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ITYNBWS ' .' 1 60~~~~~~~~~~

Et sako group honQurs member in Abuja


AEPB officials chase food vendors at Wuse

By Omonn £'emlonkhale

By <huInYUlI)'f:re ""chatl

nm group of p~pl c from Etsa.ko, in Edo State, last week· end In AbuJa. ho nourC'd H o u~e

OFFIC lALS oflhc AbuJa En\ironmental PmtKlion Boud (AfPS) and Society ~ gaJnst Prostitution and ChUd Labou r last Monday

o fRr.prcnnllllhrc s member Abub a.ltar E. ~lomoh, for h is eOnlrlbulion! tlTifards the wdfare o(h!s people.. He 'va:. commended (o r his efforts to",ards addUS$ing th e Issueof gull ycroslon in the Auchl and Jauu .:tis ofEdo state. Membfn of the Fer Imiegua pro rwiol"al Body also com · m end ed Ihe Reps m ember (or. oth er d ~lopmenral p ro;ecu In the Slate. . llreside 'lt ofLh e body. Abd ulrahman Eshlkcna. also n:vealed pl~ns br tt-egroup in conjunction with oliler ·...ell. mc:a.ning supporten to sin!: five boreholes In the local gO"ernment wi th in 90 days. while n:vealing th at each borehole su"eyHi I :auld cost N2 mUllon.

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chased after food vendoD as ....-eO

asStled hawkers in front ofRMG Plala at Wuse Zone 4, Abuj .. O ne of the food vendors slipped and threw his wa ru. con · sisting of fried rice. mol moi and fish on thi road in order to escape ureSL

Afier snrching in ,'aln (or the hawkers, the o fficials entered their bus ~ud m oved away, while the food yt ndor rtturncd to th e spot where the wares fell. to scoop them back Into plattS. People ga thered around him to

console hi m o n his loss an d wondered loudly why the o fficials will not luyc hawke rs alone. ~ These people arc stri vi ng righteously to meet up wi th their needs InSltad of stClling,~ one of them said.

Fadama beneficiaries tasked on assets utilization B, AbdutkadlrY. Abdullah!" Itodo Daniel Sulc BENEF ICIA RI ES of Vllrio u s Fadama III project' in G\QgW1Ilada Area Co uncil have been

urged to make optimal utili n lion of up ltal assets givcn to them so as to e nhance the ruliudo ll of purposes (or which they arc meant. SpeuJng at the opening ceremony of a two-day capacity

uu ilding training workshop In the council, Fer Coordinato r o( the project, represe nted by Alhaj i Hussalni lIi yas u, said the event was gea red towa rds p ro duct lye assets management by the people. He said the prog r.tmme was organh.ed (or FadaOla III user group' in order to address some Id t ntlfled conslraints In the use of assets acqu ired by bc.nefi clarics through the scheme.

He said through asset acquisiti on compo nent, the project will proYlde m one y for poor Fadamll users to acquire u.pital assets that will e nab le them und ertake a wide rallge o f s mall-seal~ income ge nerat ing acllvilict. Hussaini listed the assets to include small (arming equipm ent as well as equipment (or processing agricultural produce. thereby increasi ng the income levels of commun ities.

- The project has in -built m echanism to build capaciti n In techn ical skills. es peciall y in operations and m aintenan ce of processing cqu ipme nl for its use r group s,~ he add t d. A participant , Hajiya Moniso la Lakanse commended the organizers of th e rrogram me, addi ng that tht y will make Judicious usc o f the asse ts releas!!d to th em by Fadama ornce so (u. ·

Fe r SARSboss commended over performance By OgtdllOhalee PUBlI S ~1 ERS of lagos Netwol k Nel\'5p3per. ~nc-SAGE Communio.tionslnto:m ational. Wednesday awarded the Commander of !he FCT ')pedal Anti Robbe:,-y SqlU.d (SA RS) with !he best crime fighters' alvard. Chle(S, tpe rlntcnd!!nt of Police Ben IS- of SARS was com-

mended for leading his men to curb crime to a minimum leYel in the FCf. Speaking during th e event. Gbcnga Adebayo of Mlc- SAGE sa.ld th e o rganisatio n through recommendatio ns d id an inde· pendent u.scssmcnt SARS operati onal capaclty'ln fighting crime and decided to h onour the FCf commander.

~ J didn't know him In person befo re the reconunendation and during our Independ!!nl l Urv!!y, w~ d iKOyen:d that th~ comOlander Is always sleepless while tackling c.rime and respondJ to distress calls promptly:' he said. He also commended the SARS uoss for rejecting bribes and locking up those who offer him bribes, nddln! thai It was diOlcuIl (or

his organlsalio n to oY!!riook the attributes accorded him. Respondinglo the award. Chief Superintendent Igwe said he was surprised to learn in the morning tha.t he has won an award. I-Ie said the award will spur his t!'am to work harder in order to make Abuja crime free. · We do . lot of raiding, monitoring, tntel)jgenee gathering as well as stop-

and·search operations,· he a.dded. The SARS boss expressed his d ls ta, te for erl m!! III whatever guise. adJ)ng that h~ is a ylctim o ( crime with fiye bullets in his body. Abo !ptaking, second In com· mand at SARS, Mr. O lukwudl. u ld his boss does nol allow them . Ieep a.nd p uu th em at a.lert to flghtcrim~.

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