March 8, 2012
AfDB approves $63m for agric research in Africa I,Ollyfml l.llK.Wm
TIIEMrkan Devftos>ment Sank (AmB) has Ipp!'OY'td $63.2.. miJIlon fund J*bgt for the lmpIcmcntatkwl 0(1 5-rcar prota:t to support Rotarch fOf DevdoplI)C n : of Slrat. C~ in A."00 (SARI)SO llw SARD-SC U: a rewarm. So:tmu. and tech
noIosr lkvdopment miliative aimed at m hancing the prod uClJVltf and income de:rivnl from cassava, OIaJU. rice. and what. "Thr notice 0( grant approvaI_ rt'CCI~ by the Director GmcnI oflnt~· Uonal Institute 0( Tropical i\gricuhurc(IITA). Dr.. l'ltr· any.t Sangmp on MMch 2. It
............ by""'-...... ~bnagrr 0( the Agricutture
and Agro- lndU!ill'y DIvision 2 0( the MOB. Thew crops Ire among the su commodltks that Mrian Heads 0( Stales.
slve African Agricultural
Prognm. Maned as strategic cropl for Africa. 1lw proj«l wtlI be co-implcmcntcd by thrtt Afrlal·~ «ntm under DrvdoJ'fnent ha\~
the Consultative Group on Inttmatlonal Agricultural "-'<h (CGIAR). The: Implementing instl· tutes IlTC the In ternationaJ Institute of Ttopk:aI Agriculture; Moo Rice Center, and the Inlcnwional Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Arns.. The Intcmatlonal Food Policy RacardI Institute will support the thrtt Cenl·
ers. a ltatCfllerlt from the IITAsaid The: overall goal of the grant Is to enhance food and nutrition K'CUrilY and con· tribute to pomty reduction_ Its target benel'idou· tn are individual fanners and conswncn.. faffllCf'5' groups including youth and
rn. smaU-Kale agncultural machlnny manufacturers. and insutuL!ons. The benefICiary coun· trin mdudc Benin Rcpub-lie. Coer d'IYOirc. DR Congo. Eritrea. Ethiopia. Ghana. Kenya. ~ Madagascar. Mali. Mauritani~ Niger. Nigcria, Senegal. Ste:rrt. Leone. Sucbn•
vale S«1Or operators. mar kc1tt11tnKkn. traruporl
Tanzanu. Upnda. ZamlMa.
........ poIq """= pri
and ZImbabwe.
Jianhai Lin appointed IMF Secretary ., ktriI oltnM4
n IE ManaJJi.t18 DIrector d I...agMdt ~mbyallnounctd MI:. fwtlW Un the S«mary
jlllg. Ouna. and Uruvnu:y ~ Califortua ill Bcritrky, and c:ar-d tus doctorate III IIIlcr national finanu from the George Washmgtoll Urm'CI'
oflhe Fund.
51 ty.
the International ~10flewy Fund (LM F). Ms. OulStinc
-I 1laV'C' intOrllled the Execulll'C 80anl 0( my lnIm tion 10 appoint hanhai Un u thtStcrtwyo(thc rund." she said in a .uatcmmI pasted on thc'lt~ofthc Fund. ~If UnSIIf'PObItmml'lt"til
taItc dfKt on March 2l.. laprdc SaKl 'ianNi has had a widc-raJlli"l Fund
====:===============;:;==:;;::===7'= =:=;;:====:;;=:;;:;;;;':"''1
TilE rede,.al :al'ltaITerri· tory AdminlJ 'ratloo" 1.811. culturt' oUltl Rlrll lkvdopment Secretariat has said that pnvate ..ector would now be distr butlng fm:i · to fanne " In the lrel_ Secretar., of the Seerc· tlnat. 1011'1 _ Olvadl Bema. Madayi aid this In her off'Ke whik IpClkinl on
the stall' o f prepartdncu for the trial of the SCMme starting from the Kujc Area Coundl. According to her. government will no longttprocure and dlStribute fb1i11z· ers u the private sector will now commerclahu agri. cultural Inputs to fumen nationwldr.. She said seed and' fcrtjbur compania wtll h~e·
forth be rcquhcd 10 build their supply chains to reach farmen In the: villages and scll to them dl~tly. Mrs.. Madayi Aid the trial uertl~ Is up«lcd to funhcr test the tKh· noioBy platform (e·wal· let) in which 100 small lOlJe farmen In Kujc Area CouncIl hln been targeted to ~emtwu lMJtSoffertl Ii.zc:rs-onc bag ofNPK and
one bag of Urea - as well as either SOkg or 40kg of improved rice and maize respectively through the UK of r · walkL She added that the new policy framework will rqniICe the erstwhik subsidy prognrmme and distribution systnn on fertiliun whereby only II pcn:tfIl of farmers nationwkk get tM ,ubsKliud fertiliun.
Vonoto paydividend in 2014 VONO Prox.UCI PIc hu Aid that it ""-'l1Id pa., diri· dend to itt shareholders In
Man 19ing DIm:lor of Ihe campany. Mrs..
TIII8aWesa dlhlsdurl"8 the facts behind the figules of the compo ny to stockbroker comn unity on the Nigerian Sloi Exchange: (NSE)on TLe.dayin Lap.
She said that by the end of 2014 the company will back on profiL 11lc company turnovtt grew by 52 per ani from N437 mUllon in 2010 10 N666 million In 2011.SfOU profil margin stood at 27 per ctnl as agalnsl 19 pcr cmt ln20 10. However. the manage· men t of Vono Nigeria PIc Is KI 10 raise N80l mil· lion from capital mar· kct to enable the company
bounce back 10 pro(itlbiJ-
uYdy. upgt'1ldc the fKtO'1,
ity_ She explained thai the corn.....y has In the r«ell! past encountered fundins chalknge which had drawn the companYbedt. proml•• thai Vono bdctcrmlncd to msun I suc:ccuful fiscal }'dT In 20 12 with the fund that would be ndscd from the capital markn. She said the company is In dare nC'fll of the fund to run the company drrc:-
8ft'CJ1Itt! working capital.
procure nKesary machin· cry and retrain the worken. bnnd u nrong and the brand is eye catch·
Ing. Wcarciooki"8atdoi"8
sood buslncssulOOfI as 'It~
vemty c-L In&o:uatlOl1ill Bus. ness and EOInonua In Bet-
CII"tff in both munlfy and _ .... "'" "'" thio brodth of apcricncc has bcm 0( ptUticular benefit 10 the lM.F. whmo rantw~s ski! in ~ comcnsus Ilfl1ClO8 stafl manIIIJC'1tml and global rncmbaship has bftn cssm tiaI b theJ'fOductJ\~worit cl the EucutiYe Board during one cl the ftlOIl chaIIcnging periods in the Fund's hMlry_ MI. Un. I Olinde national. studied at the Uni
BdOre ~ullg UlC ~
he worbd 111 the rmanaal!CCtor Ilnd acadc.-Jnla.
Mr I..ul has b«n Act· ing DirmOf of SccI"t'taryJ Dcpanmcnt SUl« Noo.'ml' bcr 2011 I-Ic will su..cud Mr. Siddharth TIwari. who was rccmt1y arPOOlIcd _ Dtm:tor ~ the StnlcEy. Puller and R"""~ Th< s.a...ry, """" mmt h&topcnUOnal mpon Ilhility b the 24 mcmher f..xecutzw 80atd of the IMf. and abo JCn'CS as the ~. tar point of contact wllh the Fund's 187 mtmbcrCOW1lnc:li on lNhIutJonal matteR.
'"'" """"'"
",.,.,...,. ltyb~wtthlhclMFs BoanJ 01 GoYcmors. and thc policy gukhng InlcrnillJOnll Monetary and FUWldaI Committee..
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0CI .. ~ ... .:wsc.u1ll ..... M5C.
PIM .... - - - . . . . ....,. ...... fIIIIIioe
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. . _ .... ~ . . ~bru1I_1D.-,"'*MIeI............ ~
niH the fund from the cap. hal markeL Our company
looks forward to doing
sood bU5lncu with schools and hea lth institutiolllli bccalUC we have diversl· ned," she said_
llM Admin.. MltIIf'I" 011 rHIU.n4 tk$-