A SPECIAL WEEKLY COMMUNITY PULL OUT ON FCT For comments: write asochronicle@dailytrust.comorSMS08033493462
Wednesday, April 4, 201 2
Vol. 1 No. 30
Bwari Soldier accused farmers of shooting truck appeal for tractors, driver over NSO insecticides PANDEMONlUM broke OUI S,l1uroay roght when a soldier statlon~ at a th«J-· point ncar Bullet Construction Yard .. A~ji. along AbuJa-lokoja road. allegedly shot and wound~a truckdriveron h~l~ The injur«l truck driver and other drh'ftS at the spot alleged thaI the solditr ~ a N50 note the dnvtT ga~ him and
By Huuein Yahil)'il
SOME farmers III Bwan Area Council Sat urday appealed to the councils aUlhon li~ to provide tradOrs. pestiCides and other farming materials to enable them have bumper harvats thiS farmingscasoD Some farmen ",,'110 spoke to our tt'pOnel at Banngoni, Zumlland )igocommuniut'S, alleged that middlemen hijacked fanning materials dislnbutt'd by the coulldl.n tht' past. Joseph ZaI..-woyi. a farmer alligo. saki. he has n~r benefitted from subsidiud ferti· Iizer sales by the ar~ council. Hl' callt'd on the council aUlhorities 10 met'l with local fannerspcrsonallym order In know Iheir needs before thecommencement of the farming sc:ason At Barangoni. a fanner, Mathew, ca1ltd for morl' council agricuJlural extension ",,'Orkers In \'anous villages. SO tilal they educate local farmcn before the fanning season SC'IS in. ,"e n~ these people nov.' as tht' fuming SC'alion is aboullo commence and not after beu.ust' it will be laIC then; he said Another farmer said farmers are pm ently confused on what the new nationa policy on agriculture is alilloout and how it ft'laies to fertiliur distribution ~Wl' heard Ihal goVt'rnmcnt will no Jonga subsidizt'd fcrt.iliZC'r$ In the country and haw handt'd OY'CT such mandate to Ihe pnvate St"Ctor butare concerned about the dfecth-wes.5 of such progBmme,~ M said.
dem;mded for N I ()() before he could alia ....· the driVttS pass. A. ""ilOess said the inciden t happened at 9:12 pm when thcdrivnof a Daflruckwith regJSlr.lllon number XF 127 GME carrying
cement from LokojiJ to Abu)a was flagged down by B soldia . He said the driver parked and a $0' diel'" OIIpp roa,hed him to collect mont:' but a disagreement ensued when th ... .soIdier rejected the NSO he was oITerfil and r~uestcd for N I 00. -The driver told the soldia he had no monq and was in • hu rry to deliver 11K- goods but the soldier insisted for the additional money. An argument ens~ bdwecn both of lIKm and the nexl thing """as !hal the soldier firtd a silo! al the dn\w who reU on lhc ground bl~ing.·IMwit ocsssaid. Other truck drivers, who wil nesst'Ci the Inadent. used their trucks to blodc: the road, which cauwd I~ffic jam fo r almosl frw:houn. OUf reporter who visiltd thuccne a f~' minules laler. observed the lra mc gndloc.k as truck drivers blocked both sides of the road, protC5fing. Efforts made by 1M sccmaryof1M lJ'Ud. drivo-s association in thC' ar~ 10 pacify the drlvtt$ 10 rcmO\'C' thei r vehicles as well as otha obstructions from IhC' ro;ad prmTd abor1 i~ unti l a m ilitary top officer arrived tMsunr at 12: 2J am Sunday and promised C«rtinuftJ ~
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Council to landlords: Build toilets or be sanctioned L\NU}RDS in G~gwalada Mea Council ha¥c been warned to ensun; that they providC' toilC'15 in houses they build for people to rent or risk king SiUlclioncd. The warning wa5 handed down by the council's Secretary, Alhaji Usm;m Yahay;t, dllTing Saturday's mon lhly $;inillliio n acn::ise in lhearea. tk.s;:afd ;my bIIdJord who f.liJs to make
provision for toilets In their houses will be sanctioned hcncefonh.. He apl.a.inal that the cooocil's determinaUon 10 sln ctly momlor tM sanil2lion aen:i5C' in the arca is to pn::'\"ent the out break ofrlisc:lsa, especially gastro-t:ntmtlS. I\cc:otdmg 10 him. the warlllllg became necessary due to reports obtained thai communities infected tJy pstro-cnl£'rilis got the inkction through cootaminaud walft", e5pC"cialIy;l\ thc bcgblning of niningseason.
Yaha y" Slated that court summ o n s have bcc.n iS5ued to some landlords who failed to provide loilt'ts and tht'iraclions caused blodages o f water d~i n ages. The council's scribe expressed satisfacti o n With residents' compliance d uring Ihe sanit alio n t'.lerdseand informed tba l the co u ncil has commenced the enfo rct'm enl of sa n itary laws on la nd lords Ihal fa il 10 kup their su rro und ings dan.
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