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"iday, Jun. 1,2012

I inherited debts, empty treasury -Dankwambo From liW Illb -.him, Gombt GOMBE SIal!' goYttnor. Alhajl Ibnhlm D tnk~mbo. has said llul it YOU only after assuming

omce Illal hr rnliud thai the stair's lIt'uJr"y WlIS empty wh.k the gO'llcrn"ntnl indebted to the lune of I)ilholls of nllra. Tht gov!mor, who disclosed ,hill. I Democracy Oay rally in

GomM did not however give drtaiLs d th: stale ohhe finances.

-Given the above picture. government will set up an teO nomic advisory leillm with pfl) pit of proven iOlegrily. knowl edge and ape-rienee to rescue aUf dl!bt -riddcn slale and fASt lnIck Its sodo-economic devel opment-, he said. He said he:ncdonh no org.n of government shall M aUowtd to spend from its revenue. saying hi5 administration was making e:fTort 10 obUlin new

in'titution.1 sources of fund ing from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), NEXIM and Bank of Industry (BOI) whose nrst phase of the NI billion BOI facility hu already bl!'cn dis bursed to 85 coopcAlive socl· etin. Oankwambo re·iteAted his inaugural pledge to run In all inclusive government that was evident from the eleven com millecs of experts, the result of

whIch he said prompted many who-avoided the siale out offear for their life and dignity 10 now pay regular visits and even par· ticipated In local events. The governur outlined some of the achievemeots recorded In the state within the lut one ynr, especially In the Ifelj of educi' tion, agriculture. hnlth and youth and ru'" development_ He also promised 10 look It the request for the establishment

of judicial enquiry 10 probe paJI activities or the dread~d 'J(abre' mililanl.s with. view 10 punishing thcoir sponsors, saying he would nol bcdlscouraged brlhe cowardly attack on thefT camp lasl week.. Governor Dankwambo also pledgcod 10 e$tablish • stale council of agriculture that would articulate and cuurdi · nate all agricultural aClivilies of the slate to reviw the 5«lor.

Qui(k Read

Free medical care for elders begins in Gombe

Amaechi to improve land administration in Rivers

Why work on Gurara waterfalls was stalled -Gov Aliyu NIGEllStlil govt'ff}OC,Dr. Mu'lZu Babangid· Ali)-u. bas said I dlsagrMr!ml brtwem the slate goyemn~nt IUd I. rrivale In\'CStor o\~r II dal '!K in the rM'morandum of uooero;lal ding stalled the com· menu m( It of construction work

for the d~lopment of the famous Gurara Wakrfatb InlO lourist attraction. He saKi the private Investor insisted on the Build, Operate and Own (800) whik the state gl)W!mmenl malntlined ttta! II should be Build, Operate and Transfer (SOF), saying howe-ver

Clerics task Dakingari on quality leadership

that the disagreement would soon be resolvnl 1bc SO'·ernor dlsdoscd this al Guran. Junction along MinnaSoltop Road yesterday while commwionlUg a 33 KV tJ305former and four kJlumelers road leading to the waler falls site as pan oflhe Mic facilities rcqulf"cd toward


pulling the place inlo maximum ~

lie said the investor WI.! up«lcd to ha~ commenced work on lhe prtttKt ofbuildmg a hotd accommoeJ&lion and a con ~tion ceOler al Gurara walerflll\$ buluwing 10 Ihedlsagrftmenl the proft'Cl had 10 be ddayN.

Borno secures Nl bn agric loan for farmer's

the government to COSlItt promp' payment f:i staff Qlarics.. tqJIlir of "N L~alll c ldKlbr, Sheikh Yusui' IIbJII 7 Uni. has warned Kebhi State ~n1<'1t1 ,ff'lGili on the impend

dilJPKiar:ed roads, Imptm-anml in health care and security oflives and


Lng d;,.1[t" " iltlachcd 10 lcadenhip kn'UI' tw lily 0f1 t.heday I U~menL

Other M~im dcric. ShciIJ, Adurnhun Isah lega and Sheikh

aki 18 lit a ~ pmlChing .......... ' ~ U"aaI mcommemor.llJOr1 ofthlJ .~r; Ilcmocracy Day In KdJbi. tllcbbmll $(holMsaidkaders should f'I(l(F ~ tc' lL.uryat theexpcrucofthc C'Ommoo l run, urgtllg them to slme lOr the IIJ' lfittlt'lU of the sooo-cco0(1fIIk. dn!lo¥flCOt ofttKlcd. "nOlh·~ lsUmk: scholar, Sheikh Abub.tkar (no AfKUngu. caIkd OIl

Muhanur~ Arub Argungu, dwelled 00 issues mating to virtues (lr patience in kadmhtp. In his spcuh.lhe Kebbi StJte gov ernor, AIhajl Sa'ldu lJmwJ Dakingan. rq>reSnllrd by hi! SpcciaI Adviser un RdigKlUS Affairs. Sheikh Imam Abdullahi 9\mJa, Aid the ~n menl would inVite various JCholars 10 discuss on Issues IS they unfold.


TH E Somo State &ova-nmenl says it had !lCC"uTcd a one bi! lion nlira credit fadlilY fOT fannen in the ltale under the stille's Iftriculturc loan guar anll"C sclll~mc. A1haji lisman Zanna. lilt" comnnsslOllu for ~hl1rr and tulural ~rccs. said at I minIsterial briefing in Mai duguri )'t'Stmby that the loan ",-usouroed through the Flddity Bank PIc afltr a Memoran dum orundemanding (MoU) ~ the IWO partks.

The loan. aa:ordmg to him, wauourccdal7.5 pcrUflt inler· t5I ralc.lle the goyanmml had also Signed • ~oU ",ith the

Songtw F.mns In Porto-Novo. the Taula MOlars in Egypt and 10 Thaibnd 011 pn 5OIU1d tmlning. mxhin~y fabriation and S\lpPly of agiitul



Zanna said the goyemment

procured and distriJuted 18. 000 metnc 101ll of NPK and Urea 1Cni1i1.cr to fa~at SOper cent

.wbsid( (NAN)

TIlE RivcrsStale~.o.ibuW: Roliml Am.IcchL has reiImetd his adminEStraborU: mrnffillmml

lOWUdimpmvtngonthcadministralion and manag.mcnt ofbnd across Utc5tatc. AJT13IICChI$lid al thcdosing ar=lOOy of a lwo-day land 5UIl\fIlit organized In Port J-Iaro'Jwt that the state ~ will implement aI the~mKhcdaJ.lhrmdm

thc $UIllmil, $iI)'In8 fuD implcmmta-

tionoCthcmolutim wouId~ttK state forward.

Plateau disburses N900m scholarships to students

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