOl tnformatlOD and Stroleg)', O:s:un State. Mrs Remi Olowude,
I never asked non-natives to
leave Ondo -Mimiko By RAZAQ BAM/DELE
ndo Swt Govc:mor-, Oluscgun MlmLlm has described ItS -falsehood.- lhe mmour makmg the round mal he has ordered non-nallVe fltn1'1el'S In the state, who did not vote for htm In the litsI October ~o go\'emorshlP election 10
Akmmnde howt:Ver expbuned !hat ......hat some p:q:!k rrugbl be ~ ing is the OYer 16 yean Forest Rc:scve Law that warns the ~Idents 10 deslSl from c::nao;dung the ~'s Reserve Atc:a." S1lIlIng mal ''no mnttcr hcrw kng. the govert1IllCJII .....ould one day decide to reclaun 115 bDd from the
lolanuts. t::rlSbe¥> among odJc:r cash trnc:s lhal ....~ pennanc:n! III
F""", He however SlIUed emphaI-
x:nUy thaI .'there IS no order 01
fcellon In the oommuruty through unguxbI UtteraDt:eS or R1lSUlfonn.mon. He .....arned th:n nobod). or group of tndt\-1c!uals should be alJov.m 10 daract the gD'\'mlOI" from •
pbn 10 order the cncroacheB 10 ~ for nov.... assunng Early this ....'Cd:, some non!hat nobody .....Quld be pasecuttd. WltdHumted or victnn- OOb'C'IIC fiumers m areas like I2ICd 01\ the account of the las! ~ OdJgbo. Orrufan. AJUC elet:uon ''becrnse the vidary and AkmIoIa area of the SWe wen:: pawdmg O\'l'l" lUI IS for the geoernlJly of Ondo unconfirmed reportS thai nonpeople ....,thout exemption. ~ The people "'~ then:fore Khgcncs m mas the urged 10 go about thetr Ic:gm- Labour Puny sc:omi k>v. VUCC5 m::ue busJnes5es and report to should be gtV!:fl qull TlObI::e to the 1ll'rropriate authonues \'3C3IC the areas and abandoo anybody tI)"Ul! 10 cause dlsaf.. """r"""""",
"""',..."'''''''''''' .......
would nul CO!JIl\C:f to the pr0VISions of the COOSllWIJOD that guaraIlled Nigerian cillUDS
Oyo, UK lim sign MoU 10 eslOOish N4bn soya m1< firm
Ac:cording" 10 him the The govanor......ho recently someumes BOt a second tmn 1T1i1lKiate. encroachers assencd thai. asKk that tbc:re molest ~ officials III no lOla of truth m the charge of forcsrry III addItIOn nunour. he had no COI1Sfitu. \0 fellmg and sellmg the umlIODal nghts and po¥>oer 10 do bers illepJly befctt plannng crops like cocoa. 510. He added that s:aytng 510 cash
esmbbshed :u a cost $25 rruJ.. bon (N4 tniboo), will be proa memo.. ducms abouI 150.000 metric """'tty mndum of under· IOOS of soya mill per annum. Spc:OOng through hIS Information CommISSioner. sundmg (MoU) wnh a asade tbe prtMSIOfI of about Uruted KEngdorn-based milk IOO.<XX> JOb'.> for th(o people of Ka~ Akmmade. MinuKO susoectcd thai .'the rumoor producing company. K= the state. MiJi.: Industry foo:he proc.;:s:;muSt have emanated from the Govmu AbIoIa Ajunobi. opposluon ~ !hat wen: mg !Dld pnxtucnon of soy~ .....ilo prcsxied ova-!he stgrung beaten silly III the Iasl gover- milk. ceremony aI the Govanor's \\'ben JI evmtu:illy comes norshtp election in the stale." ()ffia:, Ibad3n m Wcdnesd:Jy. on sueam. the a:mpany. bemg
the nghl to rc:sxie and own property III any pan of the
yo State GO\'emmenI
saKI that the ik:YdoprncIl\l''aS the product of Ius man)' forelgn tn(15 ....fuch wen: aimed at ntq:roVIllg tbe 0CXlll00ly of the state and c:nboD:mg the 1T.'IIlI! Sl3lIdan:I of the people.. "TlK: Moll IS ooe or the
productsofwrpomoum; ....~ ~ nov. ha\'IDg a comp.1Il)' mvolved m the large manufocnumg of soya bean .....hich .....ill be the IargIs m Afilca outOOe
Again. Oyo extends LG aretaker pcmeI's tenure ~~':':"'_ from OLAOlUWA BILAU,
",=·=kmg""'bOn mto the 33 local
"""""""'" m Oyo Stille still ha\'e a \ODger period 10 .....1111, as the State House of Assembly yesterday apprm'1:d the exu:nsxm of the tcnlR of the current council caretaker committees by another six months.. The ternre ckmganon IS the fourth by the I&- month-old admuti:str.Iboo aDd is coming anudst the cla!noor ror the condutt of the local govcnmenl elet:tioos by oppostUon pohuca1 parlleS especuilly, Oyo Stalt chapter of the Peoples Democr:uic pany (PDP). A few days ago, the
PDP tbroogb Ii pess n:1e:!sr: bad declared Ib3lIhe SU1e g0vernment was JIttery aboul CIpIUS1Ilg the council polls due 10 the poorsbm.\'lIlg of the Action ~ of Nigeria in
""'""-"""""" III
Ondo Stille. The state po.
a:nmenl is bov.~ yet 10
wtoch he sax! he .....ould ensure
thai people understand lbe of the Slate governIIlOII even dcMll 10 the grassrooIs.. He a1so prorrused 10 budd 011 the acluevements of
Hov."'e\tt, Albap Adeymu 5lale the t"Cl'iOlS for the tenure frcrn Abba Local GovemmenI exlt:nsion.. Also. the Sl8U: House of An::a and d:mgbter of AJaafin Assembly lJRm''tId the norru- of~, Oba Lmrudl Adeyatu nman of Mt TaNiO lb!yt:rru m was only asked 10 take a Ote:gbcye and AIhaF Adewru bov,' after III motJOn by the Muliat Atgbe Adeyenu I:I31JE:d DepuI)' Speaker......00 s::ud the .s comrn&SSIODeJS in the cabJ.. oominee's pedlgn::e already net reshuffie at:lDOOnCCd earfi. speaks for ttsdi er m the ....m by Governor Thereafter the lawmakers Abiola AJunobi.. unanimously supponed the The kpslalOJ!i grilled mouon and the Itl()Il3rt"b's ~ on .... i131 wouJd be daughtc:t look the bov.. hIS pnonllcs al the
Signed by lus specwl adviser 011 media. Dr. Fesrus Adcdayo. ~ the rnanag.:ment of the company mal government .....'OUId prOVIde the enabhng envtIODml:Zlt 10 c:nhanct ItS
"""" ''We
~ mdeed ready 10 ",iIh ~ and prtl\ide the enablmg an1rOlllllc:D1 thai will nuke you. succeed and all thai IS requutd of us 10 ~ mOle: and mate progress III ~ State.- be sud. The governor aJso ItSSUftd that the canpany ~ be provxb:l .....ub 15 hectan:s of bOO 10 cortnIaJCC the pnd.x:lion of soya be:ms .....tueb, he sax!.. ....'OUId have its own \-aNt chain addJtlOIl throucll the promotJOrl of POU1uY. fJSb product am anunal feeds..