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17 news

Thursday, November lS , 2011


Imoke approves 50,000 hectares of land for palm oil farming From Eyo (harl es,'

palm oU fanning. Inaugurating the CaIaro. Ibiac and Biase

Calabar Governor U)"C!I Imoke of Cross Rh"C!t SUle has

confirmed the approval of 50,000 hcdares of land br:longing to thrt'e: communities in Biasr and Akamkpa locaJ Go~mcnl Councils of lhe Slale 10 a

Singaporean finn, Wilmer International. ~---.--



oil plam plantations. the gm-c'rnor said the forclgn finn has global experience in modem oil palm plantation, processing and harvesting and that the company would partner PZ Cmsons Ud.

000 persons. which is

other stale in Nigeria and

equivalent to the work force of the Cross River State government, lmokr:

that its partncnhip with

,.;"He'.said Ihe investment will tl1ll15form the

lhe private .sa:tor is Its first reson"C! in a unique way and is rooIed in a conapt for economic growth and commercial agriculture.

top He abo explained that oil pnxiuaD of oil palm the stale Iw establishtd an in the country. outdoor schemr for local SO'~mor disclosed r.'lf11lCT$ to have access to plantations thai the Slate Intends 10 financial assistance and will have lhe capacity crrate an agricu1tunU agricultunl InputJ: with to employ ~ 20, clustu unmatched by any the vb of ~eving long ........ ........._.. .. _... _-_. __......




communities 10 thc




term 5ustainability. M.inister of Agricult~ Mr. Aldn Adesinl said the ~~nture. which is under the economic agenda of the FWer.t1 GO\-c'mmml, is intended lo change the

fortune of agricultu~ and make il a worthwhile \'CIlIUfC'.

According to the ministC'f' who was ~ted by the Team

awn, Dr. Dickson Oko&o. the' Federal Govnnment has madt availabk N36 million to Coom" 250 hectares to wipeout deficit;

provided" million nuls to nursttyc:stalcs forplanling next ynr; and that the Slate is grtting 166, 123.000 seedlings al N2S million to raise seedlings as ....-eU as support for the rtpIacnnmt ofst\-c'ra1 wild gro\'C pbnu in pilot areas..

Leader. OU Palm Value ......._. __ .. _ .. _........... _...._ ... __ ... _...... _ _ ._.........._. __ l

Dangote Cement

wins 2012 Pearl


awards By Sunday Williams Dangote Cement Pic hu elllerged winner of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEq endcrsed Pearl Award in three different categorie5 of the 2012 edition. A statement from the Dangote Group said the mm~nr was adjudged by the boanl of governors of Pearl Award Nigeria as the WlIlller In IIIdustrial goods seCionalll!3uershlp award. building materials category.

Dangote brand WM also dedarrd as the winner of the highest pmfit margin ralil' JI'>,u.i ill the market CI((II('I1((' c-;lIcgorv for (lIml'dlllc:!



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