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I ~7. __~__~______~~~~C Business


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Nigeria's new""IBank Country Director reSUI11es e, lmffll


ll-IE ne" . ¥.b:ld Bank Country ~ filf rfb'Crla. I lark: Fr.mcoi~ Marie.-Ndlr. has for·

- ~fO\'~.tmdeandreg'onal intcgrntion. Mt.1aric: Pr.tn.;oLo:e t.1arie-NdlywiD also work

(IDA) projects CO\mng Infrnstructlm. agrituI-


Marie Frmooise Marie NdIy tnk£s 0Vtt from Onno RuhL who has sillCl': mumed to and

tl.=, htlman~~andgcn'Cl'1t3IKe.

cW macrocamomlc gains hi' improving budget aIJoc11ion and the quality o( pulJlIc spmdlng as r:~surlied 111 ~ pu<;ition at the Wodd Bank The fo~nch national,,vhosnppcb'lment was ,,-aI as lead and support 5taff ill implementing Hcadquartm in \\'ashingtoo, DC. eft"Ctf','!l fnce Septcmbd' I. jollled the World the prklritX';s of the new Afiica S\rategy wlille Prior to q urning th.jj position. she ~ II.'\!\kin}'JgtISt J994,asaP\Jblic EnterpIis!'Spe- adJusting to 00I'p0f3tC mtIid:::s and cppoJtwU' as Country Director for the RcpubIk: cfCol'JgD d.,U51: III t''IC "'est and Cmu-all\ frica Industry & ties,~F.ztkweslliw! and the Dernocr.llic ~dCongo. where MmeF~"L:!rie.Ndll' wmkaddbts she helped ddr.u the IaJF5l debt n!I!d'" ~ En~rOJr:mlions [)qxutment. III ~ ~llenlenl announcing her appointmmt by the BanlU; ctluutrytealn In NigerialOsIwpm In Ihe Miaydthe H~ inilialh'e(SllJ billion bstAu;Ju"l3. the VICe Prtsidcol Africa Region, the impact ofWodd BW'Rlnd!d ~-dopn1ml forDRCoogo). SIooe joining the Bank, "'-Is. Marie-Nelly Iw Ol.I I ...d:weslllsaklll'!tresp~"u.dd ~ in thecountry. . l be \\brId Bankponillio ill N'pconsist:s \,uOOdextemi\rlyon prMte!C'dortb~ «,,1Si!t,a!non8othCls,ofS\ln:lCI'tingth'!gao.~­ " tt:nL.. it '~opmenl prkwities indudingl'.'d!.K:3. of 26 Intemalion:!l. lJe\'dopmmt Association Issues. HI'!" amIS r:L apc::rtise iDdude ~ m~l1y3:;1l 'mcdoffice.

inttgralion, ....ith partirular focus on rtgionaI infrastJuctun; in&astrott~rdated ~ory rd"omr. public mterprise rdixm; private 5ledor del-dopment as well 1$ management petr0leum rno'llrca. _ uml"m\ 2000 and 200t ~-Is. Marie-NeD)" scr.-mll5 PrograJn Managerln d WFr(~ inlegr.ttion and coopmltillll In the Office 01: lhe V~ President lOr Aliica. In Ihat apacit}~ she ·W35 fnstrumml:ll in the tbmprllCltlofastrnleglcf"nnlC'\''OI'ktopromote deeper regIomllnlegration InSubSalwan.Afiica inorderloaddsas thefngmmtaliono( theCDnliom( which blhlbits its ability toattrad.significanl im~K'IlIsand IoCOlTTpek' on global rnarkds.


FCT 1:reates r~\flm U e bQard lHE F( r (I.·Unl5ter, $m;rtOr nala Ah1ul!:z';r Moharnrrd, has anllOUf\O. d the Ot'ctfon of the R:T Pt'"icnue"1orutl whk:h is c:tp«tco;:l to 1.11:!orrto1f1.

TIle rr mister made this annoulIcenr. nl in h J n:nulI'hUerttd\1ng1he Senate Cl1mmittl.'e on ra when he f!id th~ reI" Administration tI CtJUrt~a1l

TIll' rlinista" said lhe annlllJJlC:e-

l"'1mt had becorne necessary du ~ 10 tI~ cooa~ assurnncc:s r;i'-m by the o.altmaIloCtheSmateCon1rn~br


',-.:......:-...:!;.. - .


itScallypr.ntge intobwalboth Houses of tilt i'blional J\sscmtjyon or bem !UIU:uy2' l ll.

J\o:ading 10 him.1he FCT R~'eoperatum will dr.rs-

111.1! Boor I when

tlo:~rh"l 'fU".~ tl lC: intcmaII)'genaalcd ltI-enueo~tlte ,\drnlnbtr;ttionas\d~

,,,,,,,ide.. kIltionaIonpkJ)'mM;OfporIWlity bthe~tso{theFCr.

MohF-nU1"led said the Fer I\d! ninislration IllS ptil linn m«fwdmo..5 on grwnd II' block.tIlbk2ges from revenue aro uabk: 10 tire Fer Adminis1r.!1.lon. H~ apmsed tlledctmninaliun of ill-: adml'listr.ltio!l to among otJ~ get the bill lOr tiM! anOOn ofFer enil Strvk:e fhard and the FCTTran.'port I\ smcr j: ~l

In hili I"Cmark. tlledJairmanoft[1C' Senate (oml1lillec on ra. Senator

Smart A1e)'ttlll reassured till: Fer Adminis·ntion tll."II the Commiltee iscon!pll ;ng I1illson which kgisl;m..-.e nctioos \\ m I10l cnnduded during the 61h ~!al e. ror dfectr.~ Icgisb lioo and lfl.dckp;l"$"ICC' In\o l;lw~ the end ofJ1)J2..

Global leaders meet over food security challenge From flllA. HmiJrlinla\Q, t.WI!dSfat!5

fQlU.tERPresidents,OUd'Em:utM O!fJcn"S ofsome at/Ie \\'orId'51rugest

crisis especially In Africa and caDed stakeholders 10 'think forward' eym as tire world's popuJation continues logrew. President ·of the WFF. ~ncth Quinn. said the d lallenge of hunger ICJOS$the gJOOe must be confronted SlIaight on by both go'o"m1ments and tI1c pm"lJtescctorpla)'eI"1todrh'e fOOd production alld lood a\-aUabl UI)' and address arms tlHI1 are most volatile to hunger such ascountries In the hanl

agricultural oomparties, poIicymakcrs and World Food Prize (WI:P) hrureales in various coun tries ;tCTO!S the world h2\'e g<lthcrt'd in Des Moines, JOWl!. in the United States of America to find solution togrewiflgfoodsecurit)' shortages. Meeti ng during the 20 11 25th arull\l:rsary of Norman E. Borlaug ofAfrka. World r-ood Prne(WFP) and InlerHe said the yoonger genO"lln2liollai S)mposturll, Ihe leaden lion needs 10 be invoMd in agritulexprt:.W!d roncem over lhe current ture whUe the challengr: of getting J"ood 5C'alrity dlaUOlgcs and food ifnprovtd lechnotogy In the hands

a rural rarmrrs. e5p«iaIIr in Africa,

addrosi.ngextmne hUllger and f'O'.-


enylnAfricaisthc\\"3)' brlheful~~

finda~ toend hunger..


Presidcnlo(th!' Allian<:e forGrem IWodution in Afro (AGRA), Dr. Ngongi Namanga $\id African gav-

a\'~ also atlr.Kleti fCl"11lC!" PresIdents OJuscgun Obasanjo of Nigeria, Joachim OlWano of t.·lommbiquc and Sir Dam:la Jawan of the Gambia who would be~­ ing at an AfriOt Roundta~ ThesigniIk antof\\"omenandgirls in agricu1lure also came under discussions wI th calls for :llIenlion wt! special ronsitlerntion 10 be gh-m 10 the fenll'Je gender because tI"IC')' constitute the larger f.mning ~.ti0Il

onmenl3 must find a wayalcnding aalit avaU able to smaU holder fanners, :rvailing inf"OI111;l.\lOf) through .. m'ivingcxtension scrvIcesand It pubIicpmlllrpartnership 10 f."\CtthechaJ· ~ordoubling rood production. ~Afro has the greatest chanolge oHood securttytodaybutAfm also hru; Ihepotmtial not onlylo ~ itself but also the world tomorrow, wh.ich 15 but~ha.\~dJsw\";mtagcinlmns why Ihe United Slates' campaign for or KCeS5 10 I:md and farm illl'\lL

Dc,ngote Commences training of indigenous engineers


" ....,-

weeks 1OIkn1~ ",,'111'0 monthsal ITFrorpr;!cti- ha\'C' the people that will shapc them the ...."1Iy cal skills after which they will come back ~ "'e WMI and thats why they arc here.. ror In plant training and will go through dIe "Wedccided '\'e will create our ",111 human THE Dmgote Acadon y 1ocaI.«I at thecanpa.nys Obl;ana Cemmt ractory In Kogi Statr has Heslid lh<III thetr.Unccs will be proI"kbI flft entire ~ment t«hnology Lrainin! and then . factoI)', Uke you hal·e the cement raclOI")~ We cunul -.ew:edthetninlngor.30~f~ ~,rncdicalf.Icilities, fetdinganda ""illwurk in t.heplanl bccrusr we fed. the best ..... iIl have the rotetory to produce consistent art isans and engineers for the group md ror grnduJtt mgillC'a5 WIder tire ~ Graduate montbly itipmd which will cost tlltgroupOYCr ""3)' to learn Ison tbejob In.ill ing.-~ said He opIam«l that the Dangote Academy all the COWltry, lhat Is the genesis oflooking at EngIn~' Trai nlflgSchone(GETS). NJO ::illIion, adding thai afler their graduation, w.u established in ,';c...,.o[ the rae! that the Dangote AOIdony: he said. 11 M! Grnduare I":ngineer Training Schone is lheywill be:Wsorbed into tilt company.. desiglltl l lOrf~pdll2l6lnmgincrringfmm He ~Ki tIw::,i..<ion of tire Prl!Sidmto(tlve Dan- group is goinS 10 grtJW\"Cl)'lHge in the COIllHesaid the group will be lakirgoll(' balch Unh"t'fTtksand f'oI)1echnlcs with a minimum gote Gmup. AIhaji AIDw Dangote fOr tllC acad- ing )-ears. el'!:ry )'nI" In the scheme, addi·lg that ne:<t ~We IIlso SQ/llled the labour market in )"tlI.r, they,\1I1tab more than 30 trainees. emy is (() cn:aI.e a talrnt pfpdin: fOf the Dallgote orsccllnld:m uPllerOi UIl'C'fmml~~y. Spatang at the inal1g\ll"alion uftllCtr.Uneesat busloesses and ~ the skills g::rp betwmr Ule Nigeria and understoodthat thekinwofskill5 He explained that already, IWO batches of that V.'e \\'lInt are not ava.i l abl~ So wh at 15 the VOClItional t~ncesor50eaeh arl!. undergoing tilt lI.C!(I~~ the Dangote GroUI' OlicfHum:lll aa!detnIaalld the Industr"), in Nigeria. Pcrocrt:UfJker, Parnmjit P:lbby si!id tile troll-n~ Irn.inee; \\oil! SO tllrough I. structured option, ",·e hal·e to go and get and make the lmining with the Orstbatch orso 10 l>cgraduf!.'S\\illl'lKkrBoaonr-)'lWtrninlngco\"erlllgbasic ~me ofinducUon hereat Obajana for tll"O people with I.he kindo fskill~ tllatwe need. We ated and absorbed by Jallu2r)'20i2. ttdlnology.pant~IC randst¥'f'"isory

skiDs to mable thmll:xmmc dTem.'e .,.,.,.

li,~ man-

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