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Tuesday, June 12. 2012


Maize breeding: Nigerian team wnns West Africa award ......... THE N'tgt rian team of II\&lU' brftdn, "U decIued wmner of the 20 II bt v: l'fftdm for Dtoupt TNnnl to! lilt'h Afna IIYTMA) Pto,KI at I tmntlny in GtMn.

m:mtt· A "llel ... '" m.dc_I.bIe 10 Onil" lnlJ rmltd that the JWVd IC'C ()I'ld lime tht: N,!",nan bnocdo, I, d won Nn« Incq'CKWI

...-.u thI:

oltJw I 'n. A p«1f«1 III 2007 TI'It

61'11 I1n~"'Uln2007. 1M OTMA Pro~1 tn"" In Nlgnq locllMies rneart.+wr f om 1M Institute b AgncultUi. I Rcwan:h of Ahmadu BdIn l"Mtn:lly bri&, tJw Un! ~Ity 0( floI'm. the Obafmu Awolowo t ImVft'llty. and UOIVft'· "lrO(M~k


and the- Naltonal ASfKUhurai btenSIOf! .1.1 d Rcsnrch LUII.1On Strvkc~ Or 1M Ahmad" I:JdIo lIruYn"'ity_ The tel m wu .dJudgcd tlw ~ b) I paM! of Judgel who e-n!lAl"CI t~ cOfttrlbutkln of tht karnS {'{the 1J'fMA profCCls par· lie..-illl' IUnt.riel ... hkh incluck Iknln Rcf"lbhc. Ghana, Mlllind 1<;"",

Tlw It 1m In coUaOOnl1Oll wilh tho- In t'llUIllOnaJ lnsli1uleol

TropICal Agrirultuu succt«kd In the registration and rdtaJe of • total or 17 drought toknnt vuic· tia.nd hybrids In 2009 and 20 II 11K' DT maize nridia rdeaKd in 2009 comptiKd 51:'; hybnds and KVCn open pollilUllt'd nmIta whi1~ In 20 II (our open pol IIn.lt'd vanttia Wlth valuc.ddcd l~ilJ WCf~ rdnKd. 11K' IlrM DTMA milLU van nks Include olra-carly. nrl)'.

bltermnti.tc and I.te malurity rOt" the VlIrious nWu KoIogJa of NtgnU and other w""" African (OUnlrie5 The rqraonaJ CoordUIol lor foc the M.aiu RHnrch In


NiSCria. pro( SMhu Garld Ado

who r«tiwd tht: .ward unbdullf o(the Nigrn.n (tam said thn hlJ tn.m woWd conUnue 10 Im~ maize varicUcs to withstand 1M VlIgarle:s of wu.lhcr In the chan!inS d imlll!! to mab Jub.Sah.nm Africa sdf-suffKknl ln food wilh incrt'a~ IlKome to mJUC fum "'-

Thc DTMA proj«1 p1 Jottk to devdop supmor nulu plum with ItIha yidds incr~ ~ uisting Yafktles.nd rnch 30-40 milhon rurners in sub SahannAfnaby'20IS.


Windfall for Oyo graduate farmers Kofi Annan sets out vision to fight global hunger Fn.hJlli I " " , IIMM

ABOUT l«I yoo.ne: graduate farmcn in OIuyok' Local Gm'ft'n mmIAraofOyoSt~e.,.e lobm.

dit ffOTn' O'lt' miJlion nairalar· w bc-IIlIMirinvotvmlcnlln IIro·alhtd Ymlurrt EKh " L~ graduate farmen a~ 10 let itnl'fO...ed K'edlillgJ. fn· lIIiun. agio chemicals and fum loo1s hi Ih • tunc of Nl5O,OOO 10 1Ostt'f ilSn..."l hural dtw:lopment In Ow .Iate uldct- the IIP"lCUhunl ~'fOtnt prognmme 4pon IfIftd tty tI'It 'ipcdal Asiimnl to thtGoo.n'OJ on lfou.stns. Gbob pdc: AI'IIOI!un.


lht..J""""< AhlNtun that the


~t FJlu~ Wli ,;pKlfJCalty aime:llt boMtlPS I~ Mod liKunty and poYeTt\. all 'V111Wl'n JChenw of the prom! ad'llolstrahon in theqltc.

GboIaS ade





IKd III 0 "&bonlion ... lIh In mlunatkll aJ nnn-pTmmmt-aJ orpni.zltll n the CitlUm Foun

cb.bon for Apicu1tural Dcvdopmen! In Afra (OFAOA). was abmd booR.ins lhe c:apecky of the: berwfJdaries In food prochlC' Ikln nubbly C'a5A..... ria. maize, pms. fISh. pouk'1 ind palm pm. doc< C1FAOA National Sectm'1. 8umtt'f 0k0I1 Got.it Ray. uk! "' the ttmnOny thai the SOtun wu aimed It ensuring food Komly ~u ills Slrictlyploug.htd back Inlo


agncu ltu~-

Rly said thai ClFADA was also col.labontlng with the state

JOYnnmml 10 rnamp aben donN ll8JicultUTe pm;n:ts ,,0&, PuNk Pm;ue: Pl.rtnmtllp (PPP) ."...,..."." H< mJoo"'" "" beneficiaries to make tht best of the ftn~ ~ CSJ'C c:ia.Ily lhe trainlllB ~ns ofkrtd thrm on modem .,-;cuhun tKh .",~

Responding on behalf 01 the beMf'ldl.ries. MT Adcmoh A;ayI lhankrd tht Iblt for cncou,..-· menl and promdai thaa the funds

would be dqWycd IKCOTdnTY.


pownful "'*t: b dt'Ydopins countncs in sIobII dCClWorHnwns


MR Ko6 Annan, former UN SK· rn.y~ and Otalnnan of the Alliance lOr a Grem Rn'OiuUon in Africa (AGRA) hB 0011_ how rood J«Urity lOr the wor\d'. pooraI can be ach~ by rmrm1nssJobal food.,."... Annan. In a spe«h ddlYa«! It Cant:as Inlt'f'NUonai's IItnual coofO"ft1a In Vk!nna. c:aDrd for Improwd comtination of rood and outndon ~ to strmgthm the workf's food and nul ntion I«\If1ly In I ~cmcnt ".x ~ 10 ,,..,, 1hot """"'" hi ......

Annan wamtd that -aner dtades wMn the 0¥traII rnu oflOod fdI

... "" """"'" ,("..... pno

hu"lJ'1 dtd1ntd. food pnas loR incrr:ast.ntI and millIoN 01 peopk art bdnc rushed Into Ib,«t pew ",," He ~ lOr majf1I" "rue· 1w-aJ tndudi"llmJ"U"ins


"""'" "...,...n ... """"'"

ins unlDr tnde ruWs 10 ddiYc'r a

".,...... Annan Jt~C5d. Ihough I am ~ thai Afncan IeIdm weft IlMled 10 last monthi GA II c.mp o.vid 10 lalk .bout IOod K'CUnt~ dto.'dopmg rountrics need a per rnanml It.It at Ow Iahk. ~ ratrictions which daalort the nw kds and put the ~ It a dis advantage mtUt be JWq't IwaY. I btl" a financbl tnmactioru to could be used 10 hdp cwh a.cmh>t spcoculabon wtuIc mstns moM)' lOr dc'dopilKlit and dimatc chansc


mo caIkd

(or qgnificanl agncukwaI inv$ mmI - incIud.ma: b mcarch -tn dcvdopins rou.mts. ~ W""",.."... ..... _ _






&om richer cootJltKI,.


"-\\'e need _ wei to InCre1IX

racarch mto n.rw crop5 and tC'Ch mqucs whICh ixus on the ctaI ~ of &mwn and brmlns In the dc\-mp,ns wortd. 11l1s IT1\Ht

Rio+20 will be the green economy -IFPRI upcontlfl8 Unlled Nabons

wm1 tht ... dli popublMII'I ap«t«I 10 pow 10 aw e than mrK billion by 2050 apt c.aIy III .k'>i ~.. countnn- the InIe"NbCInII ~ """"1V ~h l.m!iIlJtellFPRfl.-J rhr ~-

coofat'lla m


_ " " " " " " ' " hi RIo. """ ....... """ on thr grtrn tconOmy and cmuring bid tC'CU rfY..d fW'1ion. A SbUmmI I1"b.td by IFPRI A)'l one oftht f"iIars n(diJcwIinn .. the rM't't ·.It IS Ifl

Iution, ~y 0.. and dmalt chanfIl' will furthtr thrtllm IOOd and IJJUltion J«unty. Apm! C'Conomy Isa mus(, buc it should nat be 1IC1utftd .. the COIl of tlw bid and rUnllOft JrCUrit"f G the roor and ""'nmtbIc~ the sQk


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