233 vehicles distributed tocushion subsidy Il'n]oval effect in Niger
Thursday, May 3,2012
Bomb materials' supplier arrested in Kano THEStal~
S«unty Se.rvlCt (SSS) In Kano yesttniay p;!nldtd a man who it gid has spccWizcd in supplying MeJ:uem •.'>, groups· with highly combustible chenticals for making Improvised Etplosivt (kVICH (lEDs) tha t arc~ used in carrying .lIacks in
the stale. Briefing newsmen on the arrest. Kana State dirKtor of SSS, Mr. Busey Uleng. disdosN lhilt thuuspcct Ayuba Usmanof Dala local g<)Ymtn\(':fll a.rea of Kaoo. was found to be dnling with Mcttrembt de-
menls- from confessional slatements of "high prome" detainees. He said Usman "hIS bnon proViding very comoosli\'t chemicals to the utremlst groups.,.d these are the chemlCab which ate' bring used to mau 1M Improvised Ex-plosive Devices.," adding thaI his arrest was a furlher build up on earlier raid by members of the Joint Security Taskforce (JTF) in the 51ale. He uld the agency hu started beaming ils searchlight on suppliers of chemicaLs 10 people who mm bombs with Ihem and throw themalinnocentd t.i1;ens. ·We
thought Inal Ulere .. need for us to dteprf to be able 10 know th~r network; he uid The SSS chieffurtherdisdosed thatlhe recovered chemicaLs are "controlled Items" that arc meant to be sold to people who make legitimate economic use WIth tMln -But when we have individuals selling them to other Individuals who turn 10 use them to harm innocent persons, the secu· rity agendes become concerned." Eteng said. items recovued from the suspect. according 10 the ICCUrity service, include 35n drums of chcmials and other highly inflammable subslances for making bombs.
Berom youths fault emergency rule in Riyom _ ...... Al.. .. AS thc:l'kIJc:n 't' whkh hRsrt'(cmly ltd to the death of doI'>lnl and dc:structi m of Pr\IfJ' my coounud In villages "'ithin the RI)'om JocoI ""~~I area Plateni I:;f.lc, a It'ihaJ group. be , )'nuth Mm'aDefll, )"eSlerday said thcn hnpoint havinJl;mm rulclnlU)"OIl
r$tft re~ :0 the ana.
J\j)U'>~,"" (If (our locnl SO'~mmC'1ll areas[n Pl.Il II State whkb Pre'§ident lioodIudi. 1003 plac~ on ~e~ncy rule In I>ec2mber 2q t I to md re:uning violence. ~yom itlS been bedeviled with one: fonno(a'isI$. ... tht othctperpetlUkd bythc:
aggressorsfOJ noJUSIitlabk~despJtetht:
emo-genqNfe Jedared by 1M FedenI Gov· t1llJllE:D1~ t~ movemmt said In II lhlltom Fr.anrn o. Jamang.
by""g;ft, "". Is " '0
some lhal ~i1c: the 5I.IIlto 0
onergeoLy 0 our land which loti 10 the posting of! "ily personnd to guatd our villages. the ~~ on the "iD~ pemst.~ itsald. ' The ~ ~d the mqu.enl iIII3Cb iUtd
"""""~of In"tSscaring and propcnles Me, among od things. people front thrir I'.lCnIJM 101 lat life. drid lhercfi.tc' cnlJ on the fed government 10 make emu geocy rule that the
", <nJ.
II In the area b) sedng 10
around the pba! WIlle
We killed killers of Katsina FMC's director -Ali Kwara "We ha\~ found lale yahtyas gun whkh lhc robbers took from his house on they killed him,- he added. According [0 him, the gang was the on~ terroming the peopll! of the 51alt' and one of them now in ca ptivity had confcs.scd to be ~nsible for multiple anned robbrr it:Sin Batsui, Dutsln -nta. Mani. Karoli and ·Yandoma. -rhc first amled robber now In c:apliv. ity who 15 from Zamfllra State has given us Information that their gang was responsi ble for over SO robbny mddcnts in Kalll:ina Stale. They have also disclosed to us Ihose assisting lhen-. Wllh arms and we an on th~r tnil; he Aid.
A rmowned hunter, A1haji Ali Kw;&n.. yaterdar gave an account on how they tl'1llced and killtd two armed robbers suspected 10 be killers of the llSSislant director 0( finance ofFedcral Medical Centn-. KalSina, AJhaji Kabir Yahaya. Kwara made the disclosure whde speak Ing 10 ncwsmen in Katsina on the recent opemion he led in the stale. ·We haV't got intdligmce ~ on the whcreaOOUlS of the a.uailants and we traced them along Katsina-o.annchi ro;!ld where we engaged them in 11 firc exchange in whkh we inslantlykilled twoofthnn~ KwarasaJd.
The popular hunttt lamented (hal 80 per emt of those bdlilllting the rcl~ of armced armed robbers ¥o-ere Hausa-Fulani, slres5ing tha t the gow:mmnt t must be steadfas! in checking tM indiscriminate release: or ~<d """""He. Similarly. ;whiscd governments If all kvds to monllor dosdy the:: hugt' funds they rdeased In the: name ofimproving sccunty, stating "if govcrnmmll would not monitor 1M money it rdease in the name 0{ so:unly tben it should StOp bothering ludf on the issue of security.Daily 7hl.s1 reports thaI AlhaJI Kabir Yaha~ wukilkd in hlS rcsidenccal Tudun Mat.1.wallein file meuupolislast monlh
FG, Gombe to supply 34,000 tons of fertilizer to farmers TIiE Fedua Ind Gonibc Stale ~'emment~ ¥-'i11 jointly supply 34,000 mefn, '<m5 offertilizn to farme.., to bcJtJSI food pl"odUClH'>n m the Slille hI 21112. The Cnmlnlssioner for Aan culture. Alh"ll Abba Ruba -Birl, disclosed Ihl It I prl"S5 briefing after the ~tah f.JItcutive Coun.:iJ
meetmg In Gombe yesterday_
agro dealers would be m-<hatgc
Duha-Biri expLr.lnfti that 14,000 mctrk lon5 of lhe com· mo(hty would be jointly supplied under the Federal Government's agncultural U-ansformalioo pro· gramme. code-named. Growth Enhancemrnt Scheme Ile $lid that underfhe scheme,
of distribution of the commodity to fMmen in the slatr. BUDa- BIr! explamed thaI Ihe involvement of the dealers wu ezpcnmtntal,adding that thclim was If! divest government InterClil from the purchase and distribu· Iion o f tht cQmmodity_
According to him, Ihe GomblCo()vunment alone wlil purchase and distribute 2{I,OOO mtlric tom offertilittrworlh N2.4 billion. Hesaid thillihe ftrtiHttrwould comprise 10,000 mel nc tnTlS tach ofNPK and Urea lobesupplled by two conlrnclOrs On farnung equipment. Ihe
comml:uloner said tile councU abo approved tht purchase of 200 lraclon from Paluslan Illlhe cost ofN518 million. He said that tlltcQUncil Similarly approved lhe purchase of IOunits offronllOid tn lind roadsweeperuach for the purpo~ of cleaning Gombc lown and envlroll5.. (NAN)