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Monday. June 13.20 11


Agric: NEMA holds workshop on climate change IN view of the de\'as taling effect o f noed in the North· western stat es in Nigeria las t year, a fo urd~y regional workshop on dimate change and disaster risk management, organized by the National Emergency M3nagement Agency (NEMA) Olll!ll$ in Sakata on June 14, 2011. Director Gener.lol of Ihe Agency, Alha)i Muhammad Sani Skli has said that th e growi ng threat from dimate-relat ed disas· ters must eilher be prevented or miligl'lted. 1Ie regretted Ihat in 2010alone. 21 states of the federat Ion we re arrectoo by de\'astattng nood di s· asters with serious consequences on the socio-eco noml c wellbeing of the affected co mntun!lies. Disasters, the Director Gen-

rral 5aid, wipes oul hard -earnrd de-.·elopmrnl gains and com pels governmenlto d ivcr1 scarce resources (rom slr.ltegic projects to fund rdief and rehabilitatio n, resu lting in major ~I -backs in de\oc lopment and economic growth. Alhaji Sani Sidi said in order to prevent the reoccurrence of the massive climate related disasIcrsofJast year, NEt.tA is bringi ng together stakeholders in dis.nter management from th e communities. local and statr gOl'rrnmenls, federal government, academ ia and de\oclopment partners at the wo rkshop which will, amongoth. en,dcl'e\o p action plans for combating th c halards. The DG disclosed that the wo rkshop wiU also be held in Ihe o th er geo-political lones of th e count ry at laler dates becau~ of

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the imparlance' attachffi to Ilih emergency management inlti;!!live.

The worluhop wUl be held in all the six geo-politlcal w nes in Nigeria.

'Groundnut pyramids to return to North' By Zakafina Adaramola GRQUNDNUT pyramids will soon return to Kana and other dtics in the North as plans are on to revilfllp agriculture in the reg ion, the Sir Ahmadu BelJo Me morial Foundalion has said. Working with the No rtJltrn

Governors r-orum, !he foundalio n said it would bring backserious agTie practice in the north as it is one of the ways the «anomie si tuat ion of people of the regio n could be impro\·ed. Speaking during a cou rt~)· visit 10 Media Trust headquarters in Abuja last w«k. the Managing Director/CEO of the Sir I\h madu Brllo MrmoriaJ Foundation. Dr. Shrtlima Ali said it was sad that prrviou5 administ r.llions after that of Sir Ahmad u Br110 could allow grou ndnut pyr.lInids to disappn r, promising that thr mids wou!d soo n rcappnr. According to Dr. Ali, agricul turc is oneu(lhe ways to impro\'e


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onlhe economic "iabilities of the norlh and aU the relevant stakehu lders have been alerted to Ihis. He said \Yith moral and nnan cia] suppo rt from the ~ta t e gO\" ern ments ln tht rtgion, th~ fou ndation \Y3S working to revivt all legacies of Ihe late premi(r of which agricuhure was one. • The Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation is working to bring back serious agrie practie~ in the north. By Ihis we hope 10 bring back the famous groundnu t pyramids which ga\OC our JlI!Cpltboth pride and monr)' then. We have tht backing of the slates in the region to re"3mp agTic beaus~ ,hi! is one of thr ..... a)'5 we think .....ecan Ln1pro\'c the economic situation oH he p«Iplr o(this region," he said. Or. AH. who led Ihret' other members of the executh'es on thrvisil, said the foundation \'IlIS also w(ITking to end the incessant cri· ses which are thre;ltening investments in the region.

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