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Tuesday, AuguS! 2, 20 11 ::zw:ez

Dialogue with Boko Haram, Quattara tells Jonathan 8ySunday Williams lVORIAN I'resldent Allua ne Quatlara h... ~ urged his Nigeria" counlr'l'3rl, President Goodluck Jonathan, 10 dialogue wit h the Bako I-Iarllm K'Ct to resolve the curnnt security challenges in the co un try. Quatlan, ",ho ~pokcSunday evening in Abuja durin g a m~ting with some Nigeria n investors, $aid the usc of force wou ld

nol help retoh"e the crisis. He said he felt humilial~ with the recent crisis in his country and thanked the 801'ernrnent and the ~ople ofNigerill for their support during his counlry'! tryIng period. wl\l y u fficial viii! to my brother, President Jonatha n. in Abuja is 10 come and CJl:press ou r gratitude fo r the strong and constant stand Nigcrial1.5 took in support-

Ing us du ring our d ifficult times, For OU' particula rl y, it was a period whidl , felt hurt and humiliattd by what w;u happenIng to our country, but thanks to th e persevcrance of President Jonathan and hb leadersh ip in ECOWAS, wc were able to get ou t of that situatio n, According to him, duri ng the crisis. almost 3,000 ~ple were kiUed and about o ne million displaced wcre seeking refuge

in ncighbouring countrits. Mil was a htavy catastrophe fo r us. a country which has know n stabilit y pnce fordttadcs, coun try whleh was known to be the uonomlc miracle of Africa for several du:adcs where GO P, income per capita was among the highest, uade waJ flourishing, We had the best madJ in Africa ulltil the ea rly 80's, and I>-C had a beller administration than most countries including Nort h Mrica,~ hesaid.

FG pledges to tackle food insecurity By labri". Adafilmola T HE Federal Govern ment has promised tu tackle food insec urity in the co unt f')' with agric ul tural biotedmolog)', The M inister of Science and Tu hno log)', ProC. It .. Okon Busey Ewa. who spuke )'cslerd ay in Abuja al the Julr edition of the Na tional Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA )'s Open Fo rum on Agricu ltural Biotuhnology, ~ald biotechnologr 1I'0uid gua rantcc more ha r\'cst and reduce post harvest losses, According to hinl, tackling food insecurity requi res a commensurate increase, no t only in agricultura l production, but also in e fforts to control p lant and animal diseascs as well as innovalh'e te<:hniqucs o r red ucing post-harvest losscs. The minister, \\'ho II';1S represented by th e di rcctorof Ph ysical Life Derartment o f th e miniJitry, Dr, Manui G\\'ale, said the gOY. ernmentlYould continue to support and guide rarmers an d aU th osc engaged in th e rood production. Speaking carlier, the Directo r Ge neral or NABOA, Proresso r Bamidele Solomon, said a traMSformed agricultural production was crucial to a resilient cconomy of any nation, adding th at the agency was working towa rds increasing the productive atpacity of the ru ral framers th'rough the deployment o f appropriate tech nologies that have been widely accepted by scientists world Ol'cr,

Nigerians in Ghana move to launder image THE Nigcriancommun it)' inGhana al the \\ftkmd in Accr.a $howca.~ theenlreprrncurial ach iC\"mlCI1 l~ of Nigmaru in the foreign land n lcir basin1$.' interests lie in such5CC1ors oCthceconomyas banking. inswancc, real estate, oiland gill. The Nigman High Commissioner to Ghana, Senator MusiIlu C>bIl-:ikoro. the President of AU.Ni "";,s Comm!1nity (ANQ Prine Ucile Ugwueu, the

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Religious people make good leaders - Dokubo-Asari By MatIJe@ftOnodlle Nige r Della ell路militan t, Athaj! J\'lujahid Dokubo-Asari has said that rc.ligious people are people who turn but to be good lcaders in tltt: sudety, Spnk.ing yesterday at tht: 153rd Qur'anic gradua tio n ceremon yoftlle Es teem lnte.rn ati onal School. Abuja, he said there were religious people who had ruled Nigeria wcll.

According to him, people who are not God -fea rin g arc rcddess in discharging their respo nsibilities as they get dis tracted wit h materi al things. He urged the gradu.mtJ to lcarn the Qur'an wdl to positively impact on their Ih'cs and otheri Qur'an coordinator, Mallam Auwal1l.Iuhammad said the chll路 dTen were taught h ow to rccite th e hol y book completcly within the eighl months.

Olainnan orthe Board of 'frustcc::s of the ANC and publisher 0( the Ovation Mag;tt.inc Basharun Dele Momodu and othercminent Nige. rians l:!uded the posii:M! contributions of Nigerians in the country, whKh they said, sought to red(ocm the image of Nigeria. The oc.c:aOOn 'I'o'aS tfie maiden inauguration of the Board or TNS1ccs of ANC and the presentation tmd laWKhlng of :a book titled: "TIle Diaspor.I: Nigerians Making lmpad in Ghana~ llle Bigh Commissioner, while

laundling the book, lamented thai despite the posith~ contribulions of Nigerians to the cconomyofthrir host counlr)~ they Wtte still secn as aiminah. -nICfC is nocounlrJ' )'OU do not. ha~"I' people who want to Ih't on the fast lane, Since my tcoure began in Ghana. J h;1\'t a1 ....'3)'3 ensured that when Nigcrianscommit aime, they an! adcquatdy pun-


I always tdl tlle Iawcnforccmcnt agencies that when any Nigerian i5 aught committing crime, hdshe

and thecoUaboraton;shoukl be pun路 ishc.>d': hesaid. Similarly, tllC Chairman or tile BoardofTrustcc:s of ANC, Okeson. said the mooia had not IivcU to the Cltpectation of projecting the (ontributions or Nigcrians to the socIo tcOr'IOmic growth Ghana. Dele Momodu caI1cd for a





Nigeria and Ghana which, Ing to him, would ad\'aI1CC their aspirations forprospcrityand dcvd-


FG reiterates commitmentto youth development By Romoke W, Ahmad THE Fc<leral Govern m en t has reiterated its commitment to lackllng issues afTttllng thc nation's ),ouths, The Minister of Youth Develo pmen t, BolaJI Abdullahi, who spoke in Abuja Wednesday at the opening (eremo ny of the UNHa!1ilal African Urban Youth

AS5Cmbly, s..'lid effo rts were underway to tackle unem ployment and oth er challenges (;acing the )'Ol!th, Ht: said efforts were alliO toward~ CSl3bllshing the Natio nal Youth Develo pment Fund ror Ihose willing 10 be entrepreneurs. In his remarks, Professor B;mji Oyelarnn -O),e)inka, on behalf of Ihe Elfccutive Dhutor of UN-

Habitat Dr Joan Clos. said Ihe Yo ulh Assembly w;u aimed 011 channeling youths' energies into cult ural and political indusion in

AlMa. MProspe rity is not jusl about income, but also about access to employment, sanitation, wilter and shelter, TIle youth should not be excluded from the growing wnlt h oflhe nation': he said,

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