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Tuesday, Septe mber 13,2011


Business/Agric '~1I1ffl)(ti"e

legislation would bi{iA1 ~11 revolution in-agrk sector' 10 enjoy the dividend or d elll ocrncy because

r..( >RH I::R ~ t'J!:o.I~ PI1!:;idenl, Olie(K~ NnaI11mi :;o !tl dfe live Icgis1atie rl i5 !;fm:iaito I~ su'xe!" "mdrou OIenam:eof:o. grttn ll!\'tlluli('n in Lhcagrk ullu lT sedor in N ig!'l"i2Nll;'m~'li who has been sdc<:tcri l{! join the Go)\"efl!it':! Council of the \';oniamcnlary r-o(\1I11 for [hocnocracy (PFD), an apt!X ....urld bod)' "Pel 10 senior runner lc-gislalors \\~th

pl'O'l-e-J tr.ll:k r::te rd of uph olding democracy, ~d he Imuld used the plalfoml to promote the C1l!~fKO: 1;If good policies in Nigma cspcc!ally in II,C' art'a.'; of agrtculture and the mvirt'llmcn l

Spc::<'.king t' JjcumaliJ;ts in Ahuja. Nnamani said the forum .....,ould brtngabout ddiberalions in the l\Tt:a or :lgricultUR so that the country wouldL-e ilIa r osition loexport food l!.lStead of importi ng items like riet" from Thailand -" lis forom is good for Nigt"li3n kghlalure ~u:;e mos t or our legislators come in to the dmmbe"rs without reaIly underntanding the cr:tft olleg's l;\t\m; but forums like the PFD an: meant 10 strnlgthcn democratic parliame1IL~ esped:'nr in countri es in trnmition to d cmoc"IC}~

It rromo t!S d em ocratic principles and advanc~

the I ighl5 of the people ~erywhere

if weconcentrate on the agdculture secto r, we call create employment for ou r young grndu~tes .

Legi~lation Is oot thought i!lSt:h ooIs and a body of this nature would have inlpact o n the \"arious m emuersof assemblies in tcadlmg the crnftoflegislalion; he said. On tl le environment, he said issues of oil spWs ru::rms Nigeria C211 be tackled witll good legislations put in place because Icgi!;latoruTe deliberators ofimles o f natio nal interest and th e)' also must knmvwhat they an:: dclibernt· ingupon. Hesaid ·we nreall products of oorowironm enl, the issue or environmental dcgt3dation due looil pollution has ",TICked great havoc on pc1>p1c in the affected region and theyare faced witll adoubleJcopan:lr They cannot practice ranning and fish ing. and a lot o f tl lC. pl'llple repraenUng them in the Icgislatlllt! may not be vao;t in this area and may not be conversant with bws related to this problem both locaI.Iy and illiemation ally and this is where this forum comes Into play because it projects the nations oil pollution dlaJ1enge n n tll!! international plalfoml thereby attracting more attention and prompt solu tion; h esaid.

'A griculture wou ld addJess Nigeria's economic challenges'


are;! dlvCJ5 incd conglome rlltc, current lv the I~r!!e st indll~ tti:>1 tong!f)m~ t a t'! In We.~1 Mrle;! ;tnd nne 01Ihe b;gge s! in Ar.l ca. lIl$o Wi th lntPfest atTr.$S a fi!llg~ 01 sectors In AFrica Ou r hilld- ea ml'd busineu H'put.ltion lor e~ce ll enc'! i~ i1Chic~edwitha wOfld cfnssw(lrk fo' ce.


We are cur rell tly opandin g: our operations In line with (llI r e.~p amlon drl Y@. Cons!'.q\! ently W'I! arc seel:ing 'nte flig!'.n\. self·mot lv~ t ed an d outst:\lIdlng il'ldividuals to Ii'l the rol' ('""in1 Vilcant posi tions ' I.


lob Descriptio n Managing the operations and maln ten ~nce o f the compa'lY's fleet as assigned. Deve loping and Implementing neel pr e~'En t ive maintenance pl"Dgramme. MonllO! ing and t r:ICklng of trucks from day 01 dispatch to destiMUon of deliver .... Liaising with u:!nlr~ 1 e ngineering Ylt'rl:shop and proper utiUlllUon 01produ!J ion Ume Ensuring strict compliance and enl!l'tt'l!m@nt 01 ~irting wrnpanV poIide~ and procedur("S Planning of dailv a~tiviUes 01transpoft operation and ensu ring Sill'! dellv-e ry 01 goods. ManagIng fleet de partment budget, p.ep~rln8 short and 10118 term plans for the fle~t Including. routing and scheduling. overseeing cornp.1I'TV·S compliance lind reporting;ls It reilltes to lhe fleet Pl!rlorming related dulles as r'l!qulred. Requl l'f!dS kl lls

Ab!llly to direc:t and eva luate neet officers In th e ac[ompllshmenl o f goats and objectives Demonstrated ability to manage pr lOfltil!J ilnd workload. Compute r skills, planhlng and adm in ~lr.ltive skills. Knowledge 01warIe team concepts ilnd prCld wcll-lily $Iand~rd ir, a tru ck It'pai. facililY. Effectlve oral and written communica tion ski ll s. QUall nCilllo n and RequirementJ 8.5c/HNO In Soctal Sciences, EngineerIng o r related lie lds fro m II retotlnited Unlvl!rslty Polrtec:hnic. MBll/MSC fs anadde d adViinlilge Must have comple ted NVSC or have a n eJt@mptionletter. Applica nt must be pr oliclent In MS Excel, Wo rd and Power polnl Mini mum o f 5 ve<ll'$ [ og01lte exper lence In Ihe role. Pro f~slonil l Qualifications like Clll,Nln or 8i15ic Pro/ect Manilg\!ment will be an adViintilge. Of

BJTma ll. Il ~~n

AGIUCUL:rI JRE has heen describrd as o n e o r Nigeria'$ m ost powerru lloois for add ressing II'e ch allenge< of employmen t c reation, ilnpnlYcd p i b Ile h ealth and grca t~r economic gro\' 1h. Di~tor fj eneral the Intern atiollal Insti tu te of f mpical Agriculture (IITA), Peler H:mll1;'nn saM there is n eed to focu.s 011 iilf!Ticultlll : t-ecausc the stt to r <lccounls fo r 71} perce,t of th e peo pl e in the rural ellll'lorrn~!lt, growing d emand for rood and tlu: fact Ihal tI'~ 5el:lor(Qnlribule.s44 percent of thr Grou lJO ln cstlc Prod uct (GDP. Pre:lCnli n ~ iii paper titled · Forging 311 ccofl<llnic lr;nsfor1l\;l.tio n: lhe role of agric ultu r.>1 reSi!an:h and p rod uctivity'" a t a monlhly f.!i:: \urc series of the National Instit ute ofS l dal and Eco n o mic Rescan:h (N1SER) in Iharlan, Hartmann said the tnlOsfo nn atj, ," of agricuhtue would stimu late small a ll'l medium sizr! in dus tries tha t are In fact thl engine I...f ~ooomic g rowth. H 'lrtman'l said acltie\;ng cconomlc trnn~(o rm:lti"n would requiTe more hh'CSt· ment ~ in a~'I::ultural resa.rc h and development as well as the d~ vdoplllcnt o r in (ras tru ctll rc. H e als'J S"li d Nigeria n«ds 10 b uild Its


d efe nse agaInst biolOgical tbrea ts to crops as is being d o ne for th e milit3f)'. He noted Illal agric ulturc In Nigeria in recent dec:Jdes has been II l1I:glectcd Stttor, addi ng that gains h a\'e been constr.llincd by weak institutions and in adeq uate infrastruc-


·Th~e constrain l5 are wl'li kno\\'n. Less known arc the lim ited application of tech "ol ogi~. th e low skill bal'C in th e secto r, and ' il$ aging populati on. The youn g :tee Iled ng TUr.l1 areas a nd th e produdion si d e or the $ecto r. Similarl ),. financial institu tio ns view th e agricul tural secto r as ri sk)' and so it Teceives a very s mall portion o f commercial c!'rd it:' he 1am ent ~ According a stalem ent issuro by llTA signed by God win A!ser, the DG saId getlin g the young Interested in agr icultu re and developing a supportive finand al sys tem to facilitate the access of ranllers. trad ers, and proccs5Qrs to c redit could go a lo ng w.lf in addressing seve ral national nea.l s. H e d escr ibed th e agricultu ral ~tt in g In N igeria as 'dynamic,' explain in g that the problem s and chall enges fa ci ng agrtcul ture could be turn ed to profi l5. ~Fo r Instance, post-harvest loses in Nigeria_could be turned arou nd with more processing of wh a! farm ers h arvest," he

Kwali to improve agricsector 1"1'1 E cll almB n o fKwali Area Coun cil, Mr. Joseph Shazin said at the \\'eelu:- nd that his admi ni5t rath ns would continue 10 accord prl o rily to d ' e d evel opme n t o f agriculture in thr. cOll n c-l H e ob~el ved Ih at agricu lture, w h ich WM Ih~ mairS(:••yof tbecountryseconomr be fore tJl e d lKovery o f o il has been rel eg"ted 10 the I:ackground. Th'! couflcil h as the highest land m ass of l ,800 squ,re kilometres which he said is nearly 22.5 1'ercent of the Federal C2pital Territory. H e h owe-'ec stated that the qu est or the council tow, rd s taking full advantag~ofil$

resources und e r thc prese nt ad rni llistration wa s e nhan ced thro ugh a co n ducive b lu e print o f h is first te n ure in office fOT bo th agriculture and econ o m y d evelo pme nt of th ecoundl. Acco rding to him, part o r th e inl plem e ntatio n o f the blue print was to ensure tllat Imparect policies witn essed in the past by 50me local rarme rs an: adequatc1y tak~n c are of. Th e council boss disdml ed that arrange ment h as bcclJ put in pl,,-ce to pro cu re fo ur new tractors w h ich he $3.ld would be h ired to genuine fanners a t II s u bsidized rate, a dding that the councU wiU procu n: grains lind seed.1ings ror farmen In order to boost the ir rarmlng activity.

2. fLfETDfFICERS Job De!uipl't'n SuPervising ~nd O'lanlling 01 the fleet operations. Preparing d ail .... __ e~I ..., monthly ~n d yearly report a n 1he fleet. I'Isslstlng In prompt recovery o f trucks f.om police, olher lalY enforcemerr t ilgel1cies ~nd highway breil~down when necessa ry. Ensuring Iruck drivers adhere to schedule and route deSlfn~tiOfl of truch on Ihe highway. Ensuring st rict complla n<:e and en lOftenlen t 01 e~ isting com pan ... IlQllcles and proeedun:s Ensu rlns strict adhe rence to the Turn around lime and road wollhlness or all trud-oS umlertheneet. Ens uring q uick respoll!;e fn;mJ Truck Repair centre lind optimum 1I1iliraiion of resources. Per fo! mins related dUlles as required. n~qo)ired

Shit1s computer s~.ills, planning and administrative s~iIIs . Knowledge of work team concep15 l1l1d productivity standard in a truck repair facilit .... Effectlv-I! ora! and commul1lQtlon s~1115.

QualillClilill'n ami n equlTemer.15 B.sc/HtlD In sodal sdetlces. Engltlcerlng or refilted n~ld s from a rl!COtfllled Uni\l'('f~ilV Pol ytl!!:hnic. Must have cl1IIlpleted NYSC or have an e.'l~mption leIter, Appficant mun be profldenl ll1MS Ef.(el, Word ,lOd Pcrwer rolnt. MinImum 01 1 yeal'5 cognate e~pe rlen re in [ he ro le. Profe5~IOtlal qu"liflca tions like Chan@md Instltut@ 01 l ogin.es arur Tlansport NI!l.eri~ (Oll), Nlge1"la Institute of Tr.lIls pOft Ted1 nolo8Y (f',u n) o r basic Project Management win b@an "dvantilg@.


reAppty Interested persons should se nd '" their within two weeta of this pub!1cat~n

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flee trecrultment @dangot.·llroup.com

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