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CPN begins move to reunite re.icued boy with parents
FCTA flags off polio immunization today By IQs;r IlNm
Br tto6o Oinlel Sule boy
was allegedly being maltreatfil br his tmtperamental aunt at Kpegi village in the: ra A
"'" """"" by oilldab of the ra OW"""'" d Protection Network (CPN)wa.syesten:byhandedoverto the 8mue SUlechapter of the group for onward trmsfer to his parmI$. The 15-yeu-01d John Azomun. haUl from MI oaliav village in Gboko Local Gover lmellt Area. ofBenue
SpeaJdng during the handing
ceremony. Fer CPN'$ co-
ordinator, Mrs VeronJa K. Umaru, said the boy was rescued 50me
w«ks ago (ollowing information !hey recdved from a Good Samarilao in the ana.
She said the matter has been reported to the NaUonal Human Rights .Commission for investiga-
lions and appropriate Rnctiotu. Mrs Umaru observed that the rescued boy looked more relaxed and refreshed slncc he has been with wm at the CPN facility in Gwarinpa Abuja.
According to the CPN co-ordinatar. the boy's aunt came to Gwarinpaal a point and ~uested forhis $lease but they rt1used, lnsistlng
that they want him to be reunited WIlli ltis family In Benue Stale. She urged the Iknue Stale goy ernment to help in catering for lhe welfare and education of the boy. adding Uta\ he has consistenLiy expressed his desire to continue: with his education. Responding. Chairman of CPN
in Iknue State. Nathanid Mst:n Awuapila said they will ensuft: the
boy is rt:Uniled with the family as soon as P9$Sible. adding that they are a1reaay in touch with the famUylnGboko. He said that tht'y are equally liaising with tht' Bmue Slate government through the State MinisLey of Women Affairs to cater for the boy's rehabilitation and weU being. He commended the officials of FCT CPN for their diligence in the protection of children's rights In the territory in iJne with the provisions of the o.ild Rights Act.
A polio immunization programme. aimed at strengthening Iht'eradicationolpolio in the Federal Capital Terri-
""J'(FCI1 will "dJ.gg<d off today in Ahuja., Dr. Rllwanu Moha.nuncd. the Eucutive SecI"$T)'. FCT Primary HeaIJ.h Care DeYdopmen\ Board. who made this known in Ahuja. alsosaid thai a wk fon:e: on imrnuni7.ation wiD
Hesakl mn Gales~t1y came to Nigma. and me( SO~ stale gow'TTlOB towanis the endica1ion of poIioby~gningmanyagnc
The ra Minister, Sen.. BaJa Mohammed, he saki. signed on behalf of the FCT. adding thai !hue are about 12 indica.tol1l upon which the routine immunization would be strengthened. Dr. Mohammed said lhat people should go to the dinic andgdimmuni7.t(1 ano, hal the monthly Immum~1.Jorl Plus Day (IPO) should be
Dr. Mohammt'dsoUdtherc
are four countries harbouring polio in the wodd which iocludt: lndia, Afghanistan, PaItisWl and Nigeria.. adding that thqr are popularly rd"em:d to as PAIN.
, , .to conduct staff audit
155 PDP members decamp to ANPP at Kwali
""''''''''''''1><'''''''''"""", Join
pIddy lost focus in standing firm 10 champioo the course cl opposition, adding that PDP has bec:o hijadted by some desperate poUtic::iam. '"Today, about ISO members of the PDP have deOdalll) pitch lenl with the ruling ANPP undc-r the leadenhip nl}osl:pb ShaVn. bec:ause !he PDP ship 15 almosc at the brink ol capsWng. while IlllIle de!;pt:rnno poUlidon. h.v. hlj.<bd "" porty for_ idfish pwpose.he said. of"" _
tion thcinaunbentchairman, Joseph
a>undI. _
ABOUT ISS membens of the: Pe0ples De:1tlDCl'1ltk Party (PDP) from Dafa ward of Kw.ali area coundl on Tuesday decamped to the ruling All Nigeria Prq:Jks Party (ANPP) in the
a>.mdl ~ on bdWf of the decamped members. Malam Abdul-
dedded 10 the ruling ANPP bccausc of the: radical transforma-
h7.io. has made towards pnMd+ ingmeaningl"ul ~t in the CJltiTearncoundL He obsetwd. that sino= the am,unpdon of the prueru administJatioo ill the last ooe yar, the chairman has beet abIt: 10 toudJ the liva of r5dcnts cf the rounciI ir'rupec. tive of party HIiliation. AccattIinJt to him, the oppoIiition PDl'in K",-aI1area coundl has com-
SIwin. """"""
......... ro.-""""""olthr: PDP identifying with hill perlOnnaoce in the last one year in offia.
The c:bairman promisc:d to carry the dtamped PDP memben along.
Bwari poultry farmers criticise veterinary officials
11IE FCT Administnation will in the nrn thm:' mom.hs condue :t .eri6cation exercise - to sonod audit 10
are ghost
wori-....T !on ilSt"'ymIL POULTRY farmers in 8warf Ana Council of the FCf have criticised wbat they dacrlbed as poor altitude to work by some veterinary offidais In the area. Mrs Rif1c:alu Tanko, the Proprietrt:ss of Sweet OaiWn Fann, spoke on bcha.1f of the fanners, in an Internewwith the News Agency ofNigt'ria (NAN) in 8warf, FCI', on Wednesday. Sbt' expressrd 1;:01l(:('fll ovt'r the poor response of $Orne of the offidab whenever they were called to render medical services to their birds. I1tcre Is need for the veterinary offidah 10 be up and doing while performing their official duties, to curb the spread of poultry dis-
adding that theooundJ twronduded <U« arnngement to COfTlmCf1Ce rehabili"Theft: is need. for them to tation of aU broken down bore-boies rt:Spond quickly 10 calli to va"ias wdI aJ sinking new ones in each ••nate or provide medication to our birds.community ol the roundl.
Tanka criticised some of the
The XT ~,St'na1Or
for making certain requests which poultry owners sometimes found dIUkult to fulfil -They often requC$t forthe pro· visloD of vehkles to cooYey them to and from farms; they also com· plain of the bad nate of roads to our rums as well as being giving shon natlas.She, the.refore. soIidtcd the suppon and cooperation of the veterinarians to preVf:nt their birds from dying. Tanko urged Nigerians to eat mort' of chickt'n than beef or other red meat to avoid heart disease, gout, cholesterol rise and other related siduu:5Se5. She stressed the Deed for both
8a1a MoI~ mmcd, gave this directh'!: during an Emergency f..ucuJ:fo,oe Committee (EXCO) meeting in Ahuja.
the government and the private sector to invest in poultry production 10 generate employment, innease economk activities and t'Dcourage healthy living.
The Minister ~ that the FCT Administration is heavy in terms rL staff apacity and thett is need ix- a \'!:rification eJZrdse to ~ that emoluments ~ only paid to gt'fIuine staffon
H e said the ~ will cut pcrmnnd msl whim wiIl be in WI"ISOlIaIlCI!: with the promise fmidmt Goodltrl Jonathan made to N"pans. lit: stated that the FCl" Adminisuation wiIl be re-
pooition«! ... 1m""",,, SttYic:es to the residents ol the telTitory in line with the
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Federal GovernmcnL