Wednesday, Aug ust 10. 2011
Northern Business a s _ a ____
Fadama 3 distrib.u tes farm imp-I ements in Kano From Abbas fll!hi.u yusut Kano
projrc:t h~ helped md supporttd 145 community usodalions with N 1.39 miIllon for
IN 0100 to boost !he productive apadty of farmers In this }T:MS rainy season, lh~ Fad111 de\-dopment proj«t. Kano State has launched the di!:tribution ofrarm implements to Fadamacommunity Assocation (FCA) in Kalin Cirl town ofGuko Ioc:aI government area ofthest.ate. The lmplemcats dlstributcd include 40
40 insecticide ~nkIers. L2
bulls, 1.2 hlXS and 12 plough$. The KanoSlatcConunls:sionerfor AgricuIb.ueand thtw'aI Re:sou.ras. Hajla Banb Sarti said the Fadanu II I devdopmmt project was introduadbysovcmmmtinordertosupport gooc:ilgriaJlluni yield. toclimlrnlle lhesuffering of Wmm. aIlevblc povmy, idleness and
SIle said: -The Fadamiil developmen t
the purchase of farm Implements. the programme hu also led (0 the construction of RNlds, culvms and othcn:' ~chalnnan,intmmmanagcmmtcom
rniHCfE of Garko LoaI ~t. Rablu AbdutkadirH3fbauAklthcloc:algao.unmmt 15 among the 20 LGs in Kana Stale bendining from the project and il hiLt also provickd jobs
lothe}oblc:ssln theloal p~mL The leader of the botd'JCi:uics and chairman Fadama Communlty ASIsodalioo, Malam !.sa AbduI\ah said they had 13 associations and under each of the a$5Odations, Lhey had 2S mcnbtts and all have benefitted Ae said if p«Ijects like this \¥OOId be introduct'd. il v."OUId have hem easy for thccommon rmn and-povmy v.VJJd be ~uced to the barest minimwn.
Farmers to get N1bn facility T HE Knno State G<»wnmml would has secured a N I billion Imn ror the fanners in the stale with a single digit interts! 1"OI1e. the 5talco Deputy Governor. Dr AbduUahi Ganduje has said. He was spnking al a workshop organlud to sensitize fanners on how 10 scrorc agrk u hunJ loans In Ule slate. He sald the Slllle, in itsefforts to , uppon agrtC\J! tUfe. has given United Bank for Arrica (USA) the mandate 10 obtain the luan from thcCentn18ankofNlgma (CBN) and fann ers Uf: Up«led to utilize 1m schnur fOr ~ bmdll oflhe society at large. • The slate Commissioner for Agriculture. Dr BaRb ~i
said the state Houscof Assembly passed a resolution for the
stale 10 participate in the schf:mc thcrcbygivingll lcg;d b,adcins. adding thai the~ for 1M fund utUll<lllon have been Identified IS poultry, rtsheries, rice cultivallon and Il\"CSlock enterprise. She said a general arnngeme nt has been made for the repaymcml of th e loan with each ~nenciM1' cJ(p«ted to maintain an accou nt with unA and a1soa mandatory deposit 0(30 percent of the approved loan prior 10 draw down which wID ~rve as cash collalen! and Stlbsrqumlly the bmdidarfa will makt: monthly repayment fOf"a 24 months' period. TIle fanners expressed satisfaction with lhe scheme. adding that rmancinghas been a major hitch In agricultural dnoelol'ment and hoped the scheme would go smoothly as planned
Baudli "leases N30m (Ounterpart funds to improve agriculture [RIm Ahmed Mof:ammed, Baud!! BAUODStat.cGovemmcnthasapplVYClltbeimmcdlalt:rdeasc ofN3O m.illioo toSassakawa Gob:II2000as itsONDlclpart rund-
lng tmvards improvingagrituttural dcvdopmmt in tJEstatr.. Governor \sa Yuguda said this when he ~ the Eucu· tM Director arSas:sakawa Africa Association, ,. It. o.rtstopher ~1 1n BaldU. He said tbc ~ip
provickd llaunch-pad for 15laIes BSADPISG-2OI1OO prognrnme
The ~aw.xred thrSG-2OXI and aD othcrdndop. me-d prutnmofhis~ tostmJg!hm the 1nstirutIorW.dis::tiwnmoCthe BSAO fir higb-1nt:I ~of CMrJO.ooo
fanners whidI wid mmprisc mostly1'll'Or'lMn and the)-cnh..
The.EecutfycOim:rorofSassabwa Africa Associ:Ition. Mr:. Oumophcr ~ saki his organisation has been in Africa (Of the past IS )ftfSopcrmng in
l~ gO'¥'Cl1XIf who was rqnsmtcd by his deputy. Alhaji Sagir Aminu Saleh. :.:aid out or these dbts and CUUJ1\cd with U»ccom1l\hmen( of this adminislration
He cxpbincd thai. so far. the: SG-2000 has o;pcndcd S20 miIIon in the 40 countries out of which NJOO miUion was spent in
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_produdMIy;o,. ......
cmp5 has risen to the mlnlmum international s::andard ~ from Il\OOS~hcctare!llo5tons
10bclK.1M lDaopsprocr:s$ingand
provision of tpproprI3Ie machineries In a bid to mC:J\~ the muncry frnm an itnpcJrm to aporte" of IOod and other cash oops. He thrrd'orc. pIcdgm the
While mnmcnding the SG-2000 fanners and ~5CII5On tnInIng. G<Mrno< '" Yugudo
noecd that C)\'U 10 fronl lime cxtmsionstaff~obtaIned BSc
~ in Agriculture from Ahmadu \3dk) Un.lvmity (ABU). Zaria and BaY'!Itt 1.JnMrsity Kana (BUK) through the: dbts IX
comnUtmcnt ofhis organization 10 give &uchi Stlte spcdal con-
GOVERNOR tbtllh,m Idm
Women to establish cassava factory in Kogi