Farmers' market
What the farmers say...
farmers' pictures
Wednesday, November 14.2012
one ofthc leading sUtes In agncuhural production
the country It is not
only producing enough (or Its consumption, but il is also feeding other statu with the i.gricultural produce locally produced in the stillte. Though the ~ IS a ~ pn:tduczr cl b:xt and cash crops. it 15 abo aleadmg prodUCJer cl pqyer. tonuIloc:5, ~ W3lcnndon. de.. Kano is one cl the nrly bmdkwics ofirngmon &mung, A chcdt. at ffiCIIt of the nwkcts In Kano ycstenb.y revealed thai. though then- m" a lot of fmn product: In all the ma.rkrts In the anomt aty. the pnces ~ not too.attracll~ a Wgc
agncuIturai producing lown like Kano.
A medium dz.lHisket of hot red pepper 9{AtUlruhul _ _ or f N400.
wate... _Ion
9_ '0\" . . .OQ
A crute of 1t99 " H6S0.
OnelNiliof atb~.IJ
Note that these prices are as at yesterday and are subject to "uduation.
Compil"d by Ami"lI' IUlh do IktChub'u '~
QuestiOns I 107 an: similar. Pkuc. I would want to know how much Will cos t to get the mini movable pond. fingerlm8~' fr:ed and mM.IUIIOM and how long It ¥ouuld tau for them to grow' Q2 - How can I ~I Iht' mml lTlOVeablt' fish pond, whallS Iht' poet' and u~Clly' 08069487088 Q3- un i 8d' movable fOO pond Ihal can taU above 1000 fLdl and ....·heITCiin I pI.. '" II up? Aliyu Umar Minna.,.08065600911 Q4 - Please, can you lei me know where 10 gn the mOlleable fish pond mu dl~pbyed 10 your page? 08083990998 Q5 rlC'ilK"'hcrc will i ~ the mmi mID'abie fISh pond in Abu,<II' 080:4/103082 Q6 Whalls the cost of a mini m~ablt' fish pond' 08036821129 Q7 - PIcHe whcrecan I buy mIDi movuble fish pond? 08054763955 Answtt: Effort i5 bemg made to rnch out to the milnufacturen; of the a"-\Ortcd mUll fish pond to advnt~ Iht'IT product along With their pnces. capadlles, fuJI add~ of the manufacturen andcveryotherdet<ll.ll about the pond forasy re<llch by the numC'rou~ customen willing to Tach them QS . I am a poultry farmer and also wilnt to be producer of egg crnte, Pln..~, conn«t me 10 the mould manuf-acturt'n_ Ibratum Mustapha, Maldugun. 80mu swe 080309]1241 Aruwu: Manuracturtf!l of egg -crt'Ilts arc our rcguIu re<llden. They Will soon adverllse thell full conlact address <lind dd<lllU of Ihelr products for }'OU and other numt'r(lU~ customen. upccl th<llt soon, plcuc:. Queslion 8 • I <11m highly intere:stN 10 poultry filrmmg. but the mrut conrrontmg chaUt'nges I am now fadng is thilt the chidtC'M dlcs mid-way. I want 10 know the prescribed drug that will be taken by them on a regular baSIS and thaI Will prevent them rrom contacting any other infection and i want other useful informallon that Will allow me to curb this menace' Disturbed! Zahal. Kaduna state. 07033 166718. Answtt: Animals, planll and blrlu arc too sensilive \0 mC'du:auon It 15 advtsable you contact tht' Vd nary s«ltOn of Kaduna state MInistry of Agneuiturc: for proper guidance. plc:a.sc.