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Thursday. November 8 2012

'FG not serious about boosting agriculture' Muhammad Tahir Munguno. has 5aid thai the Federal

oCC3.sions ~uggesled the best way forwa rd for the s«:to r. but thai government hascontl nued to ignore them. '"Take the transformation agenda o n agr icultu re (or example. w hen the 2012 budge t

Govc.rnment is not senous

was brought ~rorc the

about ftJonningtheagricuhure

we noticed that t here werc a 10\ of mistakes. So we looked inlO the mistakes, thought of a better way and then p resented our ~om mcndatlon5, bUI the recomme nda tions were ignored. That is w hy the le\'d of implementation was low,~

From Halima Musa, Kano

Chainnan. Represe.nI3Ih'e5



House Committee




SpcakJng in Kano at the. opening ceremony of the 46th annual conference of

the Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN). Munguno said his committee has on many

Hou.~ .

he: said. The: chairmlm, who was represented by a member from Taraba Siale. D r A minu Ibrahim Malle, added that the e · wallet scheme: Introduced by the f"t'deral Govern ment iJli not helping mallen. "' low many farmers know how to really usc mobi.1e phones. And considering the dlallenge of c:1ect rldty In Nigeria. how would t hey be able 10 charge their phones 10 recc!ve masages. he Jliaid. Mu ngunu, who noted Iha t Nigeria is one of the M

sign atories of the Maputo declaration which Jlilipulatc:d that all signatory nationJli mUllt g ive not 1CS5 than ] 0 per cenl of l hei r budgets 10 agricullure: said, "What Nigeria budgeted for agriculture in 2011 was 2.7 percent and Ihe same was budgeted for 20]2. With this allocalion in a country whe~ more: than 70 pe:r ce:nl of the populalion arc rarmers, we can rightly say Ihal what the: gove:rnment i~ saying aboll t Irn nsrormat;on of agriculture is just a lip service:"

A'ibom grants N365m waiver to Navy From Patrick Odey,Uyo


Akwa lbom State government has gran ted the Nige ria Navy a NJ65 m illion waiver. wh ich WaJIi supposed to be the cost ofland on which il Is constructing the Jubilee Barracks ill Ikot Abasi. Governor Godswill Akp;tbio disclosed th is yes lerday when the Chief of Naval Staff. Vice

Ad miral Ode Joseph Ezcoba. paid h im a courtcsyvisil. ·We would give a waiver or N36S m illion for the land around the sea port and issue a certifica te of occupancy to the Nigerian Navy. We must embrace the men in u nifonn because they risk their 1I~ to protect us. 50. 1congratulate t he Navy for thei r proper training and all the $C'Curity agen des in

the: s tale fo r securing the state,'" he said. The governor al~o promlo;ed to provide patrol boats 10 the Nige:rian Navy for security on the waterways. He said the Federal GO"-c::mment has approved over 14,000 hectares for servldng compames around Jbaka .seaport. which would s~ as an «anomie hub 10 the stale.

Cross River disburses N2bn to farm ers


From Eyo Charles, Calabar

Notice is hl'ftb~ gh-etl Ih31 the JKI'II Annual (Prneml ~Irding or IItt Kauun3 Chamber of COO1mette. Indu,t~·. Min" ru,d Agr;tuhu", (IW)CCIIIA) "ill be hdd ni llAJtDAt tHOrEL. KADUNA PO 11' Not'tnrMr 1012 fll lII.fl(JalfL


IrMS3C1lhc following bl!~IIIf.><;~:

Recei\'e the I'~idenf s Annual Report

I !

Rcrc!\t me Audiled Arc()UT1ts f{lfllH! Year ended 3'" Dt.'('emn", Jill I


Aulhoriz.e the 1:1rtuli\'e CoullCil to Arpojnt'R~illl i\udi(~ and rj~ Iheir remunmlion


Eltet officers 10


An) Other Dusill1."'i5

Ht' said tlit' government is p repared 10 dl"Velop eVl"ry part of the st ale:. Earlier, Vice Ad miral Eucha. .\aid his visil wa~ 10 forgt" a partnership between the Navy and Aitwa lbom government. He called on the state government to assist the Navy 10 erect pennanenl structures in order 10 carry out ils dulies effectively.

run the affairs !lfthe (h.lrnbcr

l\lembcrs art('~pctted \0 kit ~ted by 9JOam


MAL US,IIAN G. iAlJL\ \I A, Director Gemal

Governor Uyel ImokeorCross River Slale rc:sterday said N 1 billion is bcillgdi~hursed by hl5 government to fanners and Olher food rrocessors in the state. lIesaid the disbursement IS done under the Central Rallk o{ Nigeria Commercial Agricultunll Credit Scheme, Imoke said his government Tttogniscs the importance o{ slrC'ngthening Ihe agricultural support system 10 suhstantially im::rC'a.~e agricultural produce and aploil value addition. adding that In 2013, the Slate government will invest in the slate production

capacity of 1i\"C::'ilock and fisheries. 111e governor said II e Cross Rj\'er Agricultural and Rural Enlpowennent Scheme (CARF.S) will be re:sponsihlC' {or fonningand managing the out growers and small holder·J scheme for the big commercial (anns in the state. He saidtn 1013. the integrated \o-.,rld da~s centre for agric bu~iness and entrepreneurship being developed in Abi Local Government Area of the ~tate in partnershipwilh Songlmi Re~ional Cenlre in Port Novo. Ke:nin Republic will be: completed. and that thecelltre will contributc to the statc efforts atlransrorming Ihe agricult ural 5eClor.

By Ordcroflhe E.xrculivt Council

188 Christian pilgrims depart Ekiti


From Doyin AdebusuyJ, Ado· Ekltl

Mrmher:s \\hft ha\'e flOt updated their .\fembttJ lt ip .Inlwol

Sl/b ~Cliption \0

CNmbcr lihould uo ~o on or before the day of the ; \ IUlliat Gencral mcmhm " 1m h,M filii!


Illdr mbfcripfinll lip In daft ~ha'\l ~

rwticipate, In vole nr tn tot: \ OIrtl for al the m«tin~



allownl to

One hundred and eIghty eight intending rilgrims rrom Ekili State yesterday len the slate for T~rad ro r the Chrisl lan pilgnmage. The depuly governor, Mrs.. Funmiht)'fI Olaylnu. who represented Ihc governor althe farewell cer~ony. urged Ihe pIlgrims to be: good ambassadors ohhe stale. Mrs.. Olaylnka also asked them 10 rnly {cor the state and counlry.


Kog i to tra in 2,568 teachers, edu ca ti on managers From Usman A. Bello. l o koja Two thousand. five hundred and sixlY eighl lcachers and wualion managers in K<>gi <;tate will be: trained in Engh<h language and Social Studit'" by the state·s Uni\·ersal &!;ic Education in collabnnlion wilh the Federal Collt"(le <If F..ciucal ion. Okene. The workshop coordinalor and d irector. untTt' ror Conlinuing EducatIOn, Fedenl Collc:gr of r~ucation , Okene, Musa Mallam librin, disclosed this in Okenc during the 2012 pmrCS5ionai developmcnt tra.Jning org:mi7..c:d by UBEC and Kogi State Universal Basic Educallon in collaboration with FCEOkene. He said the traming will eltrose leachl"rs and eduation m.tnagcrs to innavative approachC!\ 10 the teaching of English language and Social Studies in primary school ... adding thai ca~ gn·cr.; 111 UIIF primary schools and EarlyChild Oc\'c:lopment (FeD) center.; will be: trainC'd on key hou5Chold pnl clic~,

· Oul CO{lhetl'lal number. 9.12 pmnary sehoul leachers WIll he trained on the basic or English language, "'hile 904 wil1lll"O ('(' trallled m 500al Studies": he saId In his spe«h. the Kogi Slate SURFS chairman. AlhaJi Usman Jilml.said there Isacule shortafl.e of qualified t",chef!i in the .school ~)'$tc:m. while Ihe fe'''' qualified one!' ha ve: not r«el\'CC! any form of training since the)' graduated frumschcool. According to him . in order 10 ensure the nhj« tivc: o f achieving quality wucatirm ~t all levels. ill\CKprdlenl to rut In rlace a sy~lemic and well rl aced prognlmme Ihat wll\ ensure that aU teachcrs arl" regularly tramed and re· trainw.

Out of Ih~ to tal number, 932 prtmary school leacher:s will b~ trained on the basic of English language, while 904 will

also be trained in So cial Studies

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