Monday. Ju ne 13.20 11
Adamawa Gs probe fertiliser diversion from Ibrahim lIbdurAzU,. Yol. T H E forum o f226 local govern · m ent councillors in Adamawa has rommen ced inves tigation Inlo the alleged d iveTSion o f fe rtilizu in some local government areas oflhe state, chairman of the state Councillors' Forum, Alhaji Usman Maulud has said. Speaking to newsmen yester-
day, Usman Maulud said as rep, rescntatil'cs of the people, they were disturbed O\'er th e issue and would do everything possible to bring those culpable to book. 'i\lrea dy, (armers have been disturbing us on the matter and that's why we deem It fit to commence the im'estlgation;' he said. He added that the councillors wou ld leave no stone unturned at
ensuring that perpctntors of the acl aTe made 10 face the law. No fewer than six trailers loaded with fcrtilizer belonging to rarmers in Girei Local Governmen t Area or the state were recent ly alleged to have been di verted by some governm ent officials. Including a farm manager, promptlngcoun cillors in the area to commence investigatio n on the maner.
GO( reiterates commitment to duties concl udetl your pre-deploymmt training. it Implies that you ha\"~ THE Gt:neral OfflttT Commanding 3 Division of the Nigerian Amly, Major Gener.tl Sunday ldoko has said the Nigerian Army will remain focused and professional in discharging Us duties. Speaking allhe graduation ceremony o f soldiers o f the 331 Bilt· lallon from th e pre-deployment Inining course 27120 11 ill the Nigeri:Ul Peace Keepi ng Center (NAPKe) Ovt'f the weekend in Kaduna, he said the Nigerian governmen t values qualJty training of its troops.. "The four week tnlnlng in this cent~ is to provide requisi te knowledge and expert ise to Nige· rian military personnel earmarked (o r regional global peace support operations. Having successfully
b«n equipped to facetht-challtnges In the miS'lion area; he addW.
He commendm the troops for lhl!i r hard WOIk. dedication and discipline throughout the durnuon of the I.r.Iining and charged them 10 ukc 5aRH' to Dufur, adding that the govtmment placed high pmnium on thei r capability as a peacekeeping force.. In his remarks, lhe Com mandant NAPKe, Ilrig;adiror Peter T. !Jomn, said 47 ofOcm and 75] soldiers oCtile 331 battalion of tnc «Iller would ~senl to Darfur. " It is \"b)' vilal for peacekttpen
to be highly tralM<! professionals apableofronfrontingthecomple.t and multi dhn enslo nal challenges of conlfiTlporary peace suppOr! opu.ruons.- Borah said
Contractors fault transport employers on FERMA A groupofLndigtnousconlrnctors in theCUUlltry ha.<fauhm a TCOmtstalcmenl credited 10 the Road Transport Emplo)-ers Association or N"tgena (RTEAN ) thai the Federal Roads /'. [ainlcn3.nce Agency (FERMA) has failed in its primary ~ponsibi1ity of ro;ui mainlenance. A rt'CCT\1 I'q'Ort quoted Or: Olufttni AJe-wale, PTl'Sident of RTEAN as blaming the usc of fake ma.terials 10 ClJT}' out rood repairs for \ \mt he said w;tS failu~ of road maintmancc nationwide. \Ve ha...e \oery painstakingl), perused the serious aIJegations levektJ against incfigcnous road contJ;tcton~the RTEAN president and bdiClo-e strongly that his position no matter lhe l1lOIi\'ation behind it, is a gm'I"§ misrepresentation orfacts, inac:cume and thercfon: may ha\"! bttn made to 3Chif:I'I! a prtdicIabIe RJbterlUge" astatement from lhcgroupsaid ~As against the unfounded allegations by RTEAN, we the incUgcnous road contractors con tinue to uphold the highest ethical and professional standards in the handling of road maintenance contr.acts.'" the 5tatcment Slit!. It noted that they al'l! working in full compliance and cooperaUon 1I"ith the SC\-eral FERMA zonal! mobile materials lC5ting laborntorics nationwide to el1SUI'I! the high· est aCU'ptable standards as spell out by FERMA, .saying rather than vilify pvnmenl forarvingoul FEUIA for a 5pt'CiflC .statutory mandate, RTEAN and indeed well mcaIling Nigerians should applaud the achiewmmts of the agnq thus f.tt. ~ln spile of the Ican rcsourccs allocated 10 it tin" f"ar, the im~ of FERMA hllSbeen fdt nalionwide. As a resull, hitlwmo impassable roads ha\-e bttn rehabilitated. Clearly, a lot of work still needs to be done. And give'llluenVRblesc:orecara, K I ~ and indC'Cd aD ",'dj meaning citizens should }Oin hands in makingl5trong case for bKreaSCd budgetary aDoation to theagcncy tomable it revamp more roads,~ adding that the indigenous road contncton wiD continue 10 work round thc dock to ddiver solid perfornlance in the discharge
of OW' contractual obligations.
Yuguda pledges
peace in Bauchi From Ahmed Mohammed" Batdil
BAUC H I Stale GoVtt1lor 1.sa Yuguda has reiterated thecomrnitmenl of hi5 administration 10 lhe promotion of peace and hannony among the people of the state, lITe' spectiveofethnic., migiousor poliliaJ affiliation$. The ~rnor, whospoke when the newl), installed bishop or the Bauchi CtthclU:...D...... - u...I - U .Idttit GOllok visi ted him, said no one in the stale would be discrlml· natm against. "God hu ordained that we all Jjve together, ifTCSp«tive of our diffeJmCCS and ....'C: must learn to accommodate one another and male so that theu ....ilI be pnce in the stale. No meaningful progn:sa; can be made in an atmosphere of
chaos and vloIence. We have aeatrd the much 50rt rOl" Sayawa Chiefdom so thai ~e will return to the area, and we shall look into aU olileragilalions in the sta~;' hl' ,.;d He thanked tlx Catholic leader5hip for the honour done to him by the visit, .saying. ~\Vhalever I anI today, I o ....-e illO th e Catholit: _ church, _bca.usc ... _ I !JIl~cd~. u Catholics.andmanyolthernartmy §Chool matC5 and friends.~ Earlier, Bishop of Bauch! Catholic Diocese, Malachi John GoItok. lold the governor that he was at the Govern ment House to 3$5UI'I! the gID'l:rnor and people of the stateor thl' readiness of the cllUfch to support in whatever wa)' It can tn the dcvclopment of the state.
Ogun correspondents' chapel elect new officials THE Ogun State correspondT HEd«tio n which took place at en t o f Daily Trust. Mr. Kehi nde the chapel'S secretarial, Ijemo in Akinycmi has been el« ted chairAbeokula at the wakened was man of the Correspond ents' monitored by lht' principal offic· enof theslalecouncilofNU J led Chapel of Oglln State Council of Ni geria Union of Journ.~=i""::-'-;b;;y;:th e CouI!f!!...RillJit)',.W,ClJr, HJhA~~ votes 10 sun. The Chairman o f Ihe decloral/screening committee, Mr. defeat the Incumlx-nt, Kunle Idowuof ProplaDailywhogOl 24 Segu n Add ~ commended the voles. Olher cl«ted officers are; spirit or sportsmanship displayed Tokunbo Aklnremi (Cily Peab)' members during the election. pIe), as Vice Chainnan, Abiodun Comradl' Kehinde Altinyemi Taiwo (Leadershi p) Secretary, apprecia ted the support and dogTlmilehin Akinbode (FRCN), gedness o f members to vote for treasure r and Omowunmi AJti- change, saytng his tenurt' would wi tness res toration o f the lost nol a who emerged as nn and al secretary. glory of the chapel