Tuesday. April 10.2012
AGRICULTURE Imo seeks FG intervention in cassava production
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GOVERNOR Rochu Qko. roc:ha oflmo Sla~ hauo'ic:-
it«l the ff.ckraJ ~ pannmhip 10 11o(Ql ClJQM. production Ultlllt~lfe.. 0k00xhaS4~ Federal
~ tha ntinisU'r of AgricuItutr.. D', Aldnwumi Adcsma aI the 8'~ house in ()May ~ I-Jr said It. tbemtewas ctU1'mdy the third \up producer 0( oss;".. in rhr roumyaddb¥tml:withliule CUf1XW1.lmo fus thr potm,... of pmdujng moogh camna fIotu Ii If" local em · ~ and export ~ the lCdcraI gtMmmmt 1(!;J1cukuraI rnulut!oo IChcrne.. Be Aid thai tI e Itale has signal a t-Im>ormdum of IJndcnwwjjns (t ioU) with ~IC tit Kl..om on the cxpor1UJn of agricultum I'fOdtitt from tI ~ .;btc. E-licr, the \1misteI-. Dr. Adcsin.Isaid th:!t r-dmal munmthasCOlduded ~ 10 build ~ Indl15lTUl CUSIVa pbnt mimi, It. tc 10 harness ill potmlWJ in auava produalon fie Mll.lmilhac unda' the M£Oing-sncu lural mduhon In the rountry gov'tttl mmt would as. is lmo SUIt' gm.~[ ac u.11ist ill bid (1( '""'~thc .' V\Jlu poultry.
Experts recommend sorghu'Tl
Saraki to set-up agric revolving loan scheme for youths SENATORAlIubBar 1kIldaSarald has ICaU'd ius dcsirt to Jd up .. revoM"81oan Khcmc b youtht in Kwan! 5Wc 10 vmlure il1lO agncuhure.. SaraId madr-lhill \JWTI In Ilonn, Kwant state.
during a dw1 With oYer" ~r fOUlhs who ~ members oftus IOCiaI nclWOfk lie rromlxd to makr rundmg availalMr b }"lUtIu in the stm 10 rmt.rk oo~
He SlId tiIIII thr ooIy WiI'/ to CIlIdiate uncm· pI."l)'TllCnI aatJIS5 board_to taU up agricultw1ll. production tNt ~ guannlec food 5CCW'tly b d~countty.
lieSlld tha the fund whlc:h he hopes IOdtsbwsc
tile agriculture production wooJd romru a mUvms kim souto enable Jt1(W"C)'OUths brnd'1l from thepjCStlmo. The JOrme.r Governor aid thai mas5lvr agri. In theyuuths b
cmp/<r.-m; ofbbow" He uq,eed thml to lab: intncst In maIang Nlge-IJ a better place by cng.agtng in product~
would matt pro. Icm\ ..nd put thnr life In danF'" On S«Wl1Y,thc Scnatorurgm thcyoutl.. 10J« IC'CWlly of the munlry and that of their communi I~ ;u a coD«t~ thing which must Ix BJYm tI~ \'mtun... ~ th.t thinfp tNt
lie advised them 10 Ix of chanF by cnlrW!lmlns Ihcm~h"CS and ochers around them on Jilt octd 10 5CC\I~ thnr crMmOmcrV. apuul dest~ dements In the soocoes. lie .IsoUfFi them to Ucrt and rqIOrIlIfl)'suspi cionm<WCmCfll aroundlhcm 10theSCCUnly .....
de< 101 InuntdiOItc action. adding !hal they should tm polOd am'anlilgt' ofthchis"ABScducalloniIl JOun<bhon' to further thctr rduauon!O that they
Wlil bt...ome pxi leadcnof lomorrow
Researchers tackle devastating microscopic worms 8,AlnAbutIi FOR the fint Iimr rvrr, ,dentists ~ buih into planwn .. Viable gr:nctic dcfcnsc IfPUlSI 0CITIiIl0da; - mk:rwcopic worms IhaIInfcst and cal: awzy If thr pbnI"s IOOb. roaki"8lhcmcas8y klpp&tOYl'l"andJ18 nHiaflllyreduccthnrproduction. Apart fn::.n bacterial wilt ~ ~ art amcJfII the most cc:onomic:aDydcvzstll.i.n8 pal5
ofbananl and planta.in. the bu1h I1IOIl important ...... i n _ A h b . In cxpcrimcntt. ret'UChcrs from the Lntcmational Institute b- Tropical AgrlcuI~. bdan Infused INi7.e CJSbIIin gene and .. synthetic ncmatodc-~ protrin ineo the pbntain.Thccystalin inlroduad &om maiu kernel ~ rICJTIIlodeJ &urn ~ protdns.1iIcnDy -swving- them aD dmh and grady nducins their population.. On theothtt hand, thc ncmIlodr-rqdingproltin maka the plantairls roots ICCmr .. synthetic