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Business/ Ag ric

Taking advantage of commercial agriculture in Kano = ...... , "



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Dambntta, said C A DP h~d established m ~ rket lnfo rmatlon klokswhcre farmersaeccss userul informa tion tJl at will h elp improve th eir farming activities In addition t.o markets foun d for 111I; m . Speaking to o ur ooITC5IKmd ent after a traIning workshop organized in Kano ~tly for farmers by CADp, Dambatta also s:a.ld CADP has b«n in5trumcTltaita boost In maize production in Kano beause of the tKhn lcal advice olTered to farmen; by experts 5Ourcro by CADP. The chainnan, who said his association has 22 members. said part or the t~ining '-'115 h ow t.o plant maize seeds. how to apply fe:rtilir.er and how to use local man ure, sayblg C ADP had pledged to secure a market for all his mem-

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"'n. Fannc:!'!l al Bakarari

ftomllltwa!u Unat, Kano KANO fann : n: If"(! now taking a'dQfluge orlhcopP0l'1unlUes soavailN by the com-· merdal agricu lt ure currently being C::'Ipcrimente,] ill , lle' uate by the Commercial

Agricullure I ~Iopmenl Projcct (CADP). a World Ba·\k-usisted project aimed at assisth'8 J'Cll! ani farmers to access improved 1« lIoo\og)'. hlrrutructure. fln anee, an d output ma rkets. Kana is un e orthe five partlcipa ting states in Ihe prujC'Cl dc\'doped by the (edenl minIStry Igrkuhun! and ",;:ater resources in coUabomtlol' wi th the World Bank and othe. lta.kc h·)lders. l11Colher slates, where the proiec~ is bel ng piloted, indude Kad una, Cros.~ Rh-er, Enugll and Lagos an d It will support lime value chains ~r Slate. TIle project Is to I~ Im plemented o ..er a period offive }"ttfSstarting (rom April 16, 2.009 and Isexr«tcd lco dose on Dttember 3 1, 2014. The raticna lc for the Wo rld Banks in volvement in lhe project is basically to bring global experience and knowledge on value ch2.l n (le\'elopment and stakeholders' conll llercialiUltiOI1 u wc:ll as attract poten~ tially iJ1tcrcst-:d partners to coml1lerda.l agri culture In NI~ria. K7Jla. (orua mplc, isapccted to prod uce rice, dalryan-i maite In commCfdai quanLity whik: Kadun I \\; 11 encourage the culLivation


o(frult l~dalry 'lII1d m litt.CrouRh=u

apc:cted to (,Jlm te palm oil, cocoa and rice Jun I\S Enug·J will have fruit ~ poultry and maize while Lag!» is to produce poult ry. aquaculture 'md rice. The value: e:h;tlns chosen fur the statt'S were based on the respecth'e comparative advan tage and thei r conlributio n to agricult ural growth as wcU as thei r high de mand and market Qlp2dtles to abwtb th e a,ldlllonai productio n. 111e: basic strategy of the World Bank~ aS5isted prolect is essen tiallY' to Impron~ lht' bU5illess environ ment for agricul ture to become mO l e succns(ul by gra du ally shlft1.118 from su?sistence to comme rci al agri culture ill acdition to helping participa Lil!g slllall and m~ull1 Kale: commercial farm + en to aCCc:5'l improved technology, Infra~ structure, lir anee a.nd output markets.

nl e project wiltequ.al lyboostthe inconles ' Kano gOYcrtl ment th rouRh federal gov~ aftargd bc:ndlciarie5 through a valuedlain emment received a. credit from the Internati o n.al Devdopment AS5odation (lOA) approach with strong emphasis 0 11 stake~ holder participation. A typical chain ",ill for the implementation of the r roja;:t In the indude producers. ilSSemblers, proccs:sors sllIItt. ltp;tld itse:(JUnterpart fu nd tothe .tune distributors. re.lailersand fi nall yconsumc:rs. or 155 million in 2009. And a tolal on.097 The:project , in a nul5O: U, will haved irK I commodity IntCTCSt groups (CIGs) we re impact on 50,000 small and medi um com eslDblished besides the sc:nsitiU lion and mercial rarmers while manyhousc:hoIch will eoiLabo1"1lltingactiritin with stakeholders.. benefit indirectJy through access to farm Participating farmers In the project from roads, c:nrrgyand market through ' piUover the sdc:cted locali ties across Kana State effc:ct.s. c::lprc:ssc:d S3tisfaction with t~ I"cl o r w I'Matchi ng gra nts will be provided 10 port given thenl by CADP that translated finance all opUon into a bumper haro( alsti ng and M~ 11)(~in' I i(npr:oved; u i~. ln vcst this farm ing


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staple crop pro~ . ' membeB,~n!W'"~·~fortabtYfel:d) tus had improved duction . syslem I. '.. ~.thln· 20pers.l"aiJJtliank Iremendously~hlee and t.he formula _ -j .. ,~., d.:t ' \ ' " • t.hestartohheagrl ~ far th e matching 'f ,G~ ri«lit)OilbeNhdUft!~ I. euitur.J.IproJKl,saygrnntsls5O%. 20'JI. ingtheirplanwuto COf"Ilribution (I(llU IDA on a sliding scale expand cultivation tn produce more in view buls at the associatio n level.. Fifty percent of th e increasing d emand ofrarm produce matchIng grant, which is open to.all qual i. and other agricultur.J.I products. Alt.o Lab;iran, a maize farmer and mem o fied mcmbcn; of community in terest group (C1G) and com merda1agricultured("\.'tlop~ bcrorthe Inda Nab. Maize ProduCfiS Aswment association (CADA), wilt be'provided dation in Dambatta local government ami, in the case of staples. said his Income had $lgnirtcanuy increased For insta nce. the total number of dinet since the time he and his other colleagues project bcndH;:iarir'S in Kano Is estimated at had embraced the project. -My income had 10..000 over a period o r five )'rut and many imptvvcd: unlike: in the put whm. a I.i.Jnt':, I hmucholds will, how·~·c:r. benefit indlrcctJ y found It difficul t to feed my Immediate farn ~ through access to farm roads. ent'f8Y and Uy mtmbe:rs. now I comfortabl y feed more market opportunities. than 20 persons; I rcal ly thank God and For Kana. tJlc: project will wpport the thcne behind the project; he: said. activitk$ ofthrc:c: value chains that include Labaran. whose m ahc: rarm Is locat.ed at rice. malu and d;tlry. As. for u.e rice, a special Tadaa \iIlagt', said his localilywas nol known for maiufarmmgbeforebut today hi s people attentio n wiU be paid toseed Illultiplication, cultivate maiuevm in com mercial quanti ty, processing. de-slonlng techn ology, parboil . Ing technology. packagi ng and re-brandlng saytng last year he culti'''It.al 24 hectarn of while in the case. of m;tll';e, enlphasis wiU be: mab..c:but bc:a.useofulesupportfrom CADP m ade o n propagation an d use ofiml'foved this year he cultivated 3.6 hc:ct3 rcs. -Before seedlings, high yieldinc crop pest/disease we only got the malu we eat from Katsin a ra lstant varleLir'S and ImlJrove:d agro~ but. today we c:vcn cultivate Illn commerdal. nomic practJce:. And for tlit dairy, attent io n quantity because: of the ttchnlcal a~lstance will paid 10 technologies (or egg art.Ificial fromCADP~ healsosaid. insemination as well as m ilk hygiene and Also speaking, Chairman Inda Nab cold chain. Maiu Prod uee:rs Association, Malam Lado





and Tangaji villaga in Makoda local gove rnmellt arca unller the programn.eopressed gratitude for the access road provided for flUmers to transport their rarm produelll \\;1I1 ease:. 111e 2.8km surfaced dress tOltd, accordl ng to tile farm~ll, will hel p 1I1em trnnsport lh:ir rarm produce to urban markel~ ,vithout an:r.difflCllllY. One of Ole ~I ent engl ncers handling various foads under the programme. lhrahim ""'a kUl, said the a«65 mads arc being con · structed not far from the cullh"llting (~nn~ saying th e roads areelt.her late rili! or $urface: d ressed. Wakili. who supcnises DiggolDauS<1]'1 roatll n Dambatta loe...! gO\~rnmt'nl area. also Rjd aU tJ le roads under construe· tion will be ready u "'elk is nOlllln progress to nlcet the cUmts' deadli ne:. TI le project. according to CADPs recent progress report.lvtl provided grant support ta67 Community Interest G roups (C IGsl in ule state to undertake various tyVes of agricu1tu ral prot!uction and proc.essing activities and ule total IDA grants to the beneficiaries are more thVl N50 million. 111e report alsO saM the project had established siA market Inronnat.ion kioks at Tudun Wada, Garko. Kura nn ll Dambatta.11leywerc also established at Sundu and Dawanau markets, it said. It said ule e513bli~hmen t nr th e kloks wlU (acilitate 1.'Il5)' acce~ 10 rc:le\"aIlt markelf'ng data and 10dis.setl1inntc 5;lme in a timely m alUlct among commerc\ru fa rmers. just as It wUllncrease ul ei r awarell~ abolll opportunities a\'aitable for marketing th eir prodlJCe at domestic and lntematlomll .. ·ar· ketle...eL Since the projKt began in the stat.e since 2009, a nunlber of trainings, workshops and study lOurs fOf" and CADA hall been carried out to enhance their capacity to understmd and adopt. tI.e lIe\V imptm-cd technology packages being demonstrated. under the CADP. The rtpOrt said d~~loping the capacity or commercial farmers in this way will subsequently increase their la ta.J. output. income and gcoernte employm ent opportu nities. A tolal of live roads covering 34kn1 are currently under construction to among oth~ en; reduce transportation cost affarm output as well as dc:crease tra.vd time from farm to mukct and the: f03d pro;ca will gulp N46S.2 millkln, according to the report. The project, it also said, had maintained a provision of lOgistic and lc:chnica1wpport requin'd to su.staln activities pert.alning to management, coordination and supcrvi ~ $lao of proJKt 1!Xc:c\!llon ill the state. And 1I1e project's mOllltoring and ~uatlon suboomponcnt had aggregaled and analyzro project data during tile period under review In order to track progress, process quallt), and sust.ainablllty.lt sitd.


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