Tuesday. July 5,2011
First Bank to boost agriculture in Ekiti From Doyin Adebusu)'l, AdoEkiti
betn earmarked to promote
FIRST Bank Pic has prom-
benefits from the gesture. He also pledged that his bank was read y to assist
isro to collabonte with the
Ekili State go\-ernmen t to
fasHtack the «enomy of the state. The Group Managing Director of the bank, Mr Disi Onasanya. said this when he led o ther senior onida!! of the bank on a courtesy call on governor
agriculture and urged the Slale 10 derivr maximum
the slate to devdop an economic blue-print that wou ld h~lp In transforming Ih~ «o nomy orth~ st at~, H~ said th~ bank U l1 also assist the state in the provisio n o rth~ bonds, Responding. Governor
Kayode Fayemi in his officl"
Fay~ml expr~ssed pl~as
on Friday_
Onasanya said the bank was inlereSI~ In partnering ..... ith the slale government in c ritical «onomie artas like agricultu re to re\'amp the economy orlhe sialeand make II a model in the co unt ry.
He said N I billion had
at th e pas5a g~ of th~ Pu b lic Priva t ~ Partnership and Bond Bill by Ih ~ s lal ~ H ous~ of A.ss~mbly, adding that th~ passag~ of th t bil l had gh'~n I h es t a t ~ tnough rnnm 10 partner with tht private stClor a nd access bo nds fro m the nnancial market in
FG, FAG to promote poverty alleviation projects
developing Ihe state, He solicited the support for the state volun tee r project, in wh teh he Silid ovtr nve thouSilnd unem ploytd youths are currently being t",ined In va rio us skills. · We ar~ now ~njo)'ing electoral legilirnacy, which is also fine, bUI I think pe rform ance legitimacy is what we need to endear us more to Ihe hearts of Ekili people; he said. The governo r identified agricuhure. water supply, electricity gen enlion, tour· Ism d~vdopment, road and olhe r infnstructute,l5 well as de\'elopmenl of voca· tional education as crhica l areas he would li ke th~ bank to inler\'Cne in thedevelopment of tht statr..
Based In the heart rllondoo, london South Bank Univenity (LSBU) Is a
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L5BU has a long tracfJUonof providing ~tIon forove lOO years with II strong emphasis on employment The Uriversitt boasts of state-of-the-art learning and teaching 00100, COURSES INCLUDE: • NlTS.v4D HEDIA o LAW
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Communities to benefitfrom Abuja enterprise agency
o """""'"
• MAItKffING a snu.m;v
NIGERIA and the r"OOd and Agricultural Organization (FAO) are to SlImgthen their tin; to rnsure Ih~ sustainabilit)' of proj«U ai mtd at povtrty alle"otialion and improvtd - ll\l.'IihoodstrrIM'tOWl The Cou ntry Rqmsenlalh'C of FAQ. f\is. Louise Setshweala who justu.wmtd dwy in Nigtria rcstam:I her organizations commitment to Nigeria especially in the quest to ensure poverty eradicalion, food steutit)' and sustainablt d~op menL Ms. Sctshwnla disclosed that FAO is ready 10 rendtr lechnical assistanc~ 10 Nigeria in the area of climate dlllf'l~ mitigation and trans-boundary pest control which imptdefoodsccurity.- • A statement from the FedernI Ministry of t\gricullure: and Ruml Dc:n·lopment $lld the ~rrnaJ1en t Secretary in the ministry, Mrs. Fatima Bamidele said.some kry FAO Ttchnial Coopn;'ation Pmjtctsare being implemented in N'tgeria. The stalenletll was signc:d by Ibr.mim Mohammed These: r roj«ts includt the slrOlgthening or plantain/banaJla. production for dOl1lestk consump· tion and the reqructuting ami apacity building of spmali«J cooptra.ti\'e5.. Othn's are Initiati\'C of Souring FocxI J>ri«os prnj«t: United Nations lk\~oprnent Assistan«': Fram~ wurk on Country Slilt progranune; $USl:ainable aquacultUH! System for Nignia; trninlngoftrainenin Agricultural Enterprises; and National FocxI Crisis Response Programmt (NFCRP), She abo aplamed that Nigcria is in the process of finalizing the nm pha.w: of the 'ICchnicll Cooperation ProJecU under the: National Mc:tlium Term Priorily fr.mle"o\-ork for tilt considerntion ofFAO,
NOT less than three Shear Dutte r producing com munities arl" to be n ~nt from th e Abuja Enlerprise Agenc),(AEA)'s One Village one Product" initialivt almtd at boosting Sh~r butter production in Abuja and lIS tn"irolU. The bene:fiting communities include Nllku and Rimba communitin in Abaj! Acta council and Ruboc.hi e:ommunity In Kuje Ar~ Council. Wh ile sensi ti zing the communities on th~ importance o f the projc:ct. chairman of the Agency, Mrs. Alt ine Jibrin, d ecried the crude method of shea bul· ter productiori in Ih~co mmunities sayi ng such local techniques hild ofte n reduced the market valu~ of Iht prod uct_ She eJl:plaintd Ihal ~O ne village One product·, is a siratrgyborro"-ed from Japan topromole local prod· uct in Ihecommu nily by addi ng \'alue in such a way Ihal such product b«om~s att"'cti\'e to bolh local and illltrnalional markeL · Und erthi s lniliath'e,shearbulltr is Iht fi rs t product being considtred because it ha.s a 101 of u~es all over the "'orld and has wide acceptance even in the K
int~malion al mark~1.
It is a pilol project and we have other product we are looking aI, Before we emba rked 00 the projec t we ha\"~ Ihe Ftderal Ca pital Territo ry ( f Cf) food map .....htct we could id~ nl ify the product u niqu e to a community, we hav~ local bean~ Stsal1lt, mdo n, etc, but shtar is bting used as a pilot srudyShe said the lack of machine had often hindered production capacityo rthe o r shea butter produce rs, but ne ..... macbi nts composed of a processor, miUt r, crus her, roaster and listtr powe r gentrators would be distributtd to the th rtt commuo ities 10 boost the ir production_ The Madaki ofNuku "illage, M r_Ezekiel John said the: initia(h'e is one that would benefit Ihecommunity, He Mid shear buller production in tht commu nit y is ve ry h igh, bUI becall~ the rt .....as no encouragement, the buller is locally producM . lie up res.sed gmliludt [0 the agency for the provisio n of th~ machinu OI11d its effo rt 10 reduce poverly by making wome:n self ~mplo)'td. The \ rtllage htad orRi mba com munity, Mr. Daniel Tukura notM Ihal the shta butlet producers are Incapacitated ~cause of lack o f equipment !Jut the inttf"tntion o rlhe AfA .....ould boost production and beller th e people'slh'es.
. MA~fT
Aissata Edmondson .- Ille uy ~ rp~"
.. tdtl()f1S and
l"te'\If'I' ~ ilt
fnIlO\\I"U pl,l(E'~
Pre-departuN! seminar at the Sheraton, Abuja Date: Tuesday 12th July Time: lOam · t2pm Interviews at the BClE Ahuja off\cle Dilte: Tuesday 12th July Trrne: lpm • )pm
Interviews at the aOE Kana office Date: Wednesday 13th July Time : loam· 3pm
LAGOS: Pre-departUN! seminar at the Shli!raton, Ikeja Date: Thursday 11th July Time: lOam· 12pm Interviews at the SIIeraton, Ik@ja Date: TIusday 14th.hdy TIlT'll!: 2pm. SJrn Interviews at the BaE Victoria Island Office Date: Saturday 16th July Time: loam· 3pm