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Police arrest four over gang-raping H-yr-old girl

hom Lran Danjuma Adolmtl. ~/Si~

r'ouc:: in bofara Stale


l~ t~l fOllf

penons (or Illeg. raping a 17-)'Hr-okl girl in Ihmba. Zamfara State. II was gathmd that the: girl was on her In)' bzck from. wedding when thc lnCi!ient occurml. Addressing IICMmen, Deputy Commissioner {'rpo lir~ Sa'Jdu Madawakl salrlthc: suspCC'~ rnplsts. who arc all 25 rean of age, con~~ the victim in a eo,nmc:rcial vehicle un-Jet 1M rmext of driving hcr homC'. but di\>tlte-l Into the bush when: the}' look turns IOIO:WlUy Ilisaullt>et. DO' Madal't'aki ga\'t the n..unes of tilt suspect! as R1hnnu ,\bubak~t l.mvt:r of the car) Mustafa 11ass:tJl MusaHaruna(allofDrmba quartns) and.Abubakar Husain of 1'udJ n Wada area ofGus3U. Besald the car 'uw in corwc)'ing the vktim ~nd hu bloodstained undetl\'ClIt ha'o'l! Ix'!" rccO\~mI as exhibits. S~r.'dng to Joumalbu earlier. the: licli m said she plnded wtth her att..:krn, n O( to assault he,·th;!.t <he wa l a virgin. but they did not listen I"ber. -I br-~g~ them tn pity me that rm an " 'l'han and han: ne\-er had 5ex, bu they told me that my lears will net work lnd four of them raped (!)t.oneoftl,em has HCfIped. Onl y tl le drl\-erofthe ClI r did not usauh me. ins tead he pleaded with them II'" to do it, but Ihey threatened tC' kill him ifhe tries to stop them_' feellikt killing myseJr. she l aid. Spooking VI;th newsmen. two or the 511!pttts, Husain and Harun. confa.!'~ to Ihe crime. "Yes we overpowered the girl ;!gainst her wish and forcefully raped her,· Rid Husain, who said he is ;tl11uritd man_\Vh en .slled if hewas --eady to facethepenalliesof sud. a ,Time, he said, ·Slnce' have conunittw the offence. I'm ready fur the ;Jt:nalty_l lm-e no chotce.In ~ nother de\'dopmenl, the poIke i , the stale ha\'C apprehended some ~11led robbt'l-ysuspects, who ",tt;!.cke J their- vktlm wilh • broken bottlca nd robbed him ofN300,OQ. !d1r~!lg

VIO slimmonedfor crushing of motherof 10 rrom Mi) !J I,t Hamagam, l.1irr1li1


DAILY TRUST Thursday, October 13,20 11


Suswam urges FG to ban rice impo"rtation From Toryila J.Jjo,Mahunf

era! mectingoflhe NIgeria Institute of Food Sdmce and TecImology in

GOVERNOR Gabriel Suswam of Benue State has called on tI,e r-cdera! Gm-emment to b;tn the importation of rice to stabillze tile nation's eamorny. TIle gtn-emor, who made the all r-sterday while declaring open lbe 35th annual conferen~ and gen·

,., lakurd i. said the importation of rice LillO Ihe country had long affected the production and dlstribu tlon of local rice In the country. Rqmsented by his deputl~ O lld' S\.e\-e Lawanl, Suswan said his adminislralion was millngammgc· mmJ. to further boost food. produc-

'Killing of poli<:e officers devastating' From Um ar Jlb,il u Gwandu. Bimin· Kebbl NORT H-WEST Commissioner in charge of Mobile Police Mr. Philemon Ibrahim Lelha has dec ried the rite It which criminals kill police officers In the cou nt ry. Speaking yesterday In Birnl nKebbi while on a (ourtes)' " Isit to Kebbl State Govt'mor, Leha said hi~ command wou ld be reorganIzed to build more mobile police barrlCks. lmpro\'e the prov ision of adeqoate infra-

structures and logisticS needed for nallonal seco rit y. According to him, t he Federal GO I'cr umen t has approved the Inspection of all th e Mobile Police Headq uar ters in Ihe sill geo-poli tica l zones and the con duct of sensltlution wo rks hops on p~nona l 5afety o ( mt'mben. Kebb i State Depoty GOI'erno r. Alhaji Ibrahim K. Ali)"\!. who received the commissioner. u.id th e Slate gove r nment had signed a Memorandum of Understand ing wit h th e police on ways o f combating crirnes in th e slale.

tion in the stille with the purchase of 130 tmelOrs (or flrmers It I su,"ld1z.cdrate. Hea.lled on reJ~vantagencic:s;md research institutes tocoUaboril.te and come out wi tl, nelv strategies that ....'OUld boost food production in tbe "'""try. Also spaldng. the Vice OlancdlOl' of the University of Agricul-

tuIe Makunii, Prof. Danid lha said Nigeria agriculture isstillat the subsistence b'el ....;th o\~r 60 percent of produce lost to spoUagc. In his remarks, President of the Ni~illn5titute of Food Scicno: and Tt:dmoIogy Dr John ObIora Onuon said the Institute was established 10 enhance the production. supply and p!'CSCmlUon of quality food.

Secondary school teachers corrupt -Comm issioner KADUNA State Cormnissioncr


EdllGltioo " Iohammed Usman has alk-gnI tNt secondary school teachers

munitics and sodct). at large. Policy gm'Cming tIltry into preparation for te;Khing should I'C5t on tht' need to provick sodcty \lith an adequate suppil'oftcadlCf'5wllO ~ the n!'tt'liSZfy moral lntdlcctual and ph)'sk:al quaIitib lind who ha\'C UM! rcquirtd


in theCOWltryartcormpt. T HE \l hide inspection officer thai ll.ecommissioncr, \\11Ospoke)l':Scru..<hnr Hauwa'u Suleitmm. motha Icrtb)· in Kldlll1latl .....UI'I(ShoporganIn htr remana. EFCC Chairman of to. i,' Zllli~ on Sq:temba 2R this Iud by the Economic and Finitndal ynr I,a ; been swnmoned (or /1I\'e$CrimesComm~(Ercq i'orsecfurida Wniri, Ivho was ~ br zn offidaI ri tilt' commission ,., Ir ligatbo, DirK10r o( \,dllde 1n.«p!:C· ondaryschool inlqritychlblcadaersin Gl!brid Aduda..s:Ud 'OI'k!llOp .....as lion in Niger State UrnII' ~Ioham­ the North·west zone med!U ki has said.. I'cad!m 0( th~ ~t day a~ aimed at iflstilllng "\he principle and Kuk! said he was direc:ted by tlK' vielvtd as unprod~ boong pIillo5apIl)' of Intcgrit)· in teachers '0 ~t~lel;: ( onlmissioner (01' TrallSport. koowicdge,leadmhipnm rmitudc educale students fOr future l(3(\c:rship Saldu Idris to sommon Ibmhlm and sdl1esssm1ce. 111eydonhpear- \lith intcgrityand high mornI. ethical Osman Mohmlmed for the offenct' head the <k-.-e1oprOOtt of theit' rom- """'mi" he aU!g!dlyrummHted. "11m-him lisman Moh;unmt:d and his boss in StJlcja division ha\'t' been 51mrnoned (or prdi minary hl\'CSti[3Uon. If it mcam 10 coostl· From Hamta Idris, Maldug!l!i 2 1 Armoured Brigade ye5tenlar, ment andcod~ of condoct. We hne Mt'anwhile, traders 0( the GSM lulea plflt'loCinvesligalion. lhat will described thekilUng as. sc:tback to started invcstiga tinglhe kilIif"Band market )'t'Sterday dosed shl1ps to be dono: quickly for im'CStigatlun to THE Join! Task Force (fTF) in the elTorn of the military tOlvanb the suspect wiD fKe fun military prot~t the kill ing o( their leader. Borno Slate has said that the wIrestoring pe:lce in Maldugorl and discipline. . Theirspokesman DanlaUli Habo mmmcnce in t'IImCSt': he Aid. Kuki, ~'ho IISsl.l~ tlu l the pre· dier that killed the leaderof phone environs. -, wan! to assure you that IChe said. ·We want the (edenl govern _ Um ina]'lm'esl.lgation would bcconrepairers in l\-laid uguri Tuesday ·We want to extend our con- is found guilt}'. he VI' ilI fa~ tbt' full men! 10 look into the issue. We are dud~d jT:Slmiay, $ald the: qut'Slions wlU face · rull military disdpline·, dolences to the families or the wrath of the law. incloding dlslal.-abidingdtizens who Ife purso· of 111ten Mu hammed tn"eUed 10 JT!' Spokesman Lieutenant deceased o"erth e unfortuna~ Ind- missal before he will be handed ing legitimate busine5s and there· Z=i0l a,d whose I>t'rrnission would Colonel Mohammed Hau an, dent. Again, I IVllnl to repeat thaI over to the police for pros«otlou; fore wonder wh)' a militarl' officer bedcte"mincd. whl? spoke to newsmen It th e the mi1it~ry have roles of engage- the spokesman Sllld, ,... i11 allack us; he said, --------~~~~~~~~~~~-=~~=-----~~~~--

Soldier to be disciplined for killing phone repairer

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