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DAILY SUN Monday, Apl.1I 2, 2011


Cameroon reaps be~elits 01 investments in agricultural research F

UrldIO& for UUI . . rHt:ucb (or caevetopmul I. Ca.UNII b bnla& I ptillive Implct t'lilb fumen rK<lrdlol locl'T;Uft in yield,

furer pa ls aDd dl.selst pnsIU~ Improved UnUboods and more mOlley Ie thdr poc:.kelL From 10 tOfU per heclaR. farmen wnb unp'Oved vaneues

are now lwvcstIR8 befwccn 25 and 30 tons per hectare of cassaVI, attonitnl 10 Cameroon's

u)lllrol prog:n n to tackle some ef oflhe peSlJ "The deplO) n :nt of these stale projeCt on roou and tuber v. lIelies by "'The: propas we have: today Improved crops Itvl II popullrty known u 10 CUAW U • result of the Icseart:hcn mlfl UTA In plttmvesuncnlS we have nershlp wllh the Inslltute of J' eseuch for had f'tom otpnlU- A&ncuitunl liOns such as the J)evek)pmeoll lP ADI, UIU\mlInlernatlOnal Fund IICS. PNDRT, mJ the Muu..uy for ABncultunt.l of Agrn:ultl.J~ IUId Rural OeH:lopmenl." 5:ud Devc:lopment hill r~lScd the Or Rac:hld IJanna, (ounuy's cass;v pruJOLUOO 10 mllhon lOrd. Country Founded ill 1979 ond ChWred by Oocne No.1! oI l991 lnow CAP A26lfH} Beudes )ICJJ UKreascs. the Rcpresemauvc for tbe inlerJUlllooal Improved cuuv vaneucs proInstItute of Troptcal \'Ide the fanne "I Nith. menu uf Agncultwc dW'1n& uullDtJOn Will $ Jme punJy for the VI$II by the IFAD M'1)(;eSS1Il8 Ulk P od.JCU such as lip qUllity Ic..«" a.."ld lart ....,d TH President, Dr 1 Francis Kan.yo to mulupurpoK " I ,ICUes that can UTA lIallon In be used for h" qwhty floor, Cameroon, recently baton de manltoe III "'ell III boll In an 1Rtcr'VICW u\d ClI.. MlJty 01 tha;e vanellCl with jOOIlUhsls,. the dso address tl.e spKlrlC DCCtis IFAD President of farmen lUI h as good taste, called on the gov- leafincu. cut c peelin" tnd of Il)()l peel colO! cmmeOl To taclclc ~ th ,I'VC$I bscs In Cameroon and the m".le seclor 10 l./US.ln wh l' h ",ue panly F.cveT1ljc on the: I*"ed by lho. I at:UC Ul prolalns made and dacuvuy, UTA l "ld PNDRi In scale up the tech- 101 0 develop. d anJ deployed noloa.es 10 fannen. ~ auaVI chlppo. n to farmen In Accordmg to rum. : 5 pdot vllU.£l11 1l ti:c mllncas'Carncnn:I has lbe saVI produc n • zones uf ~1I.1 10 feed t .meroon. F,bt.calon m lhe usclf. If only Ihe c()Unll)' WeTC I so Ir'Imed 10 COlln11"y could tap Its mlJtuf'ICtUrC: II cluppers localland and agro«o- ly. These rna. hlllcs facilitated logical retOUrteS..' tnc proccam, or cassa..a, tnd ProgrQmm~



Dndop"'~'u des Raclnu ~Ja(PNORn


NOTICE is hereby given that the 30th Annual General Meeting of the Association will hold on Saturday 28th April, 2012 at 12 noon, at NIGERIAN COLLEGE OF ACCOUNTANCY, PERMANENT SITE, KWALL, JOS, PLATEAU STATE.

1. To adopt the minutes of 29th AGM.

2. To receive the Report of Council and the Financial Stalenents for year ended 31 st December, 2011 . 3. To be informed of the Council Members for Ihe year 201 2. 4. To authorize the Council to appoint Auditors and to fix their remuneration.


ReglstarK:htef Execuuve

!SO, IIcrben Mx.ula) Sired, 1''''.Logos F.·mail Ulf()oil anaoponal ora

Wt.'b AJdrm: " ......lIWlpOfUI 011 Td. OI · 1M2100,7f!j.""~. U70'!lI~N'1t!'


2r February. 2012

clbCd drucJter) 1 ..1 U. lMOCaltcd With ~ ' I manual chll)-



H ISlofllal l y, 10 If'ICI"eUt

hltued the ell e of I&IC of the chippers and pod chlpa' qual ...

CUSlva productivity 1)'. Men abo ufressed coosid-

By Order of Council



ping Hanna up &I .cd thai the resultS m.Je m casAva .mproycmeot machma: hdp..d In r:dI.k-"" the hwden faced hy famlCQ espe,nd 10 seDeR. Kanaya Clilly women 10 arc saddled described cauava as with the porn. I} re1pOOllbllny • crop for now and of processml hi rooc crop 10 folkNr-up lI.Ine) J" USCI1i hlP. lhefu. . .


5. Other General Business


While comma:dinS UTA PNORT for

...... FCNA

have been chal- rnlble mtc:retl m the UK of the ",,"'" by p<SU .... [hlppen. Today, ICVC..... o.>rl-Iovemdiseases such as the AmCin root and mental orpruz<lU IN, convnururuber 1ClIe, cassava Iy based OIl ll llZl t IOnJ and green mile, cassava fIrmer auoctallODS an: tmulat· mOA lC VII'UJ d~ lIIg and rqJhcl.lr g thiS I«hno~ euc:. cassava OIlY In the future., H IIVI~ wd liTA aothncnose d isease. CtiJIIVI bKtenal Ind 111 parmen 111Cl\d to mlf()blight and root roll. duct: yellow UHIU vanecteS Hanna said IFAD nch In bcta-c:a 0I:nc to fMmCn lAClde m .Inounshmwi fund.." ......"'.... 10 racarchcn 10 devel· caused by def.. itDC)' m ",tamln op and dlstemllWc A. AocoroUlI co I.un pI&nI arc caSSIVI vl n cUd! WIth mUhlpk raw· underway 10 n.al e IhlS happen ancc Ind/or loler· In the sbonesa po .sib Ie umc. He liso urJCd lite l,'O'o'emmcnt ancc k) ~ and dlJ-. ease constnlRl$ Ind of Cameroon 10 Cl'lCO(OIC the 10 d1SSCmlRllle nalu- Illlhzauon of o.!I ,la"1 III food ral enc:ml.:s under rroducis socii I ' 'R:;1I1 as beln; the liTA-blOl~Kal d )!\i;! In NI,,'ftl:" I d T..RZ.VI13.

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