Friday, May 11,2012
Oil coy donates lab to GSS Tungan-Maje AGBAM I rartn~n. an organization made up ofCh,ovron and other partncrsln !.heall industry. hilS donat~ a science labur.llory to Govrnment Science Scllooillt Thngan.
Maje. in he FCT. Speak ng during the handing over cer· emony rxe:nLly in Abuja. Fer Minister, Senator ilala A. Mohammed, said the FCT Ius given priority 10 the del·e1opmenl of educalio I . He' sa d the eduOilion .secretarial has conslructm over 1,200 dassroorru in the last I! m JIlths while dToru arc on 10 build mOrl'du' LO theconunuow: innUJ:ofNigerians int" the FCT on a doIily basis. Redog. represenll~ of the paCllltts, Aloaji Aliyu Mansur, said that Agbaml partners us a1waysdemonstnfcdcommil. menl in; dding value to the lives of people aod can! ribuling pcn;ilivdy to the socia«onom; ; devt:lopment of Nlgttia. On hil. part.Sccmary (or F..dUCItion. Mallam Kalnru U$man, caUed for partnership with nrV lUSorganisatio05 to prmidequality educaoollll inrrastruct~ in FCTschools to cODlptm ent the efforts of the Fer Education SeodariaL He said the FCT is determined 1\ C'll$Un!; that educational servicc5 retIl.iln tJle best in thec.ountry. Recch ing the donation on behalf of the school.!; nanagcment, Director, Secondary Edualicn Board. M~ Ydwa 8aba-Ari, assured hill the fadlity will ~ properly ~.lnd maintained.
72-hr service cc)ncept introduced ill1t 5 hospitals Br Nasir In 'am IN a bid ' 0 Improve Family Planning (FP) services In the Federal (.apital Tl:'rritory (FCT) hospitals. the Health .i!ld Hum:an 'C(vicesSccretariat (HHSS) of the FCf Administration h lS launched a 72-hollf makcover concept in fTVe hospif2k II.! pilot ideas. The b,'neficiary hospitals arc Wuse. Kubwa. Mallama N)'llIl}'1l cJ.mlc:t hospItals and Family Health Oinic at Area 2 in Gar)!!, Abuja.. Our repoflergathered that the entire implementation of the n-m·ur concept will be within a timefn:.meofn hOllTIi from Fm.lay 10 Monday_ This means that the bmily planningclln..ccloses al 3:30pm and when it opcRSon Monday at 8:00am. it will be In a renewed state ready for optimal service p-ovision. . While comollssioning the. concept. Secretary, HHss, Dr Demela t)nako maiya. said it Is aimed al reducing barricn to child ,plcing/family planning use as we.U as to increase the conlJaceplive prevaJcncc rate by 20 per cent polnl$ in the fCrritlry. He said thaI the SoI:Ol:~1 envlsloru a federal capilal. where barrien \0 child spacing uses arc eliminated. partkularly "U1l0ng the pooT_ Accordi ng to him. the 72-hour makcoverconccpt means hamessingall Nigerian Urban Reproducth-e Health lnltiath-c (HURl) cfTorl$ in $Upporting health facilities with a view to eIJ5uring thai the family planning clinics and FP inlt:'gfiltion sites in such health fadUliesuc.sct up foroptimal family planningservke provision. He said the integration painlS an!; not left out in this arrangt"tnent as they ~ sct up with necessary equipment for adequatl:' referr.ll to the FP unit and if poss"ibll:' snvice
NURI is a five-year project fou nded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation "
provision i~ given bt=fore rererral to RduCI:' "mlsscdopportunity and unmet need of our women': The secretary pledged lhe commitment of the FCT administration 10 complementthc efforts of parlnen for beucr health CllJ1' deJjvtty to all residenl.t. Speaking earlier. the state leam leader of NURI. Fer (lffice. Mn. Adebuso/a Salako. explained thaI !.he makeover concept is intended to enhance the performance of the family planning units. She said NURJ is a five-year projcd funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation_adding thaI il$ objmive is to d~op cost effective in tervt:ntions for integrating quality family planning wilh maternaJ and newborn health_-II is also for mvf AIDS and post partum and post abortion care prugnunmcs and improves the quality of f;unily planning service for the urban poor with emphasis on high mlumedinica.lsettings.- $hesaid_
Kuje farmers to get tractor hiring subsidy 8~
Abubahr ~iq bah
CHAIRMAN of KUJe Area Coundl. Danladi Etsu Zhm. said yesterday that the coundl will soon distrlbutt' 10 new Irutors across wards in the roundl at 50 percent $Ubsidi1.ed rates to real farmef5. Zhin. who spoke 10 our reporter Ifl AbuJa. said the new tractors Wfll: allocated to tht' coundl by the Fer Administration in orou to boost farming among rural farmers. Hesaid thecoundl has worked oul mCHhlilies tGensure that only genuine farmen in rural communitiesha~access 10 Ihe tractors. adding that middlemen will be p~'enled from hijacking thern. According to him, the famlen will be made to pay certain amount of money so that the tractors become thein al the end of the day. The chairman explained thai since he assumed office, agriculture has been given priority through the provision of femliur, agro-ch60kal. spraye:rs and other farm input in order to boost food pro- KUJEcoundlchaJrm a n, Danladi duct ion in the area Etsu Zhin council. He said the council also assisted Fulani callie Tearers by vaccinating over 30.000.cows and othe.r livestock for free. The council boss whill:' commending thl:' effort! of thl:' FCTadministn:.tion. noted that the provision oftrncton to rural farmen will go a long way to enhan« bumper har· vest this year_