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Thursday, (klober 13, 20 11

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ptftrnttodosealD7.D8 mil. lion units~ In 3537

dealszs ag;ainsl negam~ posl-

TP.ADING ac tivitlts on the noor the Nigeria


lionof4S.C pc:rcrnt~ in the ~ trading 10 dose at 197.18 million units exchanged In 3,8S8deals..

! ICC.1t El'dllngc s ustai ned its concerns over the hike

in the len. ling policy rate

The ~ of gairErS at the close oftr.xlingsosioo dcGed Iownat lOas against 12 gainm rerordcd In the pm'IOIlS session while dedilltr5 dosed h igher at 30 as apnst. 2610sm rmmIed In thepmi-

o n Wednc' d ay as the ma r·

ket shed N27.J4 billion. I\boul J18l.74 billion In days. 'Ihe n-YY-d dosed :II. N6J2 tril ion as ag;llnst


dqneciRtion by NS5AWllioo rtmtkdorpnndingsession lod.Jge It t !6.3SuilllQn ,YfUJe tJr rlSEAI'..Share lndadip! by 1M3 I--e ' cent to cloY-- 111. 19.925.97 I ; against a dcdine by 0 47 pc"I cmt reconJcd til thcrminu :5el'S;on todo!;eal


Meanwhile, C'C'OnOITlic expt'rt5 tur.-e ~ ron· cans O'o'el' the CBNi; tulle III MonttaryPolicyRateto 12pcr cmt.frcm95ptfmu.~

that lhedcdsion woukIlcad to


2O.012.0;pllnl5. l 1le ( entral Bank eX Nlg-ria{OlN). has r.tbed the "lO'\C.t'ry ld.'cy rae (fl.lPRJ !Tcm92.; rtfcmlLO 12.0 per

fo.1..r.. Ope)'cni

bomr,viflgalUtude ofN"p

cen'. \\1IQf the Q5h teSe'\-e r.ttio> (au l has alco btm IIICl>:lRdfiom 4.0 pcrCtlULO

"""""""~ lttsaiditll'3Sl1OI. wisrnow



fmmthemaintenaw.e ftrit..u beginning rrom

T"""'" In'

anal)'St, ))mid Ir safidotl Adami !iIid;u., re:ul!. t1W'1'e rmry be !'t'n"nt>I- t., dWlIp existing t'OI".1s j{y wv imJC:!I which I\n '


CO\~d ~f"~

the Io!1g term

dclJt m.vkt t

"r1.!rtm rdql'lenion ofthe

equltks rrllltet which I,m: del~en:i !~ \\ftk, dlr- 10 1l!1l!!! ('fli" 'dgn hl\"eSIOI'S In mlCticnlo l~cru~ Nnil'a, wo,,1d ~ e.'q:o.:t~ u

IDg"Joilig what r1lI' Bankers' and NSE Oil & Gasdosed


lr.In..<action in the slmres of First Bank, Gu,lInnty Trust D·anlt. USA, l-1de1ity Bank and Aa:'ess Hank PIc and lIl1!


Aloo. fourout ofthc Ih~ NSE scct'Jrnl indlas cIosM

tolm ~ uf8lJ; million units vWed at t 1.541 S9 million IfMk.:I in the~harC5ofm.~

while NSE Insurance dosed nq;;M'e lYiI11 0.39pc:rcent. The voIwne recorded In the sedor WM dm-m by


md the Centr.!I


hal..: done \VlIS to de-r.IIue the




Also, r·rar.k 0gianUen of PJrtnmhip Im~ Pk said the hike III r1lI' IrodinC me would tr.lrulate to high oost of services tim though the action CliUId kad to high interest on deposil He saki \\ill no doubt put pr~ure on the rTIa1It4 I think lhe pifllary purpose:olthtCDN's actP:ln is to hdp r1lI' Naira. but in efKoct.

by 0.'15 per cent, NSE Blnki.'18 ~ by HI rer


more ~ willlTlOll: tlleir


imtrurnentinto thestockmark£I I~ they are 3.'iSUJed of

n ~~ ::IS


ti$et"!I1& croot.'!11k xtt-itk! 0011' ~'"I if cnunl~-rlU>.nctd by fi.-=a! nr.n!+oO: he !aid.

J !7I11'



k. USl.IaI, the banking 5eCtC"f led the marlcd transacthn Il.Jhmte )"t'!SI.crday ",ilIl 11ll..36 million Ul'jts \-a!uo::I 31 N7 1223mi1Iian~ in 1.876 drnI.s as ~ 150.33 mi!lion units l-a1uenar. N939A3miIlion exchanged in 2.019dca1srecordcd in

1IS7.'~ ",j~ ~t from tqUItY-~ ~ JciJl, \\'1-0 ~'eI'thereisfTtlJ<'­

eta! '"

Agbaje. a

di~ allhe l.agos BIlIinrss

School saki that t~ rqr,girlg ofII: IWIlId furthc:r\rorR"ll tilt

N5E 30 ",-hich


COlt, NSf



Food &. Bt'!-ernges nlC'ld<k."TI byQ.88 po:ranl

stocksilCOJUnlallOr 3-li5p""ttriI oflhe~re

lrar\:!l1CtlonVl'lUll"Jeondle ~ ,nova! up by 20.24


higher rctW11i'

Agric research critical to attaining food security - Tambuwal from lsaSa'ickl, Kadvni T HE spa ke r o f the House o f Represelll:llil'C!S Amin u Ta m · b uwal hu d cdared that mode m restlrch techniques "'ill boost N lgerla5 chances ofatlain illg na tional food sec uril)". H e stated this a t the 3SIh an nual confel'ence o f Ihe GeneUa Soclely o f Nigeria (GSN) held al the Ahmadu BdIo University (ABU), Zarl • . Speaker Tambu wa/, who W:'S represen ted by Alhaji Manlr Dabba. Oan'agu ndi, DeputyC hairman , liou~Com · millet: on Agriculture, said the usc of modern techni(luC5 s uch as biotechnology and olher genetic effo rts were necC5· ury for enh a nced p rod uctivi ty. Acco rd in g to h im, sin ce land degra dation and Joss o f biodlvenllyarc on Ihe inc rcasecoup ted with rapid flOpul,, · tion gmwth, then: is urgent n ~ fo r increased agricu ltural productivity. Th is, he said, would pa~'e way for dh·usificati(11l of the n;\UOn5 economic bue toen!u re SlUtalnablc food security and pove rty reduction amongst the dtitenry. In his renl arks, the GSN Presiden t, Profew.n Gbadebu Olao)'c:observed th at receut e\·enu h ave!holl"T1 Ihat Nigeria was nol immune to the Impact df dimate change. He said the advl!'TSC effec ls of flood1ng and drought in mmypartso ft hecoumryhad resulted in h uge loss In agri. cult ll f1l1 produce,eroslon, ecologlca.l disastelS,lInd mllln utrition end poOl healt h nre. The Vice Cha ncellor o f th e Ah madu Bello Unh'ersit)' (ABU). Professor Abdullalli Muslapha charzc:d tile partlcl· pants of lhe conference to tap fro~ ~ch o ther·s wealth of a:perience and k nowledge.


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hr.Hitlonal}' Ratt. GOP (Per head)

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Debt IFoJelgn III LOCiI)

t~ I'rk! (Bonnr l19ht)




I "'" S19.7bn

~, $105.4.J I!ilfl!l

f'uM:r Supply


OR Olliput pa day

25mL-d Im.,510,136.1m 1l1Q,p.Ma5.lm

1115% 1I1.ll%



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