____________________________D_A__IL_Y__T_R__U_S_T____Th_u_r~_._Y_.M_'_K_h_8._~_'_2 Fadama III group appeals for infrastructure MEMBERS of Fad.rna III Community
y ourprqfessional career
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~ AufIit Ma~ and Cotauftancy. Mor!yIp !ncIucM'
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Ccrpora" _ Rbk M~ The Inlernal A4.dit ErMronrneflt. rtnandal NIb and Cor1l101i; IInI.erT1III Audit PrKIkr, ~rorm.uora Syltflm A:.dl. RiskAsWRnCeandAWlt ~ Slnltp:~ AdQn;;ed ,"t~NI Audit Cfle Stud-,; Financlat Ma~ , Conwltancy ~nancc
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MSc COnstruction I"rojKt Manaa_l. Mock.1n !ndud!~ Conurvmon and Property Law, IntemallonM CoMtructlGn. Cutturf, lIeNYkMa- and ~t.DcwIopme"'~t.~ty8r'ldthc ..... Enw"onmcnt. DKision Manacement and Sys.teml. 1nno¥a00n In Construc::tlor\ Oftiul Eonluall.,n ~ PrKtke and lhe Masten Pra;ca.
MSc eMu Nmforb 8Ad s.a.tty. Mgdy!rI!r!d&Ir. Hetwon lcdwioqy, Profeslklnal suts lo RcMIf'dI Mc(hocb,. DnilnoiSabbill ~WOf~ SVslems, Network SeMIty. Mvanccd f"-a. 5¥stemt. ~naprnent & ~Iion of Nd-kirc Syitcms & M.allen ProfKt.
MSc: '"'fett ~ Modu!a Indudr: Pro;.ct MiNCe1Mnt
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Process ~ Devek:/JllnlHumao 0eYc60pirw RnandaI ~ IusIness IolnforrMtlon su..CIY.loCbtlcs ~'Of Projects. Rl!Mardi Mcth0d5. Prof~ DcwIopment. .... ~ 1kIsinfts .. MartWnc and ~tln,
t.Usters Pro;ect..
www.bcu.ac.uk ,
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YOlfrl-IS wereal tM weekend in Abu,. lrained 00 youLh empowcnncnt skllh and how to livc a worthy lire .nd contribul ~ mcaJI IngruUy to the de .dOl'llKnt ~ their lOCie1y. O ur rtpOf1cr galhcud thaI the CYfll t provided a plalronn ror youths to nnd and ernte oppo!"turnt.ies lhat will en]llInce their rrofcuional and leadership skills. enlrcprcocur and btUlIlCSl skills tmt wlillcad to positive lOdaJ chan. In lOCie1y
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l1.e community ckvdopfncnl offICer or
Fer Fadama III pro;ects. Malam Hussaini
Uiyasu. wtuJc rnctinB to the complainlJ. nofcd that somc marltd stora wue ~ off by windstorm nm as he said l.hechaJrmanoldw group bad a1rndy ~td the Inddml 10 the Fer Fadanu. III off,,~ lie said the offJCe will Knd workers to rqMlr 1M affected b!.lIldlng. I k AMI farmns al Gwagw.. who art' Inlo crop production had alrndy reaJvN th~r inputs CKtpl Ugwu seed!. noung thai the major problem (~ the group was lack of fertihuJ The COffinlUIUly ckvdopmml offlCU of the FCT Fadall1.a III dI.Jdo5<'d thai thcgov «"".ml was 8°'"8 10 ux E· ~ systnn w~ rmrkdas would be asked 10 sell fer liJI7.tf di l Kdy 10 thc (Utnrf$.
By Romob W.AhmH
Ma~t ~ Procureme"c" ()ganlklm ~t. IusIntii Intf!lIIpou Syslem. LOIbto M1d Dntribulion Systlfml. PnJtect 1oQ~"Mnt and ~ flnancW Cap6blitin lind Mailm Prn;Kl.
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OptntIons ~~~Md~~ Er"rcpt~MId ~tior\. .... tefNtJOnal Str~t. ~t.
MSc [ntflPfIM Syluens ~ Mqdu!fl Indyde Manufxturlnc ~"ems.. [n~ So,st.cmI M~t. ~ RNIJOmhop
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pda, compWncd llat IOOlC orthc marltct stOfe5 roof lops th:al wa-c buill by FCT F..dam. I JI office a month ago haJ been blown offby wind stenn. Also spnking. Owmun ofGklbaI rum en., F~ UI communily Assodalton, GWilgwa. Alh:ajl Abdulbhl libn1.a Bauchl, Coolplained iruulTlCiml rntiliztt, agrodlcmica], spn)'ft'S and seedlings.
on the recmt fanning pulktc:ri by the prcscnl fotiministr.dm and to abo cvallWC progress m<1dc by each oftht ndanu liT groups as well u Identify some of the cJullcnp lie noI~ thai the compb.inu rabtd by cach chairJrl;lfl of 1M Fadama 111 u,sodllioru: would be channdcd through the committee 10 the rcr ~ III oWKe in onkr 10 ascm.aul whclhn the groups tuft b«n allk 10 m<"tt up ""ith Laid down require-
Mk ~I aIId Irrt_d-' 1uIl_ p..!odW$ lndydf M.-kel.,.. M~I , M~:aprW FlNna!. hoPe In Orpnb.:atlom,
InUtfNtlonal Mlrkettnt SlBtqy, ItIIC1'Nt~ Human RftOUf1;H ~l. Inlerrvdonai r~ Stnitqy. ~'Of the f ulune, CtDli Cu!ttnl ~ and lhe 0kMftab0n.
atMJn inG~Adamu MadoitoAna
tkaston loorg~n~the mcdinl wu IOxn sill:r.c members Krotill the sb: .fel councllJ
Youths get training on empowerment skills in Abuja
..-d Inler nallON! ShipfMrc Uw
CrirM, tnlf:matlonlll Corpof.tt' Guvemance
""lPmoJlI7NI E"'I"IIonmtntal Uw.lnl erN~ Intelec:w.l .... operty Uw
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Human hsourc. ~MfI!'M"c
ttRM in CJnUtU.; i.eMlIn&. II"IIN" and
M"th0d5 :and IM_taUon. QIzl.!2m ~tNe ~ u.. Cr:!mp«allYe E~I Law ru Law In lhe Glob.! Colltt:xt, 1r'""",IMJNI C-OII AtblttWw\. IttIBNIioNt CarmwrCNI '--•
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IIIt_~ ~aenwnt. ~ Skill, Coniefn9Ol''''' howes III Busonfts I. ~l. Corpcnle GcwerNr'U & 1!.ftII and DlHelUtlon
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AsIocblllion at Rafin- Dajl. In A~JI Am Council. at the weckcnd appcaIed to Fer Fadama ll1 offJCCtolitc fTKKcdcvdopmcn til protn:lI in the community. OWrman 0( the group. fibrin Hus.seIn, made thc request during a med Ing 0( the PCT Fcdenlion or Fadama III Community AMoclation at Gw.-gm.ada.. He Aid since members 0( the group r~ Istcred with Fer l:adama III o rIke in Now:moo last year and pt"CKntcd certilrates:; no pro;tct WH sited within the community. 10c chairman said the grou!, WlInU a rice u wdJ u cassava milling nuchlnc and a bofdloIc Wlth an ovn bnJing tank m thccommunily, adding thai womm in the communilynornWty Lnlm a1I lhe WlIyrrom Rafin-Daji vUbgcto l.ambeand LapiUtowns in Nign Slue 10 mm dw:tr riceand cassava. Commcntlng oo the i~ thcChaJrman of AnagMla Fadama III Commwlity AsIUd-
Speaking Ullicr. ~ of thr Fer ~tion of Fadama community &SSOCla t)ons. Mr Ngwah~ 0. Williams. Aklihe
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Speaking al the semmar, the convener, Miss Aisla Mai na. CEO the AquatIan consult. Aid the csscnce b 10 IMphe :md motivate youths 10 bring their kte<u out in onkr 10 create enabling enVironment where they can pnctlCe and grow 10 be sdr-dcpc:ndcolIl and hyper-productive. - It will K1"VC IS a mentonh;p.based learning 'yltem, in which .snsoncd proreslionail will be able 10 tulor the youths directly on the 5Cflls ofsucCt'SS In any chosen endeaVOf or business,MaiM added. According 10 hn. the seminar It projected 10 achkve among othe"r objectives. promoting youth dcvdopment IS a constructive and effective role In the effort to make poverty history in •
sustainable way, lhereby comNlins the dWIcnge or youth unemployment in Nignb. to encourage skills and promote StUl.am able youth cnllqK"cncur ship; to empower the youth economkally by imbibing in them innovative cnln"prencursnlp pnnclples: 10 cducale you ths III the area 0( busblt'Sl pl;utnJng and creale an .venue experienced busincg velcnnsl entrtpfCllC\lJl 10 Interact. teach and me.lIOf" youths Oft the core prj nclpks IUCCCS$ in buslncu. She added llat tht-y were out 10 coot ribute 10 the development or young Nigerian busincu leaden 10 ~e them comptte with their peen anywhcrt' in the world. as well u rosIn JIOdaUy raponsibk atU· ludes and patriotic spirit in luccC$5rul busillC$l kadns and companies operating in Nigeria. Abo speaking al the event, Ilajlya Aula Abu baIw ~ the Ahuja Entn· prise Agmcr assured the parllClJWIU o f the ascncr·' ISsutancc 10 youthlln the: areas training and men· lonhip. Hlghlighl of lhe event WIJ the pt"rscnlatJon of papers on Leadership skills: altitudinal reorientation, Nsle principles of cnlJ"Cprc:ocuBbJp; and business dcvdopmcnt &: manage-
AMA( communities decry govt's neglect B, Itodo DMaIel Salt RESIDENTS of Pigba. AdNYlt~pl.
and Ziyklna comrnunl lics under AbuJa Munlel paJ Am Councal lave complained that the FCT Admlnlslntion has IlCBkctcd thern m the pro vision 0( soc:laJ arnenihcs 11w!y IIs led potaWc water, good roads.. d«t rleity, KhooIsand primary health can cmlro:t as their Imrne dial" nMb. Spok.csman the com -
munllics,AbubUarYakubu. Atd the FCT AdrniniSt ...• tion has over the yean railed to pruYidc 5UCh amftllUa 10 the ronlnlUnh.ics. He saki residents 0( the communities don't havc acass 10 potabk Wlter. adding that many of them depend on "''1Itcr rrom SUealns., while others 3d WltCl" rrom com·
macblbonholoo. lbc lpokam:an equally lamented that roads UnJung the communities With otMr parts of" the terrilory are in ckpkK-alHe stile and aUed on government 10 come to their tid.. "Our people .re pndominantly &rmers and because ofthc bad stale or loadl there. ~ usu;aUyfind it diffrcult In lr"IMpor1ing our commodities and seU them chcary Of" Lhrow away bad OMS. he Aid. He Aid the communities bcka publlepimary hcalth care untres, adding Ural resident! of the communities live altho: tnCfeJ"of God.