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Tuesday, August 9, 2011


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Yam farmers fear poor harvest

Airlines begin air fares reduction

SO""lE rural ram farmers 1Il Rh'Cfli State ha,'e aprcssed fear of pc:m.bIc poor Jlan~ duclO too much n.infall. The farmm. who spoke to the Ne<A'3 Agenc)'ofNigeria (NAN) in lbaa and OhdIe conmmnitio in Emohua local government area and lpo and Apani communities in Lkwt:TT!' local BO''Crt1menl arca.said thalthe m nfaU had alrndystuntcd the growth of the y:uns. TIley apresscd fcaT~ lhal thed~dopmcnt might result 10 poor yields. One of them. Mr rincface Jhundah from Apanl, s.,id his o:pcrimcc in ram cultivation had shown that aassi~rain waler impacts ncgativd)' on )'affi growth and ridd.\. ~What wenoticeisslunled growth. the ltaves gel less gTft11ish; these signs do not gM hope of good han-est; lhundah said. MtOtimaOkank\,,. from Ibaa said the rainwa!eT was causing thl': pms 10 d«;l)'. · With this rain, If)'OUopen up the soil, the yams art getIin~spoiltdUC:lowalcr.

FromChrb lIg.!bl,l,agos


FOLLOWING !luted CQnc~ms o\"cr the risc air rarc.~. some airlines h ;J.Vf' b~n gradual slashingof2ir tickc15 THERE have been serie5 or industry stake -

holders meetings and engagements O\'cr the nttd 10 hdl air tlcke:u hike. Someortlte errort.'l We! ": : .. :1 .duccd brlhe Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) and the Federal Minislryof AviatiOn.

Among the airlines Ih3\ ha\'c commenced prices sluh are IRS and Cllanchangi. Thech;air-

man of IRS Ailioes. Alhaji byaku Rabiu told reporters in la!!05lhat his airline: look the decision in order to sup port the government for the efforl it's making to resolve: th e: high cost of air Inn:l, occluioned by the: high cost of aviation rud , olhcrlVise knoI\'n as lET AI .

Rabiu declined 10 disclose how nwch cu t his ilirline has eIT«led, but howe\'e r noted thilt the cut was reasonable and one thai would be aUrac· tive for t~vellel'$. IRS was charging bcl""ccn N25,OOO 10 NJO,OOO to Abuja from lAgos thus, one expects the price should be below N2S,OOO. He said they we~ more concerned with eas· ing the suITerings ofihe tr.lvclling publiC whom he said can no longer Ir.1vd by air. Chanchangi Airl ines has also reduced farcs to N25, 000 as agail1$l the NJO, 000 it previously charged for an hour journey. The Assistant Secretary General of Airline Operators of Nigeria (AON), Alha) I Mohammed Tukur confi rmcd lhede velopment. He however commended IRS for t3king tht initi ... th·e. He faulted the actiOIl of the Minister of Aviation, Mrs. Stella OduOlh-Oglewonyi on the

stoppage of rise Bi-Courtney airport terminal charges. stressi ng that she was not fair to the tennin3i opc:r.alor. " How can a minister ask the Federal Air· ports AUlhorityofNigeria to continue to charge N 1,000, the sa me amount willI a pri''ate tennl nallike Bi·Courtney with all the facilities In the place:? Where is justice In this whole arr.lIOgement? "We accept that N2,SOO Is much, but there should be I balance. We arc ready to work with the min ister as far as she Is fair and just and avoid issues Ihal wiU bring problems Ihal consu med her predecessors." He disclosed th31 th e AON would soon meet with the NCAA to compare the charges, adding that il is from thcscchargc:s that the terminals are maintained, advising that "the minister must nOI allow herself to be misled":

Schneider Electric, Cisco partner onenergy management solution From Naltim!h Ajlhnle tlurudeen,l.agtlJ SCHNEIDER £Ia tric., a global specialist in energy management has announced a partnel'$hip agreement with Cisco 10 proVide an innovative comprehmsiVt' energy managemenl solution that monitors and manages energy consumplion acrou all building domains. The partnershi p which was announced at Cisco LiVt', Clsco's .r.nnuallT and communica· lions conference, empowers building owners and managers. archituts. rontnlctors. and IT managers 10 o~'limize energy efficiencies and busincssupe~t i on5 to save ellt'T8y. Schn ell1er Electric's comprehensive EcoStruxure- actlVt' energy management Irch itecture portfolio uffcrs a single pointo( acctu th~t conneets five domainsofbusintuelpertisc:, power, dala ce nters, process and muhines, building control. and ph)~ical security · all within an open and Oaible technology Cramework. The EcoStnL'l:urearchitecture integrates with Cisco EnergyWisc:- embedded on the Cisco network infrastructure to provide a holistic building management solution, managing all energy-consuming bulldlnslS5eu, such as HVAC,lighting. and secu rity. It also reduces energy waste generated from IT/IP assels.lncluding PCs.. phones.

~taJyst switches, Power-over- Ethernet (PoE) endpoint devices and other IT devices. With rising energy costs In buildings account ing for 42 percent o( energy usage v.'Orldwide, there is a nerd to find ways of reducing !:':nergy consu mptio n with these IPIIT devices within buildings and across the network. Speaking on Ihe devdopment, Chris Curtis, president and CEO, Buildings Business, Schneider Eleclricsaid -Looking ror innovaUvcways to incrcue energy efficiency and enable business pcrfonnance within buildings is what Schneid!:':r Elcctrlc does every day with thousands of cus, tomen ,-,'Orldwide". • Combining Schneider Electric's EcoStruxure architecture and Cisco Energ)'Wisc provides organiUltions ·With Ihe cap3bility to go one step furthe r anl1 manage the energy consu mption oflTIIP devices and PCS in the build· ing management ~stem domain for the first lime. We arc very eIciled about this opportu· nily and whal our jOint innovation will me:an for reducing energy consumpti on In buildings aCTOss the globe. he added." In addition, the new combined solution enables organizations to: Monitor. report and man~ge energy usage across the entire corpo· rale nelwo rk or real estate infrastructure Cre-

ate a mo re energy· efficient architeclure Cor the JPIIT domain outside oCthe d ... ta center Beller control where and how energy is being used to more intelligently and efficiently respond 10 smart grid signals Realite I new source of energy savi ngs to fulfill corporale sustainabil· Ily requirenlents, free up capital resources and quickly improve an organi7.ation's overaU bOIlomUnc. According to leffRccd. Vke President of Clsco; Unified Access Business Unit. -Cisco EnergyWisc is the leading solution in the industry thalaUO'o'o'S cuslomers to monitor and conlrol the power of their networking equipment and end d evices connected to Cisco switches and rout rTS. Dyworklng with induslry leading cum panics like: Schneider Electric, we are pro\1ding buildIng owners and managers the abili ly' to monit or, report, and controllheir buildings' entire energy usage. including IT infrastructure, through a sin· g1e pane of glass resu lting in greater operational efficiency and higher savings." He said Schneider Electric and Cisco have worked together for more than a decade and hne successfully proVided organizations with the tools 10 help reduce enefgYCOnsumption up to 3{l percent by taking advantage of the network as a platform for energy manageme nt.

TIlis is not good for us; some r:J us borrowed money 10 in\"tSI in the farms, pa)illg

back will bea problem, i(we ha\~ poor han-est; he said (NAN)

'Xtians opposed to Islamic banking are anti-Christ' l1i.Eoppositiooof non-Interest banking by the leadership of the Quislian Association

ofNigcria (CAN) is d isobedience to the instructions of Jesus Christ, Alhaji Sani Aminu DuUinma a flnancial analyst has said. Alhajl Dutsinma, who stated this in an interview with Orrily Tnut rea:ntI)', beraled CAN (or being insin· cere and political about the introduction of no-interest banking in Nigeria. Dutsinma said, "1£ )'OU look at Jesus OuiSI (Aldl] Salaam)whm he 11'I()\-N on a donkey to Icru:sakm, hI': "-ent 10 the 10TIp\c: and he found people who wcre changing money OIl usury. hi:': turned the tabl.es and chased them out He said theyhave IWTlecJ the temple into the dungeon


"So for anyOtrisuan dhic 10 corne and $I)' tIlCY want inlerest banlting rather than non· intcrm banking. wil h due rcspccI, I think he is being anti-Otrisl," hcsaid.

hedcsaibcd the: princ~"cs

of (shunk banking as ClIpaUie of changing the countrys economy ifwdl implemenled.

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